[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]
— Trump's Ties (@TrumpsTies) March 7, 2017
‘Universal Basic Assets’ – “In a healthy society, every person has the right to resources to safely live, learn, heal, and grow into the best version of themselves. These are Universal Basic Assets.”
#watch and
C O N S U M E – “I D E O L O G Y”
Deeply Artificial Trees from artBoffin on Vimeo.
Deeply Artificial Trees – “This artwork represents what it would be like for an AI to watch Bob Ross on LSD”
8 de marzo en Oaxaca: ¡ya no tenemos miedo! – “En el marco del del día Internacional de las Resistencias de las Mujeres, se organizó una jornada de protesta el 8 de marzo del 2017 en la ciudad de Oaxaca.”
Baby’s shocked reaction to an Easter hen laying eggs – “Wanna see it again?” – Baby loses it’s shit over egg laying hen toy
Reddit Place (/r/place) – FULL 72h (90fps) TIMELAPSE – “On April Fools’ Day 2017, a social experiment was launched in the form of a subreddit called “place”. It featured a collaborative pixel art canvas, where a user could place a pixel every five minutes (the timer was temporarily ten and twenty minutes for a few hours on April 1).”
CARNAVAL contre la mascarade électorale – “Paris, le 1er avril 2017, banquet carnavalesque des ingouvernables contre les élections présidentielles.”
Germany: Anarchist call against the G 20 summit in Hamburg – “Our resistance against the G-20 summit does not want to be „victorious“ in the sense of preventing this event. It just could be the beginning of something that could also start on any other day: The self-empowerment of the individual over the existing and the (self) organization in collective structures. But just a call to that one would hardly pay attention.”
The Edge of the Earth. Climate Change in Photography and Video – “How do you deal with the ambiguous emotions prompted by beautiful photos depicting ecological disasters in the making? What do you do with the anxiety and the feeling of being powerless that these images inevitably trigger? Should we put our fate into the hands of geo-engineers? Or should we take a step back and re-evaluate our understanding of innovation, progress and survival?”
Twitter balks at US demand to expose account condemning Trump policy – “Feds cited incorrect law and did not get a judge’s signature for account data.”
Alex Beck: The Fascist Behind the Honeypot ‘Antifascism.org’ – “If you’re outside of antifa circles, you may not have noticed that, after Trump’s inauguration, the far-right began making honeypot websites in a pathetic attempt to doxx antifascists.”
Resistance School – “Resistance School is a free four session practical training program to sharpen the tools we need to fight for our values at the federal, state, and local levels.”
Adblock Plus Acquires Pirate Bay Founder’s Micropayment Service Flattr – – “The company behind the popular Adblock Plus software has acquired Flattr, the micropayment service co-founded by Pirate Bay’s Peter Sunde. With the deal the two companies hope to take their partnership to the next level, offering publishers a way to get paid without having to show annoying ads.”
Freeing up the rich to exploit the poor – that’s what Trump and Brexit are about | George Monbiot – “When we confront a system of propaganda, our first task is to decode it. This begins by interrogating its sacred value. Whenever we hear the word freedom, we should ask ourselves, “Freedom for whom, at whose expense?””
Full Interview: Noam Chomsky on Trump’s First 75 Days & Much More – “Full 70-minute interview with Noam Chomsky talking about Donald Trump’s first 75 days in the White House and much more.”
Chomsky: With U.S. History of Overthrowing Govts, Outrage over Russian Hacking Claims is Laughable – “So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue. Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly.”
Life after white supremacy: the former neo-fascist now working to fight hate – “Once deeply involved in the White Aryan Resistance, Tony McAleer is at the forefront of a group reaching out to turn fascists around”
Did Reddit’s April Fool’s gag solve the issue of online hate speech? – “Nations battled, voids came and went, and one million pixels said a lot about humanity.”
Love in the Time of Cryptography – “How security software and encryption created an old-fashioned romance.”
Banksy work cleared from vacant site and restored for public display – “Toronto developer’s intervention raises questions about the practice of preserving street art”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2013
Dans le laboratoire de la «fake science» – “Rencontre avec une figure emblématique de la «fake science», le Danois Emil Kirkegaard, nouvelle coqueluche de l’extrême droite”
Was Trump mit Gamergate zu tun hat – “Das “Regime der demokratischen Wahrheit” wurde weder von Trump installiert noch von ihm betrieben. Es ist vielmehr eine Struktur aus Medien, Community und angeschlossenen Wertesystemen, die sich lange vor, und völlig unabhängig, von seiner Präsidentschaftskandidatur entwickelt hatte. Diese medial-kulturelle Struktur ist die Basis, der Resonanzraum von Trumps Antifragilität. Sie ist es, die verhärtet, wenn Trump angegriffen wird. Sie ist es, die nach jedem Angriff gestärkt dasteht.”
Les trolls sur Internet, nouveaux « colleurs d’affiches » du Front national – “Anonymat, images de grenouilles et humour « limite » : une jeune génération d’internautes s’est approprié les codes de l’extrême droite américaine.”
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