ruff linkage 20182611 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Nothing stands out this week.


Canadian Robbery w Music – “When a convenience store robbery goes wrong…”

Philosophy Feuds: Freud vs Jung – “Sex, religion and envy – how Freud and Jung’s frenetic friendship tore itself apart” Dudes who made this are deffo TeamFreud.

listen and

Russia 2018 World Cup Spezial – Polivox Orthodox – “In a desperate bid to muster some Russia 2018 Word Cup enthusiasm, while also attempting to shed some timber after 6 weeks of BBQ fever, Finders Keepers gym buddies Andy Votel and Doug Shipton flex their muscles by digging in the mixtape vault to bring you this lost party pack of latter day wax workouts from the Russian based label Melodiya.”

Rakim: Tiny Desk Concert – “It had been nearly a decade since Rakim released new music, but that drought ended Friday when the godfather of rap lyricism and one half of the revered duo Eric B & Rakim released a new song, “King’s Paradise.” The track was written for Season 2 of Marvel’s Luke Cage, which premiered on Netflix the same day, but it wasn’t entirely new to select NPR staff; they heard it days earlier when the God MC performed at the Tiny Desk.” Rakimahsaid.


Fuck Abuse, Kill Power : Addressing the Root Causes of Sexual Harassment and Assault – “2017 saw a wave of revelations about powerful people—nearly all men—perpetrating sexual violence against those beneath them. The moment provided a platform for countless courageous survivors. Yet while some men were made to face consequences for the harm they did, we are still far from being able to solve the problem of male sexual violence.” Downloadable as a PDF.

Medieval trade networks v.4 – “Even before modern times the Afro-Eurasian world was already well connected. This map depicts the main trading arteries of the high middle ages, just after the decline of the Vikings and before the rise of the Mongols, the Hansa and well before the Portuguese rounded the Cape of Good Hope.”

It was 30 years ago today | DJ Food – “Another anniversary post, this occasion being three decades ago that Public Enemy released their second LP, ‘It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back’. This post isn’t entirely about that though but about their debut London gig as part of the 87 Def Jam Tour, supporting LL Cool J at the Hammersmith Odeon, the November before. ” This is amazing. Kev even kept the ticket stub.

Dumbass Blows Up His Foot Trying to Make Upskirt Videos With Shoe Camera – “A Madison, Wisconsin man turned himself in to the police when his shoe camera—meant for taking upskirt photos—allegedly exploded. ” This headline.

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone – “We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child — in the middle of the hearing — started climbing up on the table” Your honour, may I step out to change my nappies?

Jeremy Piven’s Stand-Up Made Me Quit My Comedy Job – “The former ‘Entourage’ star has been accused of sexual misconduct by eight women, but my former employer had no problem giving him a stage to perform on.” The author should be a comedian. Piven should not.

Patreon Is Suspending Adult Content Creators Because of Its Payment Partners – “The subscription crowdfunding platform Patreon confirmed that they are increasing efforts to review content, due to payment processor pressure.” Anyone still able to justify having a Patreon account?

Be Fucking Brutal – “An Oxycontin prescription derailed into addiction as Nan strung film negatives from the rancid walls of her own opioid Hell. Her exhibit at MoMa went up as she sat holed up, doped up in her New York apartment.”

This Professor Needs Thousands of Dick Pics for Her Study on Penis Size – “We need to be talking about men’s body dysmorphia, and the way our society worships size and the way that worship impacts men… It really is incredibly damaging” Send nudes.

This Is a Bully’s Language – “I don’t have any platforms or any ideas for what to do next or how to fight this. Like I said, I’m out. I still want the future to be better, free healthcare for everyone, an end to systemic oppression, an end to capitalism and all the daily misery it inflicts on people. But I’m back to not knowing at all how to get there. Whatever this bullshit is, it’s not leading us anywhere.” Honest account of how infighting weakens the left.

Anger in America – “US President Donald Trump has exploited popular anger to advance his own interests. But he did not create that anger; America’s elites have spent decades doing that, creating the conditions for a figure like Trump to emerge. Now that Trump is in charge, the conditions of the 90% are set to deteriorate further. His approach to trade, in particular, will not only fail to help the people he purports to represent; it will also destroy the sense of fairness and stewardship that has historically bound the masses to their leaders.” TÂźump is the symptom. Treat the disease.

Faces of Auschwitz – “The word ‘Auschwitz’ has become synonymous with murder, hate, senseless cruelty and, above all, the Holocaust.” Very strong work.

I’ve Got Some Things to Say | by Romelu Lukaku – “No more rats in the apartment. No more sleeping on the floor. No more stress. We’re good now. We’re good 
” So honest, so vulnerable, based a bit too much of the you-can-get-it-if-you-really-want myth.

Radio AdBlock – “My aim is to create an app that mutes the ads. The commercial block starts and finishes with a jingle, so the potential software should recognize these specific sounds and turn off the volume between them.” Make this for TV please.

The sudden rush of vulgar trademarks – “In the five weeks after The Slants opinion, trademark lawyer Ed Timberlake told National Public Radio that applications had been filed for “Gutter sluts,” “chink,” “damn vegans,” and at least five applications with the term “nigga.” There was even a swastika in the mix, registered for use on “fabric, apparel, upholstery, and flags.”” People being cautious.

