ruff linkage 2018139 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


Tumblr Image of the Week



Who Does She Think She Is? – “The internet does not hate women. The internet doesn’t hate anyone, because the internet, being an inanimate network, lacks the capacity to hold any opinion whatsoever. People hate women, and the internet allows them to do it faster, harder, and with impunity. It’s developed into a form of relaxation after a hard day of being ground on the wheel of late-stage capitalism.” This abuse of women online must stop.


70 People Imitate What Cats and Dogs Sound Like in 70 Countries – “In this episode of Many People from Many Countries, 70 people from 70 countries demonstrate what cats and dogs sound like in their home country. For some people, ‘woof’, ‘meow’, and ‘bark’ might come to mind but there are plenty more out there that could surprise you.” The Swiss guy is lying.

THE PHILHARMONIC TURNTABLE ORCHESTRA – “The world’s first ensemble performance using only turntables and mixers.” Includes the youngest DMC champion ever, 2017 winner DJ Rena, who was 12 at the time.

Meerkat babies take first steps – The weekly aww.



The Rise and Fall of an Alt-Right Gladiator – “after Turano, a.k.a. Based Spartan, realized that some of the people he’d aligned himself with were neo-Nazis, homophobes, and racists, he turned against the movement—going from alt-right celebrity to pariah overnight.” Made me just speechless.

listen and

1 hour of Joseph Beuys saying “Ja ja ja ne ne ne”.


Israel Opens Fire on Protesters in Gaza After Trump’s Envoy Denounces “Hostile March” – “Israeli forces killed at least 15 Palestinian protesters in Gaza on Friday, and injured more than a thousand, as an estimated 50,000 residents of the besieged enclave answered an activist’s call to embrace civil disobedience by demonstrating close to the border fence, an area defined by the Israel Defense Forces as a closed military zone.” Outrageous.

Alarmed conservationists call for urgent action to fix ‘America’s wildlife crisis’ – “One-third of species are vulnerable to extinction, a crisis ravaging swaths of creatures, conservationists say in call to fund recovery plans” One third of species threatened with extinction in the Americas.

It’s time for a RSS revival – “Machines can have a big role in helping understand the information, so algorithms can be very useful, but for that they have to be transparent and the user has to feel in control,” says Khodabakchian. “What’s missing today with the black-box algorithms is where they look over your shoulder, and don’t trust you to be able to tell what’s right.” #TeamFeedly

Pope Rejects Call for Apology to Canada’s Indigenous People – “Despite a personal appeal from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Roman Catholic Church has said that Pope Francis will not apologize for its role in a Canadian system that forced generations of Indigenous children into boarding schools.” What a great pope he is not.

ICE Won’t Deport the Last Nazi War Criminal in America – “He confessed to being a concentration-camp guard—and was stripped of his citizenship. But the U.S. government still won’t kick him out of the country.” What a huge surprise this is not.

Cambridge Analytica’s Fossil Fuel Connections – “Several key directors at Cambridge Analytica’s parent company have direct connections to the fossil fuel industry, records show.” [Insert same snide comment as just above]

Restaurant Owner Tucks Into Steak In Front Of Vegan Protesters – “Here’s an exclusive video of the restaurant owner ‘defiling’ the deer in front of the ‘vegan outreach’” This guy seems so mature, OMG.

Anti-Trump Mural Sparks ACLU Lawsuit and Public Art Dispute in New Orleans – “Shortly after putting up a mural on his private property last year, Neal Morris received a letter from the city demanding its immediate removal and threatening jail time.” This is literally what Trump said, and the tricky words are even expressed in emojis. Yet he is president and this mural gets prosecuted?

Facebook Container Extension: Take control of how you’re being tracked – “Our Multi-Account Containers extension has been a game changer for many users, letting them manage various parts of their online life without intermingling their accounts. To help Firefox users have more control of their data on Facebook, we’ve created the Facebook Container Extension.” Installed. (I already had PrivacyBadger, but this seems better)

China Is Using Facial Recognition Technology to Send Jaywalkers Fines Through Text Messages – “It’s the latest update to a widely deployed facial recognition surveillance system in China.” Big brother already took China.

