ruff linkage 2017364 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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#ifyouonlyreadone (okay, two)

The Globalized Jitters – “Fighting for change in an anxious age” Laurie Penny in all her brilliance again.

What to Do When Nazis Are Obsessed With Your Field – “How medieval historians can counter white supremacy.”


Koi Division – Trout Fishin’ Demo Video – “Koi Division are Ian Catfish, Hook, Bernard Salmon and Steve Moray.”

Seagull Thievery – “The bird clearly knew what he was going.”

Tetris for TS100 Soldering Iron – “Firmware —”

FBC Drone Footage: Wagon Rd, Simonton, TX 8/31/17 – “The location of the missions was at 824 Wagon Rd in the City of Simonton, TX.”

listen and

CrimethInc. Ex-Worker Podcast #57: Reports from the G20 in Hamburg – “Tune in for first-person accounts of what happened on the ground, from the comrades who were there.”

Klee Benally on Sacred Sites, Haul No!, & Anti-Colonial Resistance – “interview, starting with the recent anti-colonial and anti-fascist demonstrations in so-called Phoenix, Arizona on occupied O’odham land. We then discuss the limitations of antifascism, as well as the need to incorporate an anti-colonial understanding and analysis within it.”

LNP228 Interessierte Bürger – “Ein Logbuch:Spezial zur Analyse der Bundestagswahlsoftware “PC-Wahl””


Ugandan Government Obtains Mysterious, South Korean-Built Anti-Porn Machine – “once the government has become the censorious man-in-the-middle, all sorts of nasty things can happen. Criticism of the government might suddenly vanish along with the critics. Other entertainment sources not directly approved by the Rev might become inaccessible. Dissidents, journalists, and others with prior reason to fear their government might have their communications exposed. This may be the real endgame, with porn being the wedge.”

Richard Spencer’s Racist Group Has a New Leader – “Evan McLaren had seemingly come out of nowhere: a far-right figure of little note, with little more than a history of online postings that espoused his white nationalist beliefs and a trail of older postings revealing the path that brought him to his worldview.”

Donald Trump Is the First White President – “It is insufficient to state the obvious of Donald Trump: that he is a white man who would not be president were it not for this fact. With one immediate exception, Trump’s predecessors made their way to high office through the passive power of whiteness—that bloody heirloom which cannot ensure mastery of all events but can conjure a tailwind for most of them. Land theft and human plunder cleared the grounds for Trump’s forefathers and barred others from it.”

War is Over: When John Lennon and Yoko Ono met Marshall McLuhan – “And we were wondering how to, sort of like, get it in the newspapers as if it had happened, you know. And it developed from that.”

Here Are the 11 State Officials Who Went After 800,000 Dreamers – – “People have different reasons for getting involved in public service. For some, it’s an ephemeral pull that manifested as early as a race for fourth grade class president.”


Identitäre Bewegung: Die Scheinriesen – “Sie wollen als neue Jugendbewegung erscheinen. Deswegen reist ein kleines Grüppchen Identitärer durchs Land – und versucht seine rechtsextreme Herkunft zu verschleiern.”


Die Partei übernimmt rechte Facebook-Gruppen – “In einer lange vorbereiteten Aktion hat die Satire-Partei Die Partei am Wochenende 31 AfD-nahe Facebook-Gruppen übernommen. Die AfD droht mit Strafanzeige. Doch der Initiator fühlt sich sicher.”

Als Anarchisten in Genf ganze Häuser abrissen. Zur Neuerscheinung über die «Aktionsliga der Bauarbeiter» – “In der Deutschschweiz der 1920er und 1930er Jahren waren die Gewerkschaften fest in sozialdemokratischer Hand. Nicht so in der Romandie. Viele der dortigen Bau- und Holzarbeiter waren vom Syndikalismus inspiriert und träumten von der Anarchie. Regen Gebrauch machten diese Proleten von Kampfmitteln wie der direkten Aktion, dem Streik oder der Sabotage – und das mit einigem Erfolg.”

Neues rechtes Denken – “”An Liberalismus gehen Völker zugrunde, nicht am Islam”: über die Neue Rechte – im Unterschied zu linken Bewegungen”


Herbst 1977. Als einige „Konservative“ die besseren Argumente hatten – “Im September 1977 entführte die linksextreme „Rote Armee Fraktion“ (RAF) den deutschen Arbeitgeberpräsidenten Hanns-Martin Schleyer. Gleichzeitig veröffentlichte der Philosoph Hermann Lübbe den Text „Freiheit und Terror“. Seine Analyse bleibt auch aus heutiger Sicht überzeugender als die Distanzierungen der damaligen Linken.”


Slippery Slopes – Schiefe Ebenen und Argumentationen – “„Nun braucht man mich nicht davon zu überzeugen, daß es linke Idiotien gibt – leider viel zu viele –; aber das kann’s doch nicht gewesen sein?“
– Jürgen Habermas (1977)”


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