ruff linkage 2018257 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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[Photo by fr3nin3]



The Chomsky Challenge for Americans – “Just imagine ourselves in their position,” Chomsky writes. “Imagine what it meant … for your country to be totally levelled—everything destroyed by a huge superpower, which furthermore was gloating about what it was doing. Imagine the imprint that would leave behind.”


KILLING KLAUS KINSKI – “The hostility of the Amazon and its natural forces reaches superlative levels during the shooting of a film. The overpowering jungle and harsh weather lead the film crew to plot the assassination of the main actor.” A bit pretentious but well done.

“TRUMP-KIM SUMMIT” — A Bad Lip Reading – “Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un bond in Singapore…”

What would happen if England actually won the World Cup? – Expectations are low in England this year. No really.

Listen to children who’ve just been separated from their parents at the border – “ProPublica has obtained audio from inside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility, in which children can be heard wailing as an agent jokes, “We have an orchestra here.”” Cynical.

Sable – “Sable is a coming-of-age tale of discovery through exploration across a strikingly rendered open world desert. Go on a deeply personal journey across an alien planet while learning its history and discovering Sable’s place in the world” Looks like a rather nice little game in a Moebius aesthetic.

listen and

Pieceocast 093 – Kein Mensch Ist Illegal


Cocaine in rivers harming endangered eels, study finds – “Tests show drug causes eels to become hyperactive and damages their muscles, possibly hindering their ability to migrate” Yeah, but eels are eww.

While No One Is Looking, Trump Is Escalating America’s Drone War – “In expanding US drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan, Trump has “shredded” Obama-era safeguards to minimizing the risk of civilian casualties.” Of course, why else would this administration mount all these distractions?

Reliable Sources podcast: How Trump uses words to con the public – “President Donald Trump has “turned words into weapons” — and journalists are providing additional ammunition.” In response to the article last week in the guardian. Nice word here, truth sandwich.

Dismantling the “West” – “The realization that “the West” has not exhausted all worthwhile human endeavor should fill us with wonder at the scope of human possibility. There will always be more to know, more places to see, more people to meet. For those of us on the left who claim to love humanity, I can think of few more powerful visions of our future.” The west does not exist as such.

Trump signs order ending family separation. 10 things you can do to help detainees in new Family Concentration Camps. – “Trump just signed an executive order ending his family separation policy. The alternative they’re proposing is indefinite military detention of families. This is not acceptable. This is not over. Feeling despair? Take action. Please share.”

Is the genital selfie a cry for sympathy – or something more sinister? – “One of the advantages of having a vagina of your very own is that, when it lets you down or gets you in trouble, you don’t have to look it in the eye the next day. Perhaps, on a subliminal level, the humble dick pic is a cry, if not for help, then at least for sympathy: a plea that somewhere out there a stranger might see things, for once, from your point of view.” Send non-nudes.

Recursive Recipes – “A recursive recipe is one where ingredients in the recipe can be replaced by another recipe. The more ingredients you replace, the more that the recipe is made truly from scratch.” Clever implementation.

The Book of Sessions: America Blearily Awakens to a New Theocracy – “Romans 13 was widely used in 19th-century America to defend slavery, and it was also a favorite passage of the Nazis. That Trumpist government officials would cite it in defense of cruel and illegal treatment of brown foreigners is not surprising at all. The flood of criticism of the policy now coming from prominent white evangelicals is admittedly somewhat surprising.” In god we don’t trust.

What happened last time it was as warm as it’s going to get later this century? – “Every five-year delay could commit our descendants to an extra 1 meter (3 feet) of sea level rise by 2300. Avoiding this future also assumes we don’t trigger widespread ice sheet collapse in the meantime. If that happens, it will be effectively irreversible for millennia, even with removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.” Yeah, we are doomed. Let’s party.

‘How the World Went Mad’: A diagnosis of the confusing, topsy-turvy world of President Donald Trump – “What if Trump is the new definition of sanity and it is I who am in fact mad. The line between sanity and insanity has been a skipping rope throughout history, pulling people in and out of it. Gays, lesbians, and women have only recently escaped their 19th-century diagnosis as perverts and hysterics. The Trump/Pence victory signalled another swing of the rope. In their Handmaid’s Tale morality, these gender traitors deserve no voice in the patriarch’s definition of sanity—where only the male “commanders” are capable of rational judgements.” Too bad the documentaries are a bit costly.

Messi Walks Better Than Most Players Run – “Can we say Messi gets a lot of his space by not chasing the play? Yes, that’s precisely what our research shows.” Bornn said. “Is he doing it deliberately? To answer that, you’d probably have to ask the man himself.” He sleepwalked through this world cup though.

Politicians, about to vote in favor of mandatory upload filtering in Europe, get channel deleted by YouTube’s upload filtering – “French politicians of the former Front National are furious: their entire YouTube channel was just taken down by automatic filters at YouTube for alleged copyright violations. Perhaps this will cause them to reconsider next week’s vote, which they have announced they will support: the bill that will make exactly this “arbitrary, political, and unilateral” upload filtering mandatory all across Europe.” Dammit.

Hey Boss, You Don’t Want Your Employees to Meditate – “Meditation was correlated with reduced thoughts about the future and greater feelings of calm and serenity — states seemingly not conducive to wanting to tackle a work project.” Ha ha, capitalism is so stupid.


Anthropologists Are Talking – About Capitalism, Ecology, and Apocalypse – “The victorious end of history to many now feels more like the end of the world. How are we to study the present in a world where the future is not what it used to be? And what does it mean for the study of capitalism that the biggest challenge to it is not an existing ‘political other’ (such as Communism) but an ‘ecological other’, an unknown formation sometimes called Gaia and sometimes the Anthropocene?” Bit heady, but great interview.


Die kostbare Verwandtschaft – “Eigene Kinder zeugen? Wie langweilig! Technik und Tiere sollten heute unsere Familie sein, sagt die Feministin und Biologin Donna J. Haraway. So radikal, so inspirierend und hoffnungsvoll wie sie schreibt sonst kaum jemand.” Rad.

Warum das neue EU-Gesetz eine Gefahr für das gesamte Internet ist – “Der Netzexperte Cory Doctorow warnt eindringlich vor der Urheberrechtsreform, über die das EU-Parlament morgen abstimmt. Noch können EU-Bürger etwas tun, um Upload-Filter und Leistungsschutzrecht zu stoppen.” And they listened to Cory … Just kiddin, they did not of course, the bill was passed.

Nous ne viendrons plus – “Nous ne viendrons plus à vos soirées, à vos manifs, à vos fêtes, à vos spectacles, à vos réunions, à vos assemblées générales, à vos boulots, à vos lectures, à vos dîners. Si on revient, on sera armées, les dents serrées et les poings sortis. On ne fera pas ça de gaîté de cœur : vous nous forcez la main.” Haine Rage Amour.

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