[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited]
Feeling really conflicted. Really love the music on a new record out by a noted Scientologist.
— Xeni Jardin (@xeni) February 24, 2014
#biggest news this week
Global Forest Watch – “Identifies areas of tree cover loss and gain”
#watch and
Selfie – “A 60 second warning about self obsession.”
Lawrence Lessig wins damages after rights holder demands YouTube takedown – “On Thursday, a settlement was reached between Creative Commons co-founder Lawerence Lessig and Liberation Media, an Australian music label that owns the rights to French band Phoenix’ song “Lisztomania.””
Ai Wei Whoops! – “On Sunday, February 16, Maximo Caminero smashed a colored vase that is part of Ai Weiwei’s “Colored Vases” project. This particular urn had been valued at approximately $1 million USD. He told reporters on the scene that he was inspired by Weiwei’s earlier work “Dropping a Han-Dynasty Urn” in which the artist drops a two thousand year old cultural artifact in an attempt to elucidate the role of destruction in art and culture. Three days later Ai responded to the incident: “Damaging other people’s property or disturbing a public program doesn’t really support his cause.” Many art theorists are left to wonder if Weiwei ought to have exclusive rights to art vandalism, or if the culturally situated context is significantly different in each instance to grant Ai’s position. And finally, we know that Ai takes issue with the destruction of his art [property], but how does he feel about intellectual property? Would Ai take offense to the destruction of digital representations of his work, or is it the loss of material, valuable property that provoked his response?”
Spike Lee’s 7-Minute Rant About The ‘Motherf*cking Hipsters’ Gentrifying Brooklyn – “Why does it take an influx of white New Yorkers in the South Bronx, in Harlem, in Bed Stuy, in Crown Heights for the facilities to get better?”
UNICEF Tap Project – “For every 10 minutes you don’t touch your phone, our sponsor can provide one day of clean water for a child in need.”
BBC’s Ripper Street saved by Amazon – “Series three of axed Victorian detective drama will be available first on Prime Instant Video and aired later on BBC1”
Chris Morris’s Blue Jam back after 17 years – “Radio 4 Extra to broadcast series one of programme which courted controversy with sketches, monologues and stings”
World War 3 Illustrated: 35 Years of Radical Comics by PM Press – “Pre-order World War 3 Illustrated 1979–2014, a 320-page, full-color anthology by a passionate collective of artists and activists.”
Eco-Anarchists in France Rioted Against a Hated Airport Project – “On Saturday afternoon, my hometown was set afire as a small group of ultra-left activists turned a demonstration against the construction of a massive new airport into a full-on riot. Nantes, in northwest France, has been the focal point of protests against the construction of the Notre-Dame-des-Landes (NDDL) airport for the past six years, and the project has been in the development stages since the 1970s.”
25 Synonyms for ‘Pussy Riot,’ for news presenters who’d really rather not to say ‘pussy’ on-air – “Vagina Riot • Cuntastrophe • Cooter Commotion • Ladybits Rampage • Vajayjay Melee • Birth Canal Brouhaha • Hoo-hah Kerfuffle”
Wohnprojekte in der Schweiz: 500 sind eine Nachbarschaft – “Wie sich Gemeinwirtschaft in Städten neu beleben lässt: Ein konkreter Ansatz aus der Schweiz, der auch den Umweltverbrauch drastisch senkt.”
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