ruff linkage 2018308 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Do follow the hashtag #metwo this week, where Germans share experiences of daily racism.

#ifyouonlyreadone okay two 😉

Meet the Anarchists Making Their Own Medicine – “To date, Four Thieves has used the device to produce homemade Naloxone, a drug used to prevent opiate overdoses better known as Narcan; Daraprim, a drug that treats infections in people with HIV; Cabotegravir, a preventative HIV medicine that may only need to be taken four times per year; and mifepristone and misoprostol, two chemicals needed for pharmaceutical abortions.” This is so goddamn awesome, I want to do something similar. Who’s in?

“Es ist unser Land, verteidigen wir es gemeinsam” – “Die Migrationsforscherin Naika Foroutan über ihre Angst um Deutschland, die Entmoralisierung der Gesellschaft durch rechte Extreme – und warum Gaucks Worte über Migranten verantwortungslos sind.” Despite the silly title, this is an excellent interview, Foroutan is one to watch, she expresses many important points in a super concise manner.


How a Holocaust Survivor Became ‘Death Metal Grandma’ – “Many of us hope to remain active as we age — and in Inge Ginsberg we’ve found a new role model. A 96-year-old poet, songwriter and Holocaust survivor, Ginsberg started singing death metal late in life, a story told in this week’s Op-Doc, Leah Galant’s “Death Metal Grandma.””

Comedians in Cars with Dissidents Getting Coffee – “We’ve had Masha Gessen on time and again but her warnings just aren’t getting through to you guys, so this time we honored the late night tradition and put her in a car.”

Welcome To Sodom @ CPH:DOX 2018 – The terrifying reality of how the world electronic waste gets recycled in Africa.

Bach on Piano for Blind Elephant – “Lam Duan is the name of an old blind elephant, her name means “Tree with Yellow Flowers”. Lam Duan has been blind most of her life.”

listen and

Yes, Trump Is Trying to Start a War – Gaslit Nation – “In our look back at 2016 it’s clear Trump has wanted Russia as a military ally. No surprise that he’s now picking a fight with Iran.” Andrea Chalupa and Sarah Kendzior in number 2 of another very good podcast series.


I Refuse To Believe That This Is The Best We Can Do – “I think the right reaction to an absurd condition is to revolt against it, even if it feels fruitless. That’s not hope, exactly. More like obstinancy, an unwillingness to concede the obvious. ” Hope dies last.

These six species are about to be sacrificed for the oil and gas industry – “Republican-led changes to the Endangered Species Act put plants and animals across America at risk. Here are the ones you should be most concerned about” Cynical bastards, that is what they are.

What Feminists Can Do for Boys – “Feminism has long focused on issues of sexual assault, reproductive rights, harassment and more. But issues don’t hurt women, men do. Until we grapple with how to stop misogynists themselves — starting with ensuring boys don’t grow up to be one — women will never be free.” This article is nowhere near radical feminism. And yet the author got attacked by alt-right mob on social media for it. I mean …

The ‘Punk’ CBGB-Themed Target Is Peak Late Capitalism – “Corporations jumping on culture for profit is obviously an old story, but this time it happened less than two blocks from where I grew up.” The article sucks, because they diss it, yet they still buy stuff in the fucking Target.

Jαιгυѕ кнαη @ тєямιηυѕ describes how alt-right trolls infiltrated the HOPE hacker conference in NYC – “The conference has a CoC that is pretty good on paper, but it’s also very new and largely untested. It also explicitly protects political beliefs. Now that’s a feature, not a bug, but it’s also a vulnerability, because using your rules and norms against you is an alt-right go-to.”

Welcome to Sodom – “Agbogbloshie, Accra is proven to be one of most poisonous places. It is the largest electronic waste dump in the world. About 6000 women, men and children live and work here. They call it SODOM.” Can’t wait to watch this documentary.

Humans have used a year’s worth of Earth’s resources in just seven months – “This year the annual date when people have caused a year’s worth of ecological damage – Earth Overshoot Day – comes two days earlier than last year.” Overshoot day this year falls on Aug. 1., which is also Swiss national holiday, when millions worth of fireworks will be shot into the skies.

The Queer Art of Failing Better | Laurie Penny – “heterosexuality is a disaster, toxic masculinity is killing the world, and there are ways out of it aside from fascism or festering away in a lonely bedroom until you are eaten by your starving pitbull or your own insecurities.” For once a Laurie Penny text that is not the must-read of the week, but of course it’s still amazing.

