interviewed my fugly twin brother1 min read

i am teh fugly hat meinen hässlichen zwillingsbruder interviewt. entweder das oder ich hatte vorher zuviel crack geraucht aus den wasserpfeifen im hintergrund. sehr beängstigend. ich hasse hasse hasse mich auf film und photo zu sehn. das absolute highlight: ich erscheine neben weibel auf dieser übersicht. sakrament.

jan zuppinger zu swiss blog awards, sozialarbeit und sonst noch paar stuffs
59.4 M [.wmv]

check it, on the overview my image currently appears next to weibel. thats probably as close as i’ll ever get to this genius. we are not worthy. but uhm. oh yeah. its not me, in fact must have interviewed my fugly twin brother.
or maybe it was me, but i must have had a bad hair non-day from hell or sumink. or smoked too much crack in one of them water pipes behind me.

jan zuppinger on swiss blog awards, social work and other stuffs – in german 59.4 M [.wmv]

12 Replies to “ interviewed my fugly twin brother1 min read

  1. yeah! promoting the blog awards on every channel, go on. but the navigation on is somehow confusing. well, I found the piece after a while and now i’m downloading the 60 megs, it will last about 1 hour… that sucks.

  2. auch christoph schlingensief sagt: “ich will keine zuschauer, ich will meine eigene droge produzieren.”

    die waffen der kunst, seite 22. in: carl hegemann, 2003, ausbruch der kunst, alexander verlag, berlin

  3. @ /sms: aber du gibst zu, selbst dich hat mein hässlicher zwillingsbruder gettäuscht. cooles zitat.

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  5. ach, ich geb dir ja so was von recht! (wieso muss ich jetzt “recht” sagen?.. scheisse…)

  6. I loooooove your fugly twin brother. Above all his voice and how he uses his hands while talking. Sexeh. And he’s oh so smart. *sighs*

  7. Hmm… ’tis a very hard decision though.. he has such pretty eyes that look so attentively.

    I miss you too. You should come to Fumetto in Luzifern.

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