ruff linkage 20184211 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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#ifyouonlyreadone okay three

How Capitalism Torched the Planet and Left it a Smoking Fascist Greenhouse – “How Capitalism Torched the Planet by Imploding Into Fascism” That was the simple part, the hard was convincing everyone that there was no alternative to capitalism.

Why Hopelessness Is Conservative – “In response, you can try Antonio Gramsci’s famous formulation: pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will. It’s similar to Albert Camus’ notion of “the happy Sisyphus“: in your head you know you’re doomed, but in your heart you pretend you’re not. But if hope is to be genuine, it can’t be built on a lie, and though I don’t consider myself an optimist I’ve had to find a way to conclude that pessimism is false. Conservatism is just too dire, too cruel, too hopeless, for me to accept. Cutting through it, though, requires one to tune out a lot of noise, because the thrum is constant: You will fail, because there is no alternative.” We have to keep believing a better world is possible, yes, kitsch, but it’s just not an option not to.

Universal Basic Income Is Silicon Valley’s Latest Scam – “The real purpose of digital capitalism is to extract value from the economy and deliver it to those at the top. If consumers find a way to retain some of that value for themselves, the thinking goes, you’re doing something wrong or “leaving money on the table.”” That’s the right wing version of UBI, I still believe there might be a left wing version conceivable.


Milena Patagônia – Liebe lieber digital (Official Video) – “I weiss nid wohäre Mis Datevolume isch längstens vrbrucht” <3

Shredding the Girl and Balloon – “The Director’s half cut”

One Million Subscribers – “Thanks for the million chaps.”

Thom Yorke (Radiohead) – Hands off the Antarctic (Greenpeace Exclusive) – “The newest track from Thom Yorke (of Radiohead fame) is a Greenpeace exclusive. Hit full-screen and enjoy ‘Hands off the Antarctic’ – with stunning footage from the Greenpeace ship ‘Arctic Sunrise’.”

short film by david nyk captures india’s contrasting layers of chaos and serenity – Stunningly beautiful.

listen and

We need to talk about…Extinction – “George Monbiot and wildlife experts discuss the increasingly devastating impacts of human behaviour on fauna and flora, and what can be done to protect species, locally and globally”


The controversy around hoax studies in critical theory, explained – “The “Grievance Studies” or “Sokal Squared” hoax aimed to discredit gender and critical race studies. Did it work?” They certainly tried.

Nothing Squared is Still Nothing – “I wish the academy were as potent and persuasive as they say it is but it simply is not. These edgelords did not publish barn-burner manifestos about chaining white boys to the floor. They repeated milquetoast, bourgeois arguments that have kept academia from being a prime mover in the political issues of our time.” It’s nothing.

Krieg der Wahrheiten? Wissenschaft im postfaktischen Zeitalter – “Der Status wissenschaftlicher Wahrheit ist in der Öffentlichkeit umstrittener denn je. Ein neuer Wissenschafts-„Hoax“ macht gegenwärtig die Runde, zum Gaudi aller Wissenschaftsverächter. Wie können Wissenschaften heute ihre Wahrheiten verteidigen? Der Wissenschaftstheoretiker Bruno Latour könnte eine Antwort auf diese Frage haben.” Remo Grolimund contextualises it in a broader context, looking back to Latour etc.


Paper Airplane Designs ✈ – “A database of paper airplanes with easy to follow folding instructions.” Gonna try them all. Maybe.

The World of Yesterday is not the World of Today – “The rise of right-wing populists and the brutalization of public space that they pursued recalls memories of the time that preceded this year’s commemorative years 1918 and 1938. Against this background the reading of Stefan Zweig’s autobiographical time study “World of Yesterday” draws both surprising and disturbing analogies to the present.” History does not repeat itself, but certain [scary] events and constellations certainly do.

Ex-Trump Adviser Jason Miller Sues Will Menaker of ‘Chapo Trap House’ Over Tweet – “First, he sued Gizmodo Media and a reporter over a claim he gave an abortion pill to a stripper. Now he is suing the reporter’s boyfriend over a tweet.” Free speech only in one direction.

Microplastics found in 90 percent of table salt: potential health impacts? – “A new study looked at sea, rock, and lake salt sold around the world. Here’s what you need to know.” We eat plastic, chaps.

Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test is about more than politics – “you don’t need to read Warren’s history of identifying and being identified as Native American in bad faith to realize there is a legitimate issue there. Native American advocates, including Kim TallBear, Adrienne Keene and the Cherokee Nation itself have criticized Warren’s efforts to justify her claims of Native American identity with nothing but a DNA test and family lore. Being Native American is about more than a mail-in DNA work-up” What a mess.

From Memes to Infowars: How 75 Fascist Activists Were “Red-Pilled” – “Human beings are not simple creatures, and so no person’s journey to such an extremist belief system can be boiled down to just “YouTube did it” or “4chan did it.” Millions of people have been exposed to ironic racism and /pol/ without going on to don a swastika armband. Radicalization is a process, and the goal of this study is to reveal several of the factors that can act to prime and nudge a young mind from laughing at Holocaust jokes to truly believing that Hitler did nothing wrong.” These are not new conclusions, but it’s nevertheless a thorough analysis.

Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women – “machine-learning specialists uncovered a big problem: their new recruiting engine did not like women.” AI bias leading to consequences. Finally.

Who is the we in “We are causing climate change”? – “This is a battle against the forces of destruction to save something of this achingly beautiful, utterly miraculous world for your children. The fossil-fuel industry and the governments that support it are literally colluding to stop you from creating a world that runs on safe energy. They are trying to maintain the fossil-fuel economy. As for me, and for the millions of people who want to undo climate change, I say: We are against them, and we are going to fight for dear life.” Remember the 100 companies responsible for over 70% of global warming?

The Big Blockchain Lie by Nouriel Roubini – “In practice, blockchain is nothing more than a glorified spreadsheet. But it has also become the byword for a libertarian ideology that treats all governments, central banks, traditional financial institutions, and real-world currencies as evil concentrations of power that must be destroyed.” The blockchain hype ruthlessly deconstructed.

Instagram Has a Massive Harassment Problem – “The platform has cast itself as the internet’s kindest place. But users argue harassment is rampant, and employees say efforts to stem it aren’t funded well or prioritized.” Oh really?

Save Our Brutalism – “Five decades since the craze for Brutalism, most of the discussion about these buildings is about tearing them down. But the radical social vision that drove their rise has largely been forgotten.” It’s brutalism as in art brut or béton brut.

Dozens of Brooklyn ‘Antifa Witches’ Are Planning to Put a ‘Hex’ on Kavanaugh – “This is basically Antifa witches. We’re coming for these people’s throats, and we will never stop, we will never be silenced… There are a lot of angry people who are righteously filled with rage that are going to take back our country.” Witchcraft really works.

So you want to the a Chill Out DJ? | DJ Food – “This went down well when I posted it on social media yesterday, a CD insert that did the rounds in the mid 90s by Charles Uzzell-Edwards (otherwise now known as Pure Evil), it was inserted into some Fax releases and also printed in XLR8R magazine. Some things never change it seems.” Fantastic little comic, brings up memories of my time as a DJ.

Debord Games: The Situationist Spectacle In Berlin – “The Most Dangerous Game: The Situationist International en route for May ’68 is at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, until 10 December 2018” Re-read Debord, people.

Obama’s Resistance to Investigating the Bush Administration Allowed Brett Kavanaugh to Skate Onto the Supreme Court – “One of Barack Obama’s first decisions after being elected president continued to haunt the country over the weekend, as Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as the fifth hard-line conservative on the Supreme Court.” It’s of course very tricky territory to blame Obama for what came after him, but in this point the argument seems valid.


Time to Tell – “Cosey Fanni Tutti talks to Paul Clinton about feminism, freedom and the politics of the personal”

«  La tarantolata ne danse pas seule  » – “Possession et dépossession dans l’ex-royaume de Naples Entretien avec Alèssi Dell’Umbria” #tarantella


Männliche Paranoia: Gruselige Zeiten für Frauen – “Männer fühlen sich von Frauen bedroht und jammern über Verunsicherung. Geht’s noch? Frauen, die für ihre Rechte eintreten, werden bestraft und müssen um ihr Leben fürchten – auch in Mitteleuropa.”

Radikalisierung im Netz: Weltsicht durch die Filterbrille – “Filterbrillen halte ich für das wichtigste Instrument für extremistische Ideologien, die sich über das Internet verbreiten. Die Filterbrille besteht faktisch aus einer kurzen, einleuchtend scheinenden Erzählung, einem Narrativ, das sich über alles andere drüberstülpen lässt.”

Le vol noir des corbeaux sur la Plaine… – Alèssi Dell’Umbria – “FÒRA SOLEAM, GARDAREM LA PLANA !!! ” Marseille tries to fight back a cynical urban development.

Opioid-Krise? Krise der Ignoranz! – “Nicht die Wissenschaft spielt bei der Drogenpolitik eine Rolle, sondern struktureller Rassismus und die finanziellen Interessen einer Abhängigkeitsindustrie aus Forschern, Medien und Polizei, sagt Carl Hart, weltweit führender Abhängigkeitsforscher” Legalize all drugs!

Trump-Kampagne verscherbelt Daten über Millionen Unterstützer – “Die New York Times berichtet darüber, wie die Wahlkampagne von Donald Trump über eine zu diesem Zweck gegründete Firma derzeit ihre Unterstützerdatenbanken feilbietet. Dass die umfangreichen Datensätze, die Wahlkampfteams über ihre Unterstützer anlegen, weiterverwertet werden, sei von den Wahlgesetzen der USA gedeckt und keine Seltenheit, so die Times. Donald Trump sei allerdings der erste amtierende Präsident, der seinen Informationsschatz so offensiv vermarktet.” Anyone surprised?

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