1,000 Detainees Just Got Sent To A Prison That Staffers Consider Unsafe – “Former and current employees at a federal prison in California that began receiving a group of 1,000 immigration detainees on June 8 are warning that poor medical conditions in the prison in the Mojave Desert complex will endanger detainees, as well as the inmates and staff who are already at risk.” If the staff thinks it’s unsafe, it’s probably unsafe.

Woman who set self on fire in Portland park remembered as ‘brilliant and tortured’ artist – “A friend who chose not to give his name, fearing repercussions from Kiwi Farms, said her livelihood and mental stability were destroyed by the attacks.” Sad, the bullying must stop.

Why Trump’s Baby Jails Strategy Backfired, Unleashing Waves of Empathy – “Whenever you find yourself asking “why” conservatives do the things they do, consult this hierarchy and you will find the answer.”


Beating Authoritarianism Isn’t as Simple as You Think. It’s Even Simpler – “Authoritarianism, ultimately, is a simple historical process. People who feel insecure and unsafe and weak, because their societies are broken, turn to strong men for a feeling of strength and protection — just like mafias. And so fighting authoritarians with cries of hypocrisy and evil does less than no good. You beat authoritarianism by repairing the broken society that gave rise to it.” If it’s broken, fix it.


Edward Snowden im SZ-Interview – “Seit fĂŒnf Jahren sitzt Edward Snowden in Russland fest. Im Interview mit der SĂŒddeutschen Zeitung verrĂ€t er, wo er viel lieber leben möchte, was er von Russlands PrĂ€sident Putin hĂ€lt und warum er von Kanzlerin Merkel enttĂ€uscht ist.” 5 years most of the surveillance Snowden denounced has been made legal. We’re fucked.

WM 2018: Hetze gegen Claudia Neumann – ZDF stellt Strafanzeige – “Claudia Neumann kommentiert Spiele der MĂ€nnerfußball-WM und muss dafĂŒr ĂŒble Bemerkungen in den sozialen Medien ertragen. Nun hat ihr Sender gegen zwei besonders frauenfeindliche Nutzer Strafantrag gestellt.” As they should.

Sarah kĂ€mpft – “Sarah Akanji war als Kind genauso fussballverrĂŒckt wie ihr Bruder Manuel. Er wurde Profi. Sie nicht. Was ist passiert?” Sister and brother were dealt different cards in football.

In Österreich: Mit Rechten leben – “In Österreich regieren die Rechten – und die KĂŒnstlerinnen wehren sich. Die Autorin Stefanie Sargnagel lĂ€dt zum subversiven Treffen: Ins Kaffeehaus – wohin sonst?”

Initiative SeebrĂŒcke des Bundes – “Eine europĂ€ische Einigung wurde erzielt. Mit der Initiative SeebrĂŒcke des Bundes wird Deutschland seiner historisch gewachsenen Verantwortung gerecht. Deutschland nimmt bis Ende 2019 freiwillig alle Menschen auf, die im Mittelmeer aus Seenot gerettet werden.” Answers the question, what if Germany still had a heart?

Der lange arabische Winter – “Aber vielerorts auf der Welt lachen die Menschen, um das Schlimme auszuhalten, sie tanzen, um das Trauma abzuschĂŒtteln, und sie klammern sich stur an ihren Alltag, um nicht verrĂŒckt zu werden. Dank ihnen darf man auch in den dunkelsten Zeiten den Glauben an das Leben nicht verlieren.” The NZZ is a terrible reactionary paper now, but every once in a while there are some clear words. Incidentally this is from a parting journalist.

Historische Entscheidung im Fall Lafarge – “Französische Justiz ermittelt gegen gesamten Konzern und wegen Beihilfe zu Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in Syrien” PDF

AmoklĂ€ufer vernetzen sich auf weltgrĂ¶ĂŸter Gaming-Seite – Polizei und Betreiber ignorieren das Problem – “Rechte AttentĂ€ter haben sich auf Steam offen ausgetauscht. Unsere Recherchen zeigen: Die Amokgruppen sind noch immer aktiv. WĂŒrden Betreiber und Behörden genauer hinschauen, hĂ€tte wohl mindestens eine Tat verhindert werden können.”

Farbe gekriegt! | Greenpeace – “Ein bisschen zusĂ€tzlichen Sonnenschein vertrĂ€gt der Berliner Sommer immer: Greenpeace-Aktivisten verwandelten heute Morgen den Kreisverkehr um die SiegessĂ€ule in ein riesiges Sonnensymbol – unter Verwendung von rund 3500 Litern umweltfreundlicher Farbe, selbstverstĂ€ndlich abwaschbar. Das Bild Ă€hnelt dem, das die französischen Kollegen 2015 am Pariser Triumphbogen schon einmal inszenierten.” They used organic paint.

Fussball und Politik: Lange Tradition, geringe Wirkung – “Im Vorfeld der WM wurden BefĂŒrchtungen laut, dass der Kreml den Anlass politisch ausschlachten werde. Ein Blick in die Geschichte zeigt jedoch, dass Diktatoren wie Demokraten immer wieder den Glanz des WM-Ruhms suchten – davon aber kaum je profitiert haben.” We have not moved on much from the Romans and their Brot und Spiele.

Weltweite Webkunst – “Der Siegeszug des Computers hat viele GrĂŒnde. Einer davon: Wir können Maschinen unsere WĂŒnsche mitteilen. Wie geht das? Teil I unserer Reise durch Digitalien bietet erste, einfache ProgrammierĂŒbungen.”

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