ruff linkage 20181612 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Tumblr Image of the Week


One of my favorite albums of all time.


The ‘anti-imperialism’ of idiots – Leila Al-Shami – “I no longer have an answer. I’ve consistently opposed all foreign military intervention in Syria, supported Syrian led process to rid their country of a tyrant and international processes grounded in efforts to protect civilians and human rights and ensure accountability for all actors responsible for war-crimes. A negotiated settlement is the only way to end this war – and still seems as distant as ever. Assad (and his backers) are determined to thwart any process, pursue a total military victory and crush any remaining democratic alternative. Hundreds of Syrians are being killed every week in the most barbaric ways imaginable. Extremist groups and ideologies are thriving in the chaos wrought by the state.” Lots of the pro-assad and pro-russia idiots are of course conspiracy infected nutcases, and those exist among the right as well as (more and more so, sadly) on the left.


ZAD, pour l’autodéfense et la communalité – Alèssi Dell’Umbria – “Cela fait donc onze jours que les habitants de la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes sont exposés à une attaque militaire en règle. Deux mille cinq cent gendarmes mobiles, dont des maîtres-chiens, plusieurs véhicules blindés et deux hélicoptères sont engagés dans l’opération, ainsi que des drones de surveillance. A ce jour, la Gendarmerie Mobile aura tiré 8000 grenades lacrymogènes et 3000 grenades explosives, causant deux cent blessés dont une dizaine gravement atteints -il est même miraculeux qu’il n’y ait pas eu encore de morts dans nos rangs, vu le niveau de violence employée par les militaires.” Alèssi captures the situation.

Lancement d’une cagnotte pour la reconstruction de la ZAD – “Alors que la solidarité nationale s’est largement et dispendieusement exprimée envers le mouvement de grève des cheminots, des amis de la ZAD ont lancé une cagnotte afin que toutes et tous puissent contribuer à la reconstruction et à l’avancement de la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes.” Wish-list for support.

Je n’étais jamais venue sur la ZAD – “Une collaboration entre des habitant-es de la zad, le réalisateur Leo Leibovici et l ‘actrice Lizzie Brochere, Je n’étais jamais venue sur la ZAD est un petit film qui nous invite à un voyage intime à travers le territoire libéré de la zad, à la recherche d’espoir en ces temps tourmentés. Ce film est aussi un appel à toutes et tous à venir à la grande mobilisation du 10 février 2018, pour enraciner l’avenir à Notre-Dame-des-Landes.” A video from before the eviction.


Nothing to see here.

listen and

HERD. HEIMAT. HASS. Über die Verlockungen rechten Denkens (2/4) – “Konvertiten kennt man aus dem Feld der Religionen und Konfessionen: Sie ändern mitsamt dem Glauben auch ihre Lebenseinstellung und ihr Weltbild. Die Figur des Konvertiten gibt es aber auch in der Politik: die Bewegung vom demokratisch und links eingestellten Intellektuellen hin zum Rechtsextremismus.” Georg Seeßlen was envolved in the making of this radio show.

Solecast: Insights From The Implosion of The Tradionalist Workers Party w/ Chris of Unicorn Riot – “An in-depth discussion w/ Chris of Unicorn Riot about what was uncovered in a treasure trove of internal communications on Discord servers that Unicorn Riot leaked. The Unicorn Riot report details a year of the inner workers of one of the most visible & violent neo-nazi groups in the US.” As upsetting as it is amusing.

Block9 Creative Retreat – “A group of select recording artists from across the globe were invited to take part including world renowned musician and producer Brian Eno, Beirut’s much heralded Mashrou Leila, underground US DJ/Producer The Black Madonna, avant-garde singer/songwriter/producer Roisin Murphy, and Palestinian heavyweight Samir Joubran of Trio Joubran who joined fresh from recording with Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame.” Banksy started it.


This PSA About Fake News From Barack Obama Is Not What It Appears – “Oscar-winning filmmaker Jordan Peele has a warning for viewers about trusting material they encounter online.” I still hate buzzfeed.

Basel in the spotlight: the city that learned to love LSD – “Bicycle Day’ on 19 April is the 75th anniversary of the day Albert Hofmann accidentally discovered LSD, changing his perceptions – and the city’s future” You gotta be trippin, Basel.

Yanis Varoufakis: Marx predicted our present crisis – and points the way out – “For Marx and Engels, however, this disruption is to be celebrated. It acts as a catalyst for the final push humanity needs to do away with our remaining prejudices that underpin the great divide between those who own the machines and those who design, operate and work with them. “All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned,” they write in the manifesto of technology’s effect, “and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses, his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind”. By ruthlessly vaporising our preconceptions and false certainties, technological change is forcing us, kicking and screaming, to face up to how pathetic our relations with one another are.” Neoliberal Marxism, voila.

Sexual Harassment Was Rampant at Coachella 2018 – “During the 10 hours I was reporting on this story, I was groped 22 times.” Fucking entitled assholes.

‘Extremely Racist’ Video Shows Frat Swearing to Hate Black and Jewish People – “The clips posted to a secret Facebook group were also described by Syracuse University as “anti-semitic,” “homophobic,” and “sexist,” which is really an understatement.” These guys will be engineers soon.

We Are (Probably) Not in the “End Stages” of Trump’s Presidency – “One of the key lessons of the Trump era is that partisan loyalty and personality cults can convince so many Americans—politicians and voters alike—to accept racism, misogyny, and corruption. The legal system has instruments to wound Trump, but the deeper crisis is a political system that empowered Trump in the first place.” Sadly this is the correct assessment.

