[teh glorious interweb what got stuck in my camino tabs this past week]
hoax of the week
WHO CAN EXPLAIN ????? – “We tried but didn’t make it…maybe only with phone brands or models ???” can you really make popcorn with mobile phones? hmm …
So the “microwave popcorn with your phone” thing is a hoax. Done how? – “Suggestions so far: trick editing (I don’t think so – OK, it’s on YouTube, but there’s no suggestion of a cut at all) or a heating element under the table.”
online video killed the
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU – “The new short film by Blu an ambiguous animation painted on public walls.” spectacular stopmotion graffiti animation.
Brighton Port Authority – Toe Jam – “Norman Cook aka Fat Boy Slim in collaboration with David Byrne and Dizzee Rascal” almost nekkid. almost.
Der HDL-Song – “DiEseS LieD IsT FüR aLLe MeInE LieBEn FReuNdE UnD soLCHe, DiE eS WerDeN wOLLeN! Hab euch alle meeeegaaaaaaa lüüüübbbb!!!!!!” another cute wannabe internet star. sings in german.
‘Warcraft’ Sequel Lets Gamers Play A Character Playing ‘Warcraft’ – sounds amazing – ly stupid. and midly funny.
Pizza Party (Unix) – howto order pizza using command line.
schmooze and abuse
The Other Side by Istvan Banyai – “wordless picture book devoted to the study of opposing vantage-points.” [via swissmiss]
Pixaboy EURO2008 – the pixaboy game was added to facebook.
WTF!? Internet Addiction Nominated for Entry in the Manual of Mental Disorders – “First, we all had mild Asperger’s. Now, Internet addiction disorder? Give a geek a break.” or a wired loony bin?
Timur Bekmambetov Punks the World With Viral Video – “Those fearing that their cubicle neighbor might engage in similar hysterics can breathe easy — it was all a sly bit of viral marketing from Timur Bekmambetov for Wanted.” yeh, but please do explain what a viral video having nothing in common with the movie should do to promote the movie?
Mystery on Fifth Avenue – “some of that furniture and some of those walls conceal secrets — messages, games and treasures — that make up a Rube Goldberg maze of systems and contraptions conceived by a young architectural designer named Eric Clough”
Field Guide to Firefox 3 – “the new and improved features you’ll see in the browser.”
SUCK UK – Mix Tape USB Drive – “Create your own unique mix tape
Artists for Tibet Poster – “Tibet Solitarity Concerts at the Bundesplatz Bern. Sunday 6th of July, 2008, 11AM – 7PM.” good job, but what do elephants and tibet have in common?
The One Flag – “We invite you to create a flag – free from language and well-worn clichés – that embodies the idea of global citizenship. A symbol that triggers pride and cohesion, whether worn on a backpack, displayed on a door, or flown on a flagpole.” another noble adbusters idea.
The man who fell off a sofa while laughing – and ended up in court – “A man was handcuffed, arrested and dragged before a court after falling off the settee with laughter while watching Have I Got News For You.” rofl.
Boy, 13, ‘hanged himself after he was bullied on Bebo for being a fan of Emo music’ – “A teenager said to have been bullied on the social networking site Bebo has been found hanged in his bedroom.” sounds a bit emo.
Wordle – Beautiful Word Clouds – “Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. ” it aint loading for me (camino), but the idea sounds great. [via waxy]
Zipidee – “Zipidee empowers PGC digi-good owners, from aspiring media moguls to large media companies, to generate revenue from their digital content” good thinking: stream = free, download = pay.
Get Started With the Yahoo HTTP Geocoder API – “Yahoo’s HTTP Geocoder API is easy to use, and its output is easy to incorporate maps into your applications.”
7 summer fragrance tips – i should somehow be able to slip this one to our downstairs neighbor, a 30 year old parfumwolke par excellence.
Vending machine provides release for anger – “This “Passive Aggressive Vending Machine” by artist Yarisa Kublitz is filled with fine China. When someone puts in a coin, and selects an object, the piece will fall to the bottom, shattering into a million tiny pieces.” dunno why it is called passive aggressive, this is pretty open aggressivity, but great idea still.
you bastard – meow
Cool Tool: Organizes desk-bound cords – “They’re cheap polyethylene sheets you either stick or screw to the edge of your desk and then snap the cables coming from your computer and peripherals into the recesses.” very! [via bb]
Cory Doctorow’s Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now – “Free downloadable version of the IDW comic collection “Cory Doctorow’s Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now,” which collects the six-issue comic of adaptations from Doctorow’s award-winning science fiction stories.”
Metallica Kills Early Reviews of Upcoming Album – “Oh, Metallica, why can’t you get it right? The band […] has apparently unleashed another potentially damaging fiasco upon itself by forcing bloggers to take down reviews of their upcoming album.
Tom Sachs at Sperone Westwater – “The show is called Animals so there’s a fair amount of pieces which explore the presence of the animalistic in our everyday lives but there’s also some quirky machines and installations.”
The Guerrilla Gardening Homepage – last week i saw a report on tv. and here’s the website. weird homepage tho.
Jan Vormann – Dispatchwork – old walls fixed up with what looks like pieces of lego. [via neatorama]
german crap
Holunderblütensirup – “Man kann Holunderblütensirup mit Mineralwasser oder Sekt verdünnen, in heißem Tee trinken oder über Pudding geben.” i made some this week and already i suffer from hausfrauen-blues.
Hacker-Krimi mit Kultpotential: Die Millennium Trilogie von Stieg Larsson – “Denn nach dreimal 700 Seiten ist Schluss. Für immer. Der Autor Stieg Larsson ist nämlich bereits 2004 gestorben.” looks like a great book trilogy for the holidays.
ZU GAST BEI VERLIERERN – awwww. poor austrians. but they can still make it, while the swiss truely are the losers.
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Heheh, sounds emo… 🙂
Danke für die Links, verschlinge gerade die Cory Doctorow-Comics. (Schlafen kann man hier im Breitsch eh nicht, die Holländer sind noch immer unterwegs…)