ruff linkage 2018367 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Tumblr Image of the Week



Druckbetankung mit Welt – “Twitter ist die andauernde Ohrfeige, dass dein Weltbild primitiv ist – und dass die Verunsicherung nie aufhören darf. Und das ist natĂŒrlich furchtbar anstrengend, aber gibt es ein gutes moralisches Argument dagegen, sich stĂ€ndig verunsichern zu lassen?” Twittertauglich.


Donald TÂźump Anomanus – “childish but necessary”

Die Antwoord respond to Eminem – “we bred these kidz EM they aint giving no fucks // but they not feeling your rhymez or your botox // or that base on your face with the fotoshop”

Post-apocalyptic Weaving – “Our starting point was a post-apocalyptic scenario, where we are left with nothing but an electro-trash wasteland. We wanted to combine this scenario with traditional production methods, which allow survival even in challenging circumstances. We built two prototypes of looms out of electro-trash donated by the locals.”

Sculpture “Nearest Neighbour” – “The experimental audiovisual duo bring scenes from their recent graphic novel to life in a new animation.” To order the fantastic comic book and cassette visit the Sculpture bandcamp.

listen and

Denialism: what drives people to reject the truth – “From vaccines to climate change to genocide, a new age of denialism is upon us. Why have we failed to understand it?” The excellent longread from August now as a podcast.


The Horror and the Hopefulness of Chapo Trap House – “Chapo Trap House’s Matt Christman on pulling angry young men away from the alt right, consumption choices as politics, the grotesqueries of American life, and his commitment to “optimism of the will and all that shit.” Steal their new book!

Can Cities Pave the Way Toward a Universal Basic Income? – “As places like Stockton and Chicago begin to experiment with UBI pilot programs, the idea is finally moving from theory to practice.” The article also considers some of the potential dangers.

The future is here today: you can’t play Bach on Youtube because Sony says they own his compositions – “Europeans have one week to contact their MEPs to head off this catastrophe. Stop what you’re doing and contact two friends in the EU right now and send them to Save Your Internet — before it’s too late.” Fuck these greedy american assholes.

The Latest Incarnation of Capitalism – “Financialization isn’t a perversion of an otherwise well-functioning system. It’s just capitalism’s latest survival mechanism.” Not sure if is the “latest” incarnation.

The Servers Are Burning – “An engineer pushes a small change and OkCupid goes up in flames.” My code deploy fuck ups were deffo smaller in scale.

Airport security trays have more germs than toilets – “Scientists are concerned about how airports are conducive to the spread of disease.” I knew it.

Brand New Roman – Font made from corporate logos.

What if video games could help fight climate change? No, really – “This summer, people around the globe experienced record-breaking temperatures, catastrophic flooding and insatiable wildfires. Some of us who are able might retreat into the fictional worlds of video games for a chance to escape, but what if games could actually help us tackle the climate crisis?” What if climate change lead to the gaming industry collapsing first?

Alan Rusbridger: who broke the news? – “The former editor-in-chief of the Guardian looks back on two decades that changed journalism for ever.” I was a bit underwhelmed, but sure.

The Morphine Queen Who Defied the Nazis – “This Prussian baroness wrote erotic poetry and mainlined morphine until Nazis took exception to her flair for decadence.” Morphine queen <3

Sharp rise in proportion of migrants dying in Mediterranean, says UN – “Refugee agency reveals fewer people crossing to Europe but one death for every 18 arrivals” Shocking numbers.

In Chemnitz, anti-fascists stand up to the Nazi salutes of Germany’s far right – “Far-right protesters do not have things their own way as counter marches emerge” The guardian calling a spade a spade.

Scenes From the Border Crisis: Sketches by the Artist Molly Crabapple – “There was a child with a fever. They bathed him in cold water and let him lie naked on the floor except for his underwear. The mother was crying because the child is crying. She wants to cover him, but guards tell her she can’t.” Such cruelty.

This Music Theory Professor Just Showed How Stupid and Broken Copyright Filters Are – “Automated takedown systems don’t work, stifle free expression online.”


Modern Dancers Let A Baby Lead The Choreography – “Modern Dancers Let A Baby Lead The Choreography”


Im sĂ€chsischen Brennglas – “Ein fremdenfeindlicher Mob, der Menschen in den Strassen attackiert, Neonazis, die sich den öffentlichen Raum nehmen: Was in Chemnitz passiert ist, war eine Eskalation mit Ansage. Eine Analyse.” The “We saw it coming” argument is a dick move, but still an interesting read.

„Es gab keinen #Mob“ – “MinisterprĂ€sident #Kretschmer zu #Chemnitz” The denialists found a new playing field claiming there were no nazis present at the Chemnitz protests. Well, see for yourself.

Wieso darf die Polizei in der Schweiz noch mit Gummischrot schiessen? – “In anderen LĂ€ndern sind Gummigeschosse verboten. In der Schweiz kommen sie bei manchen Demos und Fussballspielen zum Einsatz – trotz Risiken wie ausgeschossenen Augen.

Die Klimablockade – “Die hegemoniale Bastion von Regierungen, Konzernen, Politikern und Lobbyisten, die mit dem Narrativ des fossil betriebenen Fortschritts noch immer Milliarden Menschen beflĂŒgelt, zu knacken, ist nicht einfach. Um so weniger, als es ohne weitgehende politische VerĂ€nderungen nicht gehen wird, wie Naomi Klein mit ihrer umfassenden Studie Die Entscheidung: Kapitalismus vs. Klima (2014, dt. 2015) dargelegt hat.” Auslegeordnung geglĂŒckt.

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