[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]
Let's hope Trump doesn't eat chocolate cake this weekend. #resist
— AltHomelandSecurity (@AltHomelandSec) April 13, 2017
How the Government Is Turning Protesters Into Felons – “Lost between the tumult of Inauguration Day and the spectacle of the Women’s March was the arrest of 214 protesters—now facing felony charges and 10 years in prison.”
#watch and
Sean Spicer’s Hitler Comments as HBO’s Veep Credits – This dude has “spliced together footage and music from HBO’s Veep, a show about a fictional administration full of incompetent, tone-deaf, narcissists, with footage of an actual administration full of incompetent, tone-deaf, narcissists” and it totally works.
Spy Merchants – “Spy Merchants reveals for the first time how highly-invasive spyware, which can capture the electronic communications of a town, can be purchased in a ‘grey market’ where regulations are ignored or bypassed. Mass surveillance equipment can then be sold onto authoritarian governments, criminals or even terrorists. During a four-month undercover operation, an industry insider working for Al Jazeera filmed the negotiation of several illegal, multi-million dollar deals that breach international sanction”
Zero Gravity | Laurie Penny – “These are the sort of problems I’d dreamed of having as a baby writer ten years ago, which only makes them more embarrassing. I hit play. I prayed to the small gods of dodgy streaming and wireless internet not to let me down, and inhaled both seasons of The Expanse like the first gasp of oxygen after you’ve almost been thrown out of an airlock.”
The Fertile Mind of Sophie Calle – “Sophie Calle, artist without a child by choice.”
How the alt-right brought #SyriaHoax to America – “Tracing the “false flag” claim back to a pro-Assad website”
Court Orders PayPal to Identify Pirate Site Owner – “PayPal must hand over the personal details of a pirate site operator to Sony Music, a German court has ruled. The Hamburg-based law firm Rasch sees the decision as a major victory, one that makes it easier for rightsholders to expose pirates and hold them accountable through their payment providers.”
A Chorus of Violence: Jack Donovan and the Organizing Power of Male Supremacy – “The Wolves are a tribe of heathens, who worship a particularly Germanic strain of Wotanism, despise the modern world, and are invested in an anti-equality worldview. The Wolves eschew Christianity for what they recognize as the indigenous religion of those descended from true Europeans; heathenism or paganism. Myriad supremacists claim membership among them.” Seriously, what’s going on, how the fuck di you come up with this bullshit?
Trolle trollen, bis sie sich trollen – “Bitte nicht füttern: Das ist immer noch die populärste Maxime zum Umgang mit Trollen in sozialen Medien. Aber ob totschweigen wirklich wirkt?”
Gespräch mit der 86-Jährigen, die “Geld für Waffen tötet!” an die Schweizer Nationalbank sprühte – “Alles ging gut. Ich konnte im Polizeiauto eine Stadtrundfahrt machen.”
Weissrussland: Massenprotest gegen Regierung und ihr „Parasiten-Gesetz“. Ein Anarchist im Interview – “Schon an der ersten Versammlung liess der seit 1994 autoritär herrschende Lukaschenko die Polizei und den KGB auf die Demonstrant*innen los. Bald wurden Hunderte niedergeknüppelt und verhaftet. Seit Beginn der Proteste spielten Anarchist*innen eine wichtige Rolle.”
Techno-Reue in der Hyperrealität von Geert Lovink – “Der rationale, zurückhaltende Ansatz scheitert an den ironischen Strategien dieser Kultur der Meme. Meme, ikonische Bilder und Slogans, die durch das Internet reisen, fassen Argumente zusammen und ermöglichen einfache Beurteilungen komplexer Probleme, mit dem allgemeinen Ziel, zu beschleunigen und die öffentliche Debatte überflüssig zu machen.”
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