ruff linkage 2016164 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my delicious]


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Un CRS mes un coup de pied dans le ventre d’une manifestante à Paris – “J’étais au café Le Conservatoire, avenue Jaurès. Les lycéens avaient fini par charger après avoir été bloqués pendant 40 minutes par les CRS. Forcément, les policiers ont chargé en retour et toutes les personnes qui se trouvaient en terrasse et d’autres personnes pas du tout impliquées dans la manif, se sont retrouvées au milieu de tout ça.
Ils ont lancé leurs lacrymogènes sans réfléchir sur les personnes en terrasse vu que les lycéens ont vite reculé. Alors j’ai “gueulé” sur eux en disant aux CRS qu’ils s’en prenaient à n’importe qui, sans réfléchir. Là, je me me suis pris un coup violent et non justifié, je suis encore choquée.”

Tupac Talks Donald Trump & Greed in America in 1992 Interview – “If you want to be successful, if you want to be like Trump. Gimme, gimme, gimme. Push, push, push, push. Step, step, step. Crush, crush, crush. That’s how it all is, it’s like nobody ever stops.”

A Social Life | Social Media Depression – “A Social Life is a short film about a career driven woman named Meredith who’s living the life she’s always dreamed of… online. Meredith strives to live a balanced life: staying fit, working hard and connecting with her friends; she is creating her “image” within her broader social media friend base. But she awakes one day and realizes that her reflection is merely the collection of photos that she has shared with others. Is this her life?”

YG & Nipsey Hussle “FDT (Fuck Donald Trump)” (WSHH Exclusive – Official Music Video) – The word is FDT.

Trump slowed down 50% – Trump, go home, you are drunk.


Listen to an FBI “Honeypot” on the Job – “After one woman broke his heart, Khalil Abu Rayyan, a 21-year-old Michigan man, contemplated suicide. Then, when he confided his dark thoughts to another woman, she suggested he steer his violence toward other people. Both women, it turned out, were FBI honeypots, and one of the recorded conversations with Rayyan entered into ongoing court proceedings provides a rare glimpse into how federal informants work.”

Saul Williams Interview on 17. March 2016 by stevimpossible – “Interview with Saul Williams before his gig on the 17. March 2016 at the Fri-Son in Fribourg.”

Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems – “In a world governed by competition, those who fall behind become defined and self-defined as losers.”

Should We Feed the Trolls? – “When it comes to reducing online harassment, deeper social change could have a bigger impact than fighting back one jerk at a time.”

Relics of the Cold War – “Military barracks, atomic-bomb shelters, air force bases, storage spaces for nuclear weapons, army graveyards, abandoned training grounds, underground tunnels, decaying control centers, rusty tanks, fallen statues and other dilapidated monuments. Dutch photographer Martin Roemers spent 10 years traveling on both sides of the former Iron Curtain to document the architectural and structural remains of the Cold War.”

How Hacking Team got hacked – How Hacking Team got hacked “A black hat claims responsibility for the hack. Here’s how he says he did it.”

You may hate Donald Trump. But do you want Facebook to rig the election against him? – “The company’s dominance means it can easily manipulate voter behavior. Though it claims it won’t, just the possibility is a threat to democracy”

An Interview With Gustavo Castro, Sole Witness to Assassination of Berta Cáceres – “GUSTAVO CASTRO was the sole witness to the murder on March 3 of Honduran activist Berta Cáceres, the co-founder of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Movements of Honduras (COPINH). […] Last week he spoke by phone to The Intercept about the night of the murder and the reasons why environmental activism in Latin America is so dangerous.”

DJ Shadow – Nobody Speak feat. Run The Jewels – “DJ Shadow has unveiled a new song from his forthcoming album ‘The Mountain Will Fall.’ The track is titled “Nobody Speak,” a collaboration with Run The Jewels.”


Pirate-Bay-Gründer: “Facebook gehört aus Europa verbannt” – “Man kann einen Kuchen nicht unendlich oft essen. Es kann der beste Kuchen der Welt sein, aber irgendwann muss man kotzen.” @brokep

Réflexions sur la violence – “Plus nous assumerons sérieusement notre présence sur la place de la République, plus fréquemment se présenteront les situations à même de déclencher des affrontements. Nous devons nous y préparer. Il ne s’agit précisément pas de convaincre tout le monde que la violence est une option valable ou une voie nécessaire. Il s’agit simplement de trouver les formes d’actions, peut-être effrayantes, qui nous délivreront de la peur.”

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