ruff linkage 2009185 min read

teh glorious interweb as it got stuck in my camino tabs this past week – the edited version.

online video killed the …

Bigfoot Caught on Tape! Amazing Footage! – finally we have proof! Bigfoot exists!

Pantichrist Herb Medicine Commercial – "Here is a film that should promote our little Rock N Roll panty company but it's pretty wacked out and weird, so I don't know if this helps us sell anything." we somehow doubt it, but the video is fantastic.

osymyso blog: Week 18-Follow the Legs – "This week I have the honour to present to you a track from the forthcoming album Bunkerbusterwaldernuts and not only that, it's accompanied by a video that's been animated by the incredibly talented Rafianimates." Bunkerbusterwhat…? nice name, i guess. cool track anyway.

How to get up, eat breakfast and get ready for work in 5 mins! – "How to get up, dressed, brush teeth, prepare & eat breakfast, bind your tie in just 5 minutes!" japanese tv goodie.

schmooze and abuse

Mt. Holly Mayor's Office: Pan Handling Competition is Running Hot in Minneapolis – panhandler sporting a sign that reads: “Checks no longer accepted from the following people:" panhandler with a sense of humor.

Five Minutes to Kill (Yourself) 2 – flash game. the aim is to kill yourself in 5 minutes or less.

Guerilla der Kulturbewahrung – "Die französische Gruppe "Les Untergunther" restauriert bei illegalen, aufwendigen Nacht- und Nebelaktionen verwahrlostes Kulturgut" german only

Decorated swine flu surgical masks in Mexico – "Some Mexicans have reacted to the swine flu crisis with humour and creativity. A man wears a mask with a moustache drawn on it as he talks on his mobile phone in Mexico City" and more.

Public Ad Campaign – "New and old advertising takeovers"

Papergirl New – "Papergirl Nr. 4 steht vor der Tür!

 Dank allen Teilnehmern geht das Projekt jetzt schon ins vierte Jahr und wir möchten hiermit wieder alle herzlich einladen mitzumachen!
 Papergirl ist ein Kunstprojekt, bei dem im Stile amerikanischer Zeitungsjungs Kunstrollen vom Fahrrad aus an zufällige Passanten in den Straßen Berlins verteilt werden" german magazine gets distributed old school by paper boys and girls on bikes.

Why Google Wants You to Google Yourself – "The act of Googling oneself has become the digital age's premiere guilty pleasure — an activity enjoyed by all and admitted by few. The phenomenon has even been the subject of scholarly research. Last year, a team of Swiss and Australian social scientists published a study concluding that the practice of self-Googling (or "ego-surfing," as it's sometimes called) can partly be traced to a rise in narcissism in society, but that it is also an attempt by people to identify and shape their personal online "brand."" i succesfully re-branded myself, except it’s not showing up on google search yet??? why???

Swine Flu Fun Facts – "Naturally, then, I have spent the weekend geeking the hell out over this whole looming-threat-to-civilization thing. In between obsessive reading and some interviews conducted for National Geographic News, I've come up with a few tidbits of information I thought y'all might find as fascinating as I did." scientists have all the fun.

The BBC Rehashes MPAA Propaganda – "As a government owned corporation the BBC has a duty to educate, and be evenhanded in its dealings with subjects. Yet in a recent segment on their long-running ‘Film’ program, currently hosted by Jonathon Ross, the BBC ran a biased segment straight from the MPAA."

The Truth Will Set You Free – "Almost a year later, Levy’s article has still not seen the light of day, and it now appears that it may never be published. However, EnlightenNext’s responses to Levy’s questions represent an historic event of sorts, as they constitute its first official denial of the events described on this blog." i used to be involved with andrew cohen, and to this day have very high regards for him. but this new development of denying accusations by former students scares the hell out of me.

Dynamite Danger – "An explosives expert is mandatory on this demolition site. If an expert can't be found, a beginner crocheter will have to do." knitted dynamite. literally.

Torrent File Search Using Google Custom Search – "The intention of this site is to demonstrate the double standard that was exemplified in the recent Pirate Bay Trial. Sites such as Google offer much the same functionality as The Pirate Bay and other Bit Torrent sites but are not targeted by media conglomerates such as the IFPI as they have the political and legal clout to defend themselves unlike these small independent sites."

EU set to vote to remove neutrality from the net, give ISPs and govts the power to arbitrarily block site – "On May 5, thus in only two weeks, the politicians in Brussels will vote on a package of laws regulating the Internet in EU countries. This is the so-called telecoms package. If the lobbyists' and bureaucrats' version is adopted, ISPs will be able to arbitrarily block sites to their customers, and governments will be able to impose three-strikes measures without involving the judiciary."

swiss focus

SIX FREAKS UNDER – Grosse Halle Bern – "SIX FREAKS UNDER ist ein musikalisches, temporeiches und rasantes Stück, eine jenseitig düstere Geschichte, mit viel Witz und schwarzem Humor. Die Schauspieler, Musiker und Sänger des visuell und akustisch dichten, mechanischen Theaters, sind lebensgrosse Roboter, Puppen und Objekte. Sie sind mit Animatronik bestückt und werden zum Teil per Computer (MIDI) und zum Teil von Hand animiert. Die grossen Comicfiguren aus Alublech erzählen die Rückblenden der Geschichte." a performance with robots.

Naked Swiss hikers must cover up – "The tiny Swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden has voted to prohibit the phenomenon of naked hiking. Anyone found wandering the Alps wearing nothing but a sturdy pair of hiking boots will now be fined." awwww, unfair.

'Ill' worker fired over Facebook – "A Swiss woman has lost her job after her employers spotted she was using the Facebook website when she had claimed to be too ill to use a computer." awww, even more unfair. or subscribe to this RSS feed – with all the typos.

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