online video killed the …
Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work – anyone else suffering from gadget-binge-hangover?
Civil Air Traffic Worldwide 24h – "This animation shows all scheduled flights over a 24h period (based on 2008 data). Every day 93'000 flights are starting from approx. 9'000 airports. At all time there are between 8'000 and 13'000 airplanes in the air." not exactly new but nice nice nice.
David After Dentist – ECLECTIC METHOD REMIX – the magic moment is when he screams.
High Five Escalator – "Agent Lathan gave out 2,000 high fives by standing next to a subway escalator during the morning rush. Five additional agents spread out along the adjacent stairs, holding signs that prepared commuters for the upcoming high five fun."
Guitar: Impossible – “Over 1000 cuts. 6 hours of guitar tabbing. 1 hour of shooting. God knows how much editing.”
Lost in a moment – Tokyo – "An impromptu film made in Tokyo by Dennis Wheatley and Stefan McClean. They were sitting in this sushi bar pondering how best to set up a camera to film things all by itself whilst they were in Tokyo."
Christian Bale takes David to the Dentist (Mash-Up) – "David After Dentist" meets Christian Bale. A mashup/remix." simble yet well done.
schmooze and abuse
The lolinator : add a laughter track to youtube clips – what? this a rather nifty tool!
Remixable iPhone Album Points to Future – "The most innovative iPhone app for distributing music I've seen this week is a 10-track iPhone app from the Grammy-nominated electronic artist Deadmau5, developed by an Irish company called Future Audio Workshop. It lets anyone with an iPhone, regardless of their level of experience, mix and remix every song in the album."
Cuba launches its own Linux variant, Fidel reportedly cool with it – "[Cuba] has recently announced Nova — its own Linux variant — at a conference on technological sovereignty in Havana. Not only does the nation see reliance on Microsoft Windows a security threat, but the U.S. trade embargo makes it virtually impossible for folks on the island to get the software legally."
LOW Magazine – interesting german art magazine [via rebel-art]
knit sushi pattern – "Finished set from my knit sushi pattern. Each piece is knit from 100% wool yarn– I'll have to see how these look felted :)"
Was Shepard Fairey Arrested To Embarrass The Mayor Of Boston? – "If the police wanted to arrest Shepard Fairey so badly, why did they wait so long after the warrant was issued to arrest him? In addition, why would they arrest him on the night of the biggest opening of his life at one of country's most prestigious art institutions?" sounds very staged.
The PSP2 and the Return of Sony – "I don't think there's much doubt they will. Sony, after all, has never lacked for stubbornness and pride."
UK documentary probes The Age of Stupid – "The Age of Stupid is far from a stupid film. This 2008 documentary is a fabulous piece of hybrid work that is already winning accolades in the UK. It is one of the most creative narratives I’ve seen used to combine fiction and non-fiction filmmaking elements. The documentary (it is, by most accounts, still a documentary) is set in the future looking back at the present age we are in and our inaction to do anything substantial to slow or stop climate change – The Age of Stupid." looks fantastic.
How to become an iPhone developer in eight easy steps – "Everyone can be Will Wright now. Or can they? How exactly do you go about creating an iPhone title?"
Bohemian Deconstruction – "A few years ago, we put together an edit mix of different versions of Bohemian Rhapsody as a little Xmas gift for our mailing list. Since then, I’ve been asked with rather surprising regularity for a list of the featured artists, which I’ve never got round to doing, mainly because I couldn’t remember where the source files were (sorry!). I got asked again t’other day and have actually managed to dig them up, so here, for those of you who are interested, is the list, in order of appearance."
THE BEATLES COMPLETE ON UKULELE – "Roger and Dave will…. A) Record & perform on ukulele all 185 original compositions by The Beatles with 185 guest artists. B) Write essays to coincide with each release. C) Make available for download one new recording and essay every Tuesday for 185 weeks, beginning January 20, 2009" not all ukulele versions are great but the essays are very well written. added to my rss-feeds.[via bb]
A few clean words from the creator of Cursebird – "Honestly, I think it's a powerful tool that will connect people, stimulate the economy, create jobs and propel us towards a better future." word!
