[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]
— cφxinelle_bleue 🔻🌿 (@CoxinelleBleue) August 29, 2017
Talking about climate change in the context of #HurricaneHarvey is "politicising" the issue? No, *not* talking about it is politicisation.
— GeorgeMonbiot (@GeorgeMonbiot) August 28, 2017
Finally, an appropriate flag for our time. pic.twitter.com/xyXlTloFyL
— Siah'sust (@CallMeSpits) August 4, 2017
The Alt-Right and Antifa Are Waging a New Kind of Internet Warfare – “Intelligence and surveillance powers that once belonged only to militaries and state spooks are now available to anyone with a high-speed internet connection.”
FBC Drone Footage: Wagon Rd, Simonton, TX 8/31/17 – “The location of the missions was at 824 Wagon Rd in the City of Simonton, TX.”
The Story of Jon Burgerman – “Jon asked me to make photo’s for his new book It’s Great To Create (Link: a.co/g8CzDnv). A few cool pic’s didn’t make it to the final print. So I thought I’d make a film with the leftovers.”
Hitler Finds Out That MĂĽller Was Wearing Adidas Sneakers – And he ain’t too happy…
listen and
Pixie Dust the Climate Change Denier – “Trump needs to go green. Let’s make him go green!”
ARTANGEL & MIRANDA JULY – “For many years I’ve wanted to make a store as artwork; utilizing the inherently participatory conventions of commerce. When I first came to London, in my twenties, the sheer number of charity shops giddily amazed me, but it’s only in creating this store with Artangel that I understand what a radically unique economic model they are. The nuances of this come from my faith – based charity shop partners and from the site; Selfridges.”
Cormac McCarthy On the Unconscious Is The Coda To His Career – “Parentheses are our best representation of that murky space between language and thought, a grammatical link between conscious precision and putting one’s trust in the unconscious as it tries to figure out how to use language. And McCarthy, in what is surely to be one of his last completed works, finally found proper justification to use them.”
Video Shows Cop Telling DUI Suspect ‘We Only Kill Black People’ – “Asked to take her hands off the steering wheel and pick up her cellphone, the woman refused, telling the officer she’d “seen way too many videos of cops—.” He cut her off. “But you’re not black,” he told her. “Remember, we only shoot black people. Yeah, we only kill black people, right? All of the videos you’ve seen, have you seen the black people get killed? You have.””
Not Your Grandfather’s Antifascism – “Anti-Fascism Has Arrived. Here’s Where It Needs to Go.”
New study: We’re outpacing the most radical climate event we know of – “Lots of carbon got dumped into the atmosphere 56 million years ago.”
Welcome To The Dark Ages Pt.1 – Tuesday: 2023 book stamping | DJ Food – “I’m betting that if all the participants told their stories, each would differ quite radically in places, such were the multitude of experiences, tasks, responses and reactions to what unfolded over the last five days in Liverpool.” part 2 – part 3 – part 4
Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 – 2016. – “Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 – 2016. Visualization based on GISTEMP data.”
FOIA: NPS Director Suggested Trump Administration ‘Manage the Talking Point’ of Climate Scientist’s Meeting with Mark Zuckerberg – “Internal government emails reveal new details about Mark Zuckerberg’s canceled meeting with a US Geological Survey climate scientist.”
The necessity of political vulgarity – “To deny the importance of vulgarity is to reject the revolutionary tradition…”
Andre Meister – Vier Jahre nach Snowden: Ein Realitäts-Abgleich. [Ab ~ Minute 15:00] – Eine äusserst ernĂĽchternde Bilanz. Die von Snowden aufgedeckten Praktiken der Geheimdienste wurden: Nicht aufgeklärt. Nicht beendet. Legalisiert. Ausgeweitet.
Entzogene Akkreditierungen: Millionen rechtswidrige Daten in BKA-Datei? – “Der Skandal um den Entzug von Akkreditierungen fĂĽr Journalisten beim G20-Gipfel ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Auch zahlreiche weitere BKA-AuskĂĽnfte, die dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio exklusiv vorliegen, belegen fehlerhafte und rechtswidrige Einträge. DatenschĂĽtzer und Verfassungsrechtler warnen schon lange und fordern Konsequenzen.”
Sur Facebook, l’UDC Vaud fait passer un nationaliste allemand pour un rĂ©fugiĂ© – “La section du parti a partagĂ© la vidĂ©o d’un «activiste» qui dĂ©nonce le comportement des rĂ©fugiĂ©s. Sans prĂ©ciser son positionnement politique: l’homme est un proche de l’AfD, le mouvement populiste allemand”
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