ruff linkage 2015516 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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My photos from the #COP21 protests 7. – 12. December 2015 in Paris.

#watch and

A Short History of Global Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning (1750-2010) – “These maps depict the evolution of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel burning, cement production and gas flaring worldwide from 1750 until 2010” And how started it? England!

Truth and Power – Investigative Documentary Series – “What happens when private institutions and governments abuse their power and break the public trust? Pivot’s new investigative documentary series, Truth and Power, executive produced by award-winning filmmaker Brian Knappenberger (The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz) and narrated by Oscar-nominated actor Maggie Gyllenhaal, explores that question while separating fact from misinformation.” Starts to air January 22nd.

MYSTIQUE – Joan Cornellà – The wild, anarchic and at times disturbing comic artist now has a kickstarter project to animate her work.

The Art of Log Hive Making – “Log hives provide a natural nest environment and allow bees to grow their one-body according to their instincts and inner wisdom. Frameless nest environments support health and emotional well being.”

Still #NotAScientist – “If you’re not a scientist, common sense would lead you to listen to their opinion and expertise…right?”

Gabephex Twin – “Starring Gabe the dog Original song is “Windowlicker” by Aphex Twin”

Donald Trump Effigy Hanged Outside of Trump Tower – “Today we hung an effigy of Donald Trump in front of the Trump Tower #D19 #blackspot”

Monkey Sees A Magic Trick – The monkey smile of the week comes from this Orangutan.

Verschwörungstheorien – Leben im Wahn (HD) – “Ein Film von Marc Mauricius Quambusch @MauriciusQ”


The Paris Climate Deal Punted on Refugee Crisis – “We are now in a state where all countries are trying to close their borders and build a fortress around their borders. Clearly this is at best contradictive, at worst criminal and dangerous. This is the reason I think we need to address migration and climate change together, because they are the same question. This question is how can we go about living with the other in a globalized world?”

Interactive map: Historical emissions around the world – “Switzerland emitted 5.1 tCO2 per cap in 2010, a total of 39 MtCO2 (0.12% world share).”

The Fraudulent Science at COP21 Exposed – “For some reason, Greenpeace, and the climate movement think putting close to 100 percent of our policy and educational efforts into shutting down oil is our one last hope to stop climate change. This is madness. Can they really believe that fewer people will be driving cars in 2020 than in 2015? And don’t they realize that every new hybrid or 100 percent electric car in its making will contribute as much greenhouse gas emissions as would driving a five-year-old Toyota?”

Why I can’t stop putting dildos into the hands of powerful conservatives – “I decided to take every GOP candidate/leader photo featuring a gun and replace it with a dildo. Yes, it’s very juvenile, and I know it’s fairly pointless, but I wanted to rob the original images of any power they hold by making the same subjects appear ridiculous when the photos were altered. That’s all there is to it.”

A Secret Catalogue of Government Gear for Spying on Your Cellphone – “MANY OF THE DEVICES in the catalogue, including the Stingrays and dirt boxes, are cell-site simulators, which operate by mimicking the towers of major telecom companies like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. When someone’s phone connects to the spoofed network, it transmits a unique identification code and, through the characteristics of its radio signals when they reach the receiver, information about the phone’s location.”

Researching the Ramm.Ell.Zee – “a new mix I made for Solid Steel celebrating his musical career. The object was to map an aural history of Rammellzee‘s recorded output, in roughly chronological order, to showcase his music, theories and wordplay for those who wondered what all the adulation and legendary status was about.”

During Paris Summit, Climate and War Refugees Continued to Perish – “On a recent December night, a teenager from Darfur was struck and killed by a van just after sunset as he attempted to enter the Channel Tunnel to cross into the United Kingdom. He was at least the 18th person killed attempting to cross into Britain from the port town of Calais, where the population of a neglected and unauthorized refugee camp has grown from under 1,500 in April to as high as 6,000.”

What the Paris Climate Agreement Means for Indigenous Rights and Hydroelectric Dams – “Without a legally binding measure emerging from the climate talks and without the adequate pressure from an international coalition, the affected tribes are not receiving the support they were hoping for against Brazil’s future intrusive energy projects.”

Tracking the “Trump Is A Comment Section Running for President” Joke – “So, did all these people rip off Mark? No, of course not. I’ve written about the phenomenon of multiple discovery before, and nowhere is it more obvious and easily provable than in the comedy world, and especially easy to document on Twitter.”

Du 11-Septembre au 13-Novembre ? Quelques leçons d’Amérique – “Un dialogue entre l’équipe de lundimatin et le collectif d’activistes américains CrimethInc, comparant les suites du 11-Septembre aux États-Unis avec la situation présente en France.”

What Kind of Person Calls a Mass Shooting a Hoax? – “Sandy Hook father Lenny Pozner is one of too many parents painfully familiar with the answer. Dogged by a relentless conspiracy theorist, he’s spent the past three years fighting to protect the honor of his murdered son.”

Venice Biennale: Artists Fiddled While Venice Drowned – “On the other hand, the biennial does raise questions about the relationship between art and other human activities and experiences, even if issues of environmental concern are muted. After three days in late September, attempting to come to terms with what has been described as the most overtly political biennale for many years, a number of themes emerged from the central concept of the show, All the World’s Futures.”

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks ‘a fraud’ – “Mere mention of the Paris climate talks is enough to make James Hansen grumpy.” + 1

This Unpronounceable, 12-Letter-Long Acronym Might Just Save the World – “CBDRILONCWRC. There it is—see it, touch it, bathe in it. Let all those hard consonants fall off your tongue. Try adding vowels to make it pronounceable: Cabdriloncwerck. Kiss your fingertips every time you say it. The world is on fire but at least we got a scrumptious acronym in the process. Yet CBDRILONCWRC turns out to be pretty important. According to Ryan Mearns, a Kiwi university student who has become one of the conference’s most important (if unofficial) scribes, it stands for “Common But Differentiated Responsibility In Light Of National Circumstances With Respective Capability.””


Nach Bombenalarm: Polizei durchsuchte Wohnung des Schülers – “Obwohl die Kantonspolizei den verdächtigen Gegenstand als harmlos erklärt hatte, führte sie Tage nach dem Bombenalarm eine Hausdurchsuchung durch.”

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