ruff linkagecameron, conspiracy, ecology, environment, futurist, kids, linkdump, social media, video on ruff linkage 201628 ruff linkage 201628 [weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]
pieceoBabbel, pieceoButtahdiet, ecology, environment, green, vegan, vegetarian3 Comments on Review: The Vegetarian Myth – food, justice, sustainability by Lierre Keith Review: The Vegetarian Myth – food, justice, sustainability by Lierre Keith A few weeks ago i finished reading
ideeSwiss, pieceoBolitixactivism, ecology, environment, greenpeace, spencertunick on WTF? naked people try to melt the glaciers WTF? naked people try to melt the glaciers
gadgetMinded, pieceoBolitixapple, ecology, environment, green, politics on a greener apple a greener apple yesterday apple put the “a greener apple”
pieceoBolitixenvironment, globalwarming, WWF2 Comments on *melt* *melt* this came in the post today from