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[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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Leitkultur-Debatte: Integriert euch selber!

#watch and

Once Upon a Time in Shaolin – “The only copy of Wu Tang’s most powerful album has fallen into the hands of evil. In order to reclaim it they must join forces with a legend….. Bill “Ghost Bustin” Murray!”

A drone crashes and almost kills Marcel Hirscher – “Watch it in Slow Motion.” The best was his interview after they showed him the images.

KH000//Kopimashin – Peter Sunde created a copy monster that just won’t stop until the music industry is ruined.


Spectre by Radiohead – “Last year we were asked to write a theme tune for the Bond movie Spectre. Yes we were. It didn’t work out, but became something of our own, which we love very much.” Free download. A trillion times better than what was chosen.

It Wasn’t Only Exxon That Knew About Global Warming Since the 1970s – “The “CO2 and Climate Task Force,” which changed in 1980 its name to the “Climate and Energy Task Force,” included researchers from Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Amoco, Phillips, Texaco, Shell, Sunoco and Sohio, among others.”

I was beat up by left anarchists in Greece. : Anarcho_Capitalism – I remembered that I never linked to this here yet. “It hurt really bad and I remember yelling “you’re breaking the NAP” and things like that. “Stop initiating force against me.”” So funny, even if it has gotta be a spoof.

‘Freeganism is not anarchy, it’s just easy’ – “Freeganism on the other hand is a completely passive and parasitic approach towards attack, and can’t even be called a radical line of thought and contradicts itself with anarchism time after time. It is not intersectional and promotes human supremacist (and thus capitalist) ways of thinking. Not buying a product does not stop its production.”

Revealed: How DOJ Gagged Google over Surveillance of WikiLeaks Volunteer – “a travesty that continues at a slow pace”

Climatarian makes the NYT Top New Food Words for 2015 – “CLIMATARIAN (n.) A diet whose primary goal is to reverse climate change. This includes eating locally produced food (to reduce energy spent in transportation), choosing pork and poultry instead of beef and lamb (to limit gas emissions), and using every part of ingredients (apple cores, cheese rinds, etc.) to limit food waste.”

Error 451: There’s Now an HTTP Code for Internet Censorship – “Increasingly, Internet providers are being instructed by courts to block access to websites. This measure is often applied against copyright infringing sites, but not always with a proper explanation. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) just approved a special HTTP status code for these type of legal demands, Error 451.”

Canadian Protesters Keep Shutting Down the Line Nine Oil Pipeline – “The three protesters have been charged with mischief over $5,000 and mischief endangering life, the latter of which can come with major jail time if there is a conviction (maximum sentence is life in prison). One of the women was also charged with resisting arrest.”

Interactive: The Paris Agreement on climate change – “With all debates now resolved and the text finalised, we have produced a second, final edition of this graphic, outlining and explaining all the fundamental components of the Paris deal.” e-mail server seized by German authorities, admin announces – “Vincent Canfield: “I will say that I have the utmost respect for law enforcement.”” He sounds very trustworthy.

HTML-909 – 909 drum machine coded in html5. Yeah duh.

Interview with Heba Yehia Amin, Caram Kapp, and Don Karl of ‘Homeland Is Not a Series’ – “We’re claiming the watermelon. The revolution is on. Kapp: The watermelon uprising. Karl: Don’t tell him our secret plan!”

Interview / Eva and Franco Mattes – “Big companies like Google or Facebook don’t want their users – us – to know that their content is being reviewed. They want to be perceived as transparent tools of self expression, where everyone can ‘share’ whatever they want, when in fact they have incredibly sophisticated ways to control the content.” [via wmmna]

Richard III, and now top of the league: a Midlands city finds its place in history – “Leicester has a richly diverse population. It was one of Britain’s first cities in which the white British community became a minority group. But one of the strengths of not having an overbearing civic identity is that it allows for social adaptation. Leicester, which has large Hindu, Muslim and Sikh populations, has suffered very little ethnic tension. Neither Ukip nor other far right groups have made any headway in the city.”

Art in the Time of Gentrification: Can NYC’s Culture be Saved from Its Economy? – “In that way, even though they’re not responsible for the gentrification, they carry on a certain kind of social gentrification that they do based on their own internal value system. There’s quite a bit of difference there. The original accusation that gay men and artists caused gentrification is totally false. It was caused by policy.”


Leitkultur-Debatte: Integriert euch selber! – “Woran liegt es also, dass wir, die wir mit all der Differenz bislang gut leben konnten, jetzt aber, da Hunderttausende von Flüchtlingen aus dem Nahen Osten kommen, ein Unbehagen zu spüren meinen? Dass sich das Gefühl einer kulturellen Überforderung ausbreitet, der Verdacht, dass diese Differenz nicht zu überbrücken sei, die Vorstellung, dass Syrer und Iraker anders anders seien als die üblichen anderen? Schon haben manche den abgelegten Begriff der Leitkultur wieder aus dem Archiv geholt und fordern die Ankömmlinge zum Bekenntnis dazu auf.”

Keine Zeit für Menschen – “Die Arbeitslast auf vielen Sozialämtern ist für die MitarbeiterInnen kaum mehr zu bewältigen. Das mindert auch die Erfolge der Ämter und schadet nicht nur den Betroffenen. Ein ehemaliger Sozialarbeiter erzählt.”

L’Occident et les barbares – “Les tueurs sont de jeunes fascistes qui ressemblent aux miliciens de Pétain, et dont les motifs sont bourbeux, mortifères et en outre sans contenu véritable. Mais il n’y a pas de raison particulière de faire comme si, au regard de ces gens-là, les armées occidentales représentaient la civilisation. C’est quelque chose de tout à fait inadmissible. La guerre c’est la guerre, c‘est toujours des tueries plus ou moins bourbeuses, et nous avons nous-mêmes torturé, tué, déporté tant et plus dans les guerres coloniales, et après. Et nous continuerons à le faire, à grande échelle, si, comme nos gouvernements le proclament, le temps est venu d’une guerre finale contre le terrorisme”

Rechtspopulisten: Die Macht der Frustrierten – “In Polen, Ungarn und der Schweiz regieren die Rechtspopulisten bereits, in Deutschland und Frankreich ist es vielleicht bald so weit. Es wird schon nicht so schlimm werden, denken viele, mit leisem Ekel. Aber es wird schlimm.”

Auf Instagram glorifizieren Jugendliche ihre psychischen Krankheiten – “Unter dem Hashtag #sue findet man haufenweise Zitate, die sich mit Selbsttötung und Tod auseinandersetzen. Diese einfache Suchfunktion ermöglicht es Teenagern, die an einer psychischen Krankheit leiden, an für sie gefährliches Fotomaterial heranzukommen.”

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