Miro 2.0 is here! – "I am thrilled to announce the release of Miro 2.0! This is a huge update of Miro, the Miro Guide, and the GetMiro website." widget-based interface, browse while you watch, faster more responsive … etc. asf. time to give miro another spin, i guess. later: tested it, it is smarvelous.
Sack it to Me (Love is in the Air Edition) – "The very first LittleBigPlanet merchandise makes its ‘littlebig’ debut this week with a brand new action-figure line featuring an assortment of 4″ scale Sackboys in all his textured and stitched glory, displaying various characters, poses, and costumes."
Buy Your Own Damn Fries – "I have yet to read Barack Obama's "Dreams of My Father", though it is definitely on my list. So, little did I know that the book is filled with some great street-style dialogue, mostly courtesy of Obama's high school friend Ray. And then there is the audio book, read by the author himself. High praise goes this week to The Boston Phoenix for isolating the cursing from the audio book and making mp3 files, which we now share with you here:" cries fout to be uses in remixes and mashups and whatnots.
Steven Levy on the Burden of Twitter – "Guilty. I feel guilty that I have a blog and haven't contributed to it for seven months." i can so relate with the point he makes here. i think it is time to stop, when mainating a blog, twitter, flickr stream is mostly done out of guilt. either pay me or forget about me.
A Postmodern Crime at TED2009 – "All I know is that he didn’t want money. He wanted access." the implications of this tale are really radical.
Bush Shoe-Throwing Title Denied App Store Release – "Recently submitted to Apple for review, MyShoe would have enabled iPhone owners to throw an accelerometer-controlled shoe at an on-screen caricature of former U.S. president George W. Bush, parodying the infamous press conference incident between Bush and an Iraqi journalist late last year. Apple rejected the title from distribution" fu apple # 17893.
Dalai Lama imposter escorted from Twitter [UPDATED] – "But today, as Mondays are wont to do, brought disappointment and disillusionment. Turns out the person twittering from the Dalai Lama's account, @OHHDL, was an imposter."
Cornify – "Do not push this button" he haz button to mek website corny. me want ze button.
Shepard Fairey arrested & accused of copyright infringement – "First the artist is pounced upon by Associated Press, who have accused him of copyright infringement and are demanding compensation. Fairey’s insanely popular Hope portrait of Obama is based on an AP photograph — a fact he freely admits, rightfully chalking it up to fair use."
Victor Keegan on the Twitter phenomenon – "Wherever I go in the social-networking community, it is rampant – everyone seems to be exchanging short messages about anything from breakfast, breaking news, a new website, to participating in a conference remotely. Israel used it as part of its Gaza war propaganda machine. For my colleagues in Technology Guardian, it has become almost a life-support machine. Yet when I move out into the rest of the world, hardly anyone has even heard of it. So what's going on?"
York City property owner has message for crack dealers – "Deer Crack Dealer," the message stated. "You kin sell crack on this block and the York City Police will not stop you. They fear you. Crack Rules."" oh, irony. just sad that 60 % of all people won't get it … the irony i mean.
swiss focus
"VOODOO RHYTHM RECORDS" – swiss label voodoo rhythm is under threat of going bankrupt because suisa, the swiss copyright handlers, invented a huge bill of unpaid legal fees. related:
Tracks – tracks has a report on the reverend beat-man, founder and manager of voodoo rhythm, the swiss label under jeopardy of going bankrupt.
m4music keynote by Bill Drummond – Bill Drummond of The KLF will be giving the keynote speech for this year’s m4music festival in zurich. tempting. [via bengston]
the corner of shame
The Influencers 2009 – this was happening in barcelona while we were there and we bloody missed it? shame on us
Danke für’s ‘Lost In A Moment – Tokio’, das war atemberaubend schön…