Donald The Menace – “The Trump’s administration told in comics by one of America’s finest artists” Peter Kuper, I love you.

Enigmail 2.0 Available – “I’m very happy to announce Enigmail 2.0! This marks a major milestone in the development of Enigmail.” Installed.

From Identity Politics to Emancipation – “Movements that put forth the rights of the marginalized as a universal cause are the only way to move beyond a superficial politics of representation.” That smart kid Shuja Haider again. Read!

Media impartiality is a problem when ignorance is given the same weight as expertise – “We live in an age in which veneration of dangerous stupidity has moved into the mainstream.” To the point.

New Spyware Company ‘Grey Heron’ Is Linked to Hacking Team – “a new, mysterious government-malware company called Grey Heron is advertising malware designed to steal data from Signal and Telegram messaging apps. The company seemingly came out of nowhere, suddenly advertising its wares at surveillance fairs over the last few months. But Grey Heron does have a history: The company emerged from controversial spyware firm Hacking Team, despite Grey Heron not mentioning these links publicly” These dudes…

Steven Pinker’s Misguided Optimism – “Big changes rather than gleeful self-congratulations are in order if progress is to become our mantra anytime soon. The most formidable challenge to Pinker’s vision ultimately comes from the Enlightenment itself. Not only is authentic optimism not data-driven, but it may have to be established by heirs of reason and humanism who make Pinker look complacent.” Pinker deconstructed √

Hate speech leads to violence. Why would liberals defend it? – “Bachmann was to have addressed a “free speech” rally. It’s not clear how this was different to any other rally, other than by framing any opposition to it as censorship. Characters such as Bachmann are no innocents practising their freedom of speech: they are cynical exploiters of it.” Nesrine Malik is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers. See just below.


‘I felt a nausea of fury’ – how I faced the cruelty of Britain’s immigration system – ““They don’t want you to integrate,” Farsani had told me. “They want you to fail so they can point their fingers at you and say, ‘Look, immigrants do not integrate’.” But we do, because the country, in spite of its broken immigration system, slowly, organically, casually, naturalises you in ways that cannot be validated by a Life in the UK test, citizenship ceremony or exhaustive application dossier. But daily this natural, healthy process is being violated, via administrative incompetence and politically instructed cruelty, to fulfil a soundbite “tens of thousands” target the government cannot meet, and is too proud to jettison.”

Is Jordan Peterson the stupid man’s smart person? – “Spend half an hour on his website, sit through a few of his interminable videos, and you realize that what he has going for him, the niche he has found—he never seems to say “know” where he could instead say “cognizant of”—is that Jordan Peterson is the stupid man’s smart person.” I love this piece. Just do. Yes, it may not be a very constructive form of criticism. But so many funny lines.


Referendum: Stoppen wir die Versicherungsspitzel – “Die Grossen lässt man laufen, die Kleinen werden ausspioniert.”

Datenskandal: Nicht Facebook hat Trump zum Präsidenten gemacht – “Seine Firma habe unentschiedene Wähler so gezielt manipuliert, dass sie für Donald Trump gestimmt hätten. Damit macht Nix nicht nur Werbung für sein digitales Werbe-Instrument. Er greift ein Menschenbild auf, das auch Psychologen und Neurowissenschaftler in den letzten Jahrzehnten verbreitet haben: die These vom manipulierbaren Individuum, das nicht aufgrund bewusster Entscheidungen handelt, sondern von unbewussten Neigungen gesteuert ist.” The CA hype looked at from a philosophical point of view.

Kolumne Fremd und befremdlich: Ein Mittel der Vertuschung – “Demonstrierenden ist das Vermummen verboten, Polizisten nicht. Der Staat will dadurch Überlegenheit herstellen. Aber mit welchem Recht?” Good question.

“Facebook hat lange ein Auge zugedrückt” – “Die Internetsoziologin Zeynep Tufekci erklärt, weshalb auch die europäische Datenschutzverordnung einen Fall wie Cambridge Analytica in Zukunft nicht verhindern wird.” Interview with one of the top social media experts.

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