Femen co-founder Oksana Shachko found dead in Paris flat – “Suicide note found next to body of 31-year-old feminist activist, say Femen members”

20 best vegetarian and vegan recipes – part 3 – Linking to part 4 here, because it contains the links to the other three articles. Many wonderful summer recipes here.

Swedish student’s dramatic plane protest stops man’s deportation ‘to hell’ – “Elin Ersson refused to take her seat on flight at Gothenburg airport until man being sent to Afghanistan was removed” What a very brave person.

What Went Wrong at the HOPE Hacking Conference? – “Attendees at Hackers on Planet Earth don’t think the conference is doing enough to address issues of harassment and intimidation from “bad faith attendees.” A lot.


The “Intellectual Dark Web” Is Nothing New – [We] “should not indulge the intellectual dark web’s veneer of novelty or appeals to transpolitical reason. These thinkers ought not to be allowed to pretend that its ideas are, historically speaking, anything other than conservative.” It’s a relevant article. No really, just so fucking long, and in my eyes a bit redundant. Of course they are all reactionary conservatives, read between the lines.

The Enrightenment – “some liberals are either attracted, or not as repelled as they would be by a straight-up conservative ‘we must defend Judeo-Christian values’ shtick. Such liberals are not likely to turn conservative, but they can surely be Enrightened. Many of those who aren’t Enrightened may at least be Enrightenment-curious, and willing to pull their punches a little.” Some of the points in this response are a bit semantic for my taste, but it does add to the discussion.


Hilarious Golden Retriever Really Wants To Race But.. First Things First – “Fails at competition; wins at life” What a classic.

Neoliberalism’s Populist Bastards – “Contemporary right-wing populism in Germany and Austria emerged within neoliberalism, not in opposition to it. This is not the wholesale rejection of globalism but a variety of it, one that accepts an international division of labor with robust cross-border flows of goods and even multilateral trade agreements while tightening controls on certain kinds of migration. As repellent as their politics may be, these populists are not barbarians at the gates of neoliberal globalism but the offspring of that line of thought itself.”

Revolt forecasted – “An impending blackout gives the city’s working class its chance to rise up against their wealthy oppressors. From the onion.” A classic, not new but nice reminder.


Schaut zu, wie Hacker in fünf Minuten einen unbeaufsichtigten Laptop knacken – “Sobald ein Angreifer euer Gerät in den Händen hält, habt ihr schon verloren. Im Video seht ihr, wie leicht Hacker einen Laptop unter ihre Kontrolle bringen können, indem sie die Firmware manipulieren.” Glimmer nail polish on the seams. With video.

„Mensch – Maschinen – Musik. Das Gesamtkunstwerk Kraftwerk“ – Buchrezension: Die große Anthologie zum großen Mythos – “Keine weitere unautorisierte Biografie, keine sinnfreie Aneinanderreihung von Roboter-Klischees. Mit der kürzlich erschienenen Textsammlung „Mensch – Maschinen – Musik“ bekommt der Mythos Kraftwerk neuen Zunder. Runter von der Autobahn und rein in die Zukunft der Vergangenheit.” Ralf is still a dickhead.

Ressourcen: Das sinkende Schiff – Sibylle Berg – “Hektisch rennen alle weiter auf die eine Seite des sinkenden Schiffs. Statt sich zu fragen – wie kann es in einer globalisierten Welt eine gewisse Gerechtigkeit geben, wie kann man Probleme, die alle Menschen betreffen, zusammen lösen? Kein vernünftiger Plan. Nirgends. Also erst mal weiter wie bisher. Fleisch, Abgrenzung, Aufrüstung, Feindbestimmung, Standortbestimmung.” Berg sharp as ever.

„Der Milizionär kommt ins Spiel“ – Wie Pussy Riot den Dichter Dmitrij Prigov zitieren und das Politische poetisch wird – “Den Milizionär, den Pussy Riot am Sonntag während des WM-Finals in Moskau „ins Spiel brachte“, ist eine Kultfigur der Moskauer Kunstszene der 1980er Jahre. Sie stammt von Dmitrij Prigov, dessen Todestag sich gerade zum elften Mal jährte.”

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