ruff linkage 2018098 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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A generation of shrinking girls – “Why don’t we care more about the eating disorders epidemic?” I cried so much reading this powerful battle cry, because it reminded me of my dear sister, who died in this battle.


I HUNTED A ROBOT (and ate it) – “I got to go robot hunting! ” When vegetarians feel the urge to hunt.

Does The BACK TO EDEN Method Actually WORK!? – “Here’s the proof” Or so it seems.

Hear the Otherworldly Sounds of Skating on Thin Ice – “Hear the Otherworldly Sounds of Skating on Thin Ice | National Geographic” Eerie.

Sassy Trump: I’d Run In There Without A Weapon – “All Trump’s Words” The lisp kills it.

Le Weekend – Sweet, minimal animation for an art show by Jean Jullien and his brother.

listen and


Asylum seeker held by ICE says she was sexually abused, now faces retaliation – “Laura Monterrosa says she was abused by a guard. Now ICE won’t let advocates or elected officials visit her” This is outrageous.

Trump suggests death penalty to stop opioid epidemic – “Between 1980 and today, the number of drug dealers behind bars has gone up by a factor of 30 and the prices of heroin and cocaine have fallen more than 90 percent. So the problem with putting drug dealers in prison is there is another drug dealer in there to take his place.” Donut T®ümp-Duterte.

How to Write a Memoir While Grieving – “Nicole Chung contemplates loss, adoption, and working on a book her late father won’t get to see.”

Mark Lilla and the Crisis of Liberalism – “For an author long known as a scourge of the left, Lilla’s reliance on Karl Marx is curious.” Lilla will use whatever he can to discredit the “left”.

Unenlightened thinking: Steven Pinker’s embarrassing new book is a feeble sermon for rattled liberals – “To think of this book as any kind of scholarly exercise is a category mistake. The purpose of Pinker’s laborious work is to reassure liberals that they are on “the right side of history”.” Another mad professor.

How We Fight Fascism – “Zetkin, a German revolutionary, understood its virulence, its seduction and its danger. She warned that the longer the stagnation and rot of a dysfunctional democracy went unaddressed, the more attractive fascism would become.”

50 Swings Installed Around S.F. – “From Grove Street to Alamo Square to the Embarcadero, the guerilla installations add a little whimsy to our already-playful city.” Want.

Chrome browser extension that replaces the word “blockchain” with the phrase “multiple copies of a giant Excel spreadsheet.” – “WHY: For fun.” Fun it is.

Gun Control Has Always Been Racist — That Doesn’t Mean We Shouldn’t Support the Parkland Students Movement – “None of this is to say that a society with fewer guns isn’t a noble goal, but it must be coupled with a skepticism of state power that has frequently manifested gun control toward oppressing the already marginalized. It is of no fault on the part of traumatized teenagers that their impressive activism has not culminated, less than three weeks after they hid from bullets, into a coherent critique of the state. But for us supposed adults to ignore the traumatic history of guns and race in America would be irresponsible.”

Priceless moments: how capitalism eats our time – “Economic rationality leaves no room for free time unless it produces or consumes commercial wealth.”

Ends and means – “No doubt Mozilla (and the W3C Technical Architecture Group) believe that they are doing the right thing. Perhaps they think it would be morally wrong if browsers didn’t enforce HTTPS even for unrelated features like new CSS properties. They believe that, in this particular case, the ends justify the means.” The nag might be to elitist.

The City of Coordinated Leisure – “A short story imagines an entirely different way for cities to schedule people’s lives.” By Cory Doctorow.

Switzerland Hopes New Law Will Keep it Off U.S. ‘Pirate Watchlist’ – “Switzerland hopes that its newly proposed copyright law will be enough to keep the country off the United States’ Special 301 Report watchlist. The Swiss Government notes that the law addresses two of the main piracy concerns previously identified by the US.” Hopes.

Amnesty International State of the World’s Human Rights Annual Report 2017-18 – “The specters of hatred and fear now loom large in world affairs, and we have few governments standing up for human rights in these disturbing times. Instead, leaders such as al-Sisi, Duterte, Maduro, Putin, Trump and Xi are callously undermining the rights of millions” Dire times.

Anti-drone eagles being trained to serve on Geneva police force – “The Geneva police confirmed information published in the Le Matin Dimanche paper on Sunday but warned that there were no guarantees this approach would work.” Hmm, how about we just don’t sell drones?

Why are world leaders backing this brutal attack against Kurdish Afrin? | David Graeber – “The religious extremists who surround the current Turkish government know perfectly well that Rojava doesn’t threaten them militarily. It threatens them by providing an alternative vision of what life in the region could be like. Above all, they feel it is critical to send the message to women across the Middle East that if they rise up for their rights, let alone rise up in arms, the likely result is that they will be maimed and killed, and none of the major powers will raise an objection. There is a word for such a strategy. It’s called “terrorism” – a calculated effort to cause terror. The question is, why is the rest of the world cooperating?”

Toxic toad invasion puts ecology of Madagascar at risk – “The Asian amphibians arrived just 10 years ago. Now in their millions, they threaten the island’s unique wildlife” Pepe is not meant here, but could be.

The Quinn Norton Debacle

Quinn Norton: The New York Times Fired My Doppelgänger – “I saw the internet create and destroy a bizarro version of myself.” Hmmm. Don’t like the tone of this much.

A Few Things That Are True About Me | Quinn Norton – “I intend to keep learning and writing and working, hopefully on helping the world understand its technology and nature, until I’m dead.” When the friend of my friend is my enemy.


1 Son, 4 Overdoses, 6 Hours – “Drug deaths draw the most notice, but more addicted people live than die. For
them and their families, life can be a relentless cycle of worry, hope and chaos” [via habi]


Deutschland geht Klauen – “Die vier großen Discounter Lidl, Edeka, Aldi und Rewe bestehlen täglich ihre Produzent*innen, denn sie verhindern Gewerkschaften, zahlen Hungerlöhne und befördern die Verletzungen von Menschenrechten. Solang es keine Gesetzesänderung gibt, wird das auch so bleiben. Deshalb kehren wir die Ausbeutung symbolisch um. Wir klauen gezielt Produkte und geben das Geld dafür dorthin, wo es hingehört: an Gewerkschaften im globalen Süden.” Of course I do not condone this, but find it interesting.

Mit Verschwörungstheoretikern reden. Ein Bericht – “Mit Menschen zu reden, die Verschwörungstheorien anziehend finden oder sich ganz in ihrem Bann bewegen, scheint kaum möglich. Trotzdem hat Philippe Wampfler in den Foren und Chat-Räumen der Fans von Daniele Ganser – einem der Stars der Szene – das Gespräch gesucht.” Was mich nervt hier, ist die Anspielung auf das Buch Mit Rechten Reden, welches dann aber im Text nicht aufgenommen wird. Trotzdem lesenswert.

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