[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]
Listen to me.
Postmodernism will be appropriated by reactionary conservatives to destabilize commonly-held notions of evidence.
Farewell. pic.twitter.com/pKqZJMlvqi
— Werner Twertzog (@WernerTwertzog) September 14, 2017
Anarchism is a mix of community gardening and punching Nazis.
— Mountain MⒶn🌲🏴 (@SemperLiber9) August 27, 2017
Had to sloppy-photoshop that image: #DefendEurope – The Movie (all crew members played by Nicolas Cage in a variety of unconvincing wigs) pic.twitter.com/bpPyyuza2W
— (A)nticapitalist(A) (@pieceoplastic) September 12, 2017
Medical Monday
'Ginger' pic.twitter.com/8AxfLMZSmW— Macka B (@mackab) September 11, 2017
You Are Not a Rebel | Laurie Penny – “Who benefits from the right’s pose of permanent insurrection?” Please read and re-read this. Very very very great.
Guy nails every accent – This is a skill I would love to have.
How Smoking Wrecks Your Lungs – “I decided to do my own small test with cotton balls to determine the real effects of smoking a pack a day and what it does to your mouth, throat and lungs not to mention how it compromises every system in your body in order to try to tell you to stop smoking and stop slowly killing yourself.”
Bear vs. Flamingo – As a person who hates these blow up plastic things with a passion I am completely #TeamBear
listen and
SOLECAST 50 W/ Mckenzie Wark on General Intellects, The Anthropocene & Is Capitalism Over? – “Solecast 50 is a discussion with New School professor, philosopher and author Mckenzie Wark. Wark is renowned as one of the forest theorists today who have dove into the works of the Situationists and built upon the ideas in interesting ways.”
LNP229 Deine Sandburg ist auf Sand gebaut – “Leider weitgehend schlechte Nachrichten, aber das kennt ihr ja.” Leider ja… Aber euer Humor hilft immer 😉
Social media stars face crackdown over money from brands – Instagram ‘influencers’ told to clarify paid-for ads, while health claims are taken down after advertising breaches
Kyle Chapman, Milo, and Proud Boys Spread Fake Stabbing Story at Start of “Free Speech Week” – “A fake news story describing a stabbing is being spread by Alt-Right demagogues as alleged evidence of the inherent violence in Berkeley.”
Michel Foucault in Death Valley: A Boom interview with Simeon Wade – “Following a lecture, Wade and his partner, musician Michael Stoneman, invited Foucault to accompany them on a road trip to Death Valley. After some persuasion, Foucault agreed. The memorable trip occurred two weeks later.”
Full speaker list released for ‘Free Speech Week’ at UC Berkeley – The tone is set with Milo planing to speak in the Feminism Awareness Day tract.
Trump blocks Chinese purchase of US chipmaker over national security – “Sale of Lattice Semiconductors is seen as a threat to national security.”
Watchdog warns over police database of millions of facial images – “Biometrics commissioner says 20m photos held despite retention of images of innocent people being unlawful”
Cosey Fanni Tutti Reissues Time To Tell – “Cassette release to finally appear on vinyl”
Anti-Fascism Is Self-Defense : A General-Purpose Flier – “Anti-fascism means defending our communities from racists, xenophobes, homophobes, transphobes, and other bigots.”
Woman Alleges All Four Members Of Decapitated Gang-Raped Her – “All four members of the Polish death metal band Decapitated were arrested in Los Angeles over the weekend on charges that they’d kidnapped a woman following their concert in Spokane, Washington on 8/31.”
Hurricane Irma and why the only thing worse than climate change denial is acceptance – “People don’t like to be reminded of their own moral relativism when their homes are underwater.”
Big Trouble In Little Nazi: Why The Alt-Right “Is In Shambles” – “In the wake of Charlottesville, the Alt-Right is breaking apart and fleeing each other’s company faster than someone leaving a bad OkCupid date with work in the morning. While an analysis of the success and growth of the antifascist movement in the wake of August 12th deserves it’s own examination, the point I will try and address from my humble trash can today is the degree in which the Alt-Right is turning against those who were the chief organizers of Unite the Right.”
Chelsea Manning, newly-freed from military prison, speaks in San Francisco – “Especially because I lived in Iraq for a year, in an occupied country and I’ve been in New York and DC and now I’ve been in San Francisco and Philadelphia as well and that’s how I feel, is that some of the neighborhoods in our cities look like an occupied nation”
Irma Won’t “Wake Up” Climate Change-Denying Republicans. Their Whole Ideology Is on the Line. – “As one of the most powerful storms ever recorded bore down on the continental United States, with much of Florida under evacuation order, President Donald Trump was focused on a matter of grave urgency. He gathered his cabinet at Camp David and said there was no time to waste. With Hurricane Irma set to potentially devastate huge swaths of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, now was the time, he said, to rush through massive … tax cuts.”
Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and Proud Boy Violence at Patriot Prayer Event – “On Sunday, September 10th, 2017 after the Patriot Prayer event had retreated across the Columbia River from Portland, OR to Vancouver, WA. Antifa counter protesters had the supremacists on the run when a driver reversed his Chevrolet Silverado into the crowd at speed. Protestors were able dodge the attack and thankfully nobody was hurt. The driver sped away, only to be blocked and arrested by a police officer.”
Sea salt around the world is contaminated by plastic, studies show – “Exclusive: New studies find microplastics in salt from the US, Europe and China, adding to evidence that plastic pollution is pervasive in the environment”
Batman’s political right turn | Mark Fisher – “The new Batman film isn’t the simple conservative parable rightwingers would like, but it is a reactionary vision”
AfD: Eine hysterische Bewegung – “Wer als Demokrat mit den Provokationen der AfD umgehen will, darf die Partei nicht nur kritisch beschweigen. Es kommt jedoch auf die Qualität der Empörung an.”
Souveränität statt Komplexität. Eine Diskursanalyse des COMPACT-Magazins im Kontext der politischen Legitimationskrise der Gegenwart – “Die Zeitschrift verbindet das Bedürfnis nach Homogenität und rigiden Ordnungsvorstellungen mit einer verschwörungsideologischen Deutung gesellschaftlicher Krisenerscheinungen und bietet Projektionsflächen für Sozialcharaktere, die sich durch einen selektiven und verhärteten Zugriff auf die Wirklichkeit auszeichnen. Dabei versucht es stets, im Sinne einer „Querfront“, auch an linke Positionen anzuknüpfen und die Masse der Abgehängten zu agitieren.”
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