Diante Yarber: Police kill black father with barrage of bullets in Walmart parking lot – “The killing of the 26-year-old, who is believed to have been unarmed, is being called a brutal case of excessive police force” Fuck the police.

Bernie Sanders’s Latest Criticism of Israel Signals an Actual Debate Coming in 2020 – “To oppose the reactionary policies of Benjamin Netanyahu does not make us anti-Israel” Bernie speaking tacheles.

From Starbucks to Hashtags: We Need to Talk About Why White Americans Call the Police on Black People – “Calling the police to report an actual crime that the police overact to is not the citizen’s fault, no matter what color he or she is. I’m talking about the hundreds of cases—that we know about—every year, where white Americans actively and knowingly use the police as an extension of their personal bigotry yet face no consequences.” White people calling the police on blacks in the USA as a potential death sentence.

Want to feel unique? Believe in the reptile people – “What this observation suggests is that adopting a conspiracy belief doesn’t always have to be mere compensation for a lack of control but can be instrumental in its own way. Belief in conspiracies can serve to set oneself apart from the ignorant masses – a self-serving boast about one’s exclusive knowledge. Adherence to conspiracy theory might not always be the result of some perceived lack of control, but rather a deep-seated need for uniqueness.” OMG, these retards just want to feel special, lol.

Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles – “The breakthrough, spurred by the discovery of plastic-eating bugs at a Japanese dump, could help solve the global plastic pollution crisis” What could possibly go wrong.

Zombie Translator – “Top zombie linguists are working around the clock, unlocking the secrets of the exciting and profound zombie language.” I am sure you always wanted to know what Adorno sounds like translated to Zombie.

Leaked: A Year Inside The Failed Neo-Nazi Traditionalist Worker Party – “Previously unreleased Discord chat logs illustrate the internal workings of the now-disbanded Traditionalist Worker Party. Conversations obtained by Unicorn Riot show over a year of the internal workings of the party, providing a wealth of details regarding the activities, strategies, and dynamics of the neo-Nazi group which, until recently, considered itself the premier white nationalist street force in America. More than eight gigabytes of zipped screenshots are available for download in full below.” These idiots are idiotic.

Defending the Apu stereotype again? Maybe The Simpsons has run its course | Shuja Haider – “Asian Americans participate in the whole spectrum of society, far beyond the usual stereotypes. There is no shame in being a convenience store clerk or a cab driver – working people of all races are three-dimensional human beings, in all their complexity. But Apu is two-dimensional, and his presence has led Americans to see real people the same way.” The Simpsons reacted like a tool.

My Epiphany About the Problem With Apu – “I was born in India and raised in Canada. I didn’t think Apu was a problem until now.” Humor is not harmless.

It’s time to give socialism a try – “That capitalism is inimical to the best of liberalism isn’t a new concern: It’s a long-standing critique, present in early socialist thought. That both capitalism and liberal governance have changed since those days without displacing the criticism suggests that it’s true in a foundational way.” No, anarchism is better.

Argentinian officers fired after claiming mice ate half a ton of missing marijuana – “Eight police officers claimed mice ate the cannabis, but forensic experts explained that mice would not mistake the drug for food” Busted.

Prominent Lawyer in Fight for Gay Rights Dies After Setting Himself on Fire in Prospect Park – “Pollution ravages our planet, oozing inhabitability via air, soil, water and weather. Most humans on the planet now breathe air made unhealthy by fossil fuels, and many die early deaths as a result — my early death by fossil fuel reflects what we are doing to ourselves.” A true hero.


The Century of the Self – Part 1: “Happiness Machines” – “The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud’s ideas to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn’t need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.” Parts 1 – 4 of the Adam Curtis documentary.


Facebook nutzt Anpassung an Datenschutzgrundverordnung, um Gesichtserkennung auch in Europa zu starten – “Im Rahmen einer Marketingkampagne kündigt Facebook weitere Mechanismen an, mit denen es sich den neuen europäischen Datenschutzregeln unterwerfen will. Tatsächlich aber bleiben die Veränderungen minimal.” Bastards gonna bastard.

Trauma und Kultur. Ein Gespräch mit dem Psychologen und Psychiater Andreas Maercker – “Trauma ist zu einem geläufigen Begriff der Alltagssprache geworden. Was ist in Psychologie und Psychiatrie mit Trauma gemeint, und wie hat sich das Konzept historisch verändert? Gibt es Überschneidungen zwischen Fach- und Alltagssprache, und wie verhält es sich mit kulturellen Unterschieden?” Time to start to use the term trauma in a less general way.

Nach Krawallen in Hamburg: Kampf um die Deutungshoheit – “Nach der genehmigten Route wäre „Welcome to Hell“ an einer Polizeiwache vorbeigelaufen und hätte direkt am G20-Tagungsort Messehallen geendet. Eine solche Route hätte die Polizei gar nicht zulassen können, sagt Blechschmidt, erst recht nicht, weil sie angab, Hinweise zu haben, dass an der Route Depots für Steine, Wechselkleidung oder Ähnliches versteckt seien.” The organiser of the first demonstration speaks out for the first time.

Das Spitzel-Gesetz macht uns zu Sozialschmarotzern – “Dem legislativen Sündenfall des Versicherungsspitzel-Gesetzes liegt eine Kette von Grenzüberschreitungen zugrund: der Sprache, der Politik und Wirtschaft, des Rechts. Eine Auslegeordnung.” One of the smartest journalists in Switzerland explaining the situation regarding the new law, that allows insurance companies to spy on people on welfare.

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