ruff linkage 20184411 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Fascism is Not an Idea to Be Debated, It’s a Set of Actions to Fight – “If Bannon were to be called as he is, a fascist, the marketplace of ideas would have to confront the fact that the American government is being rapidly radicalized, that things unimaginable might be around the corner, and that there are many tempting paths to complicity of full collaboration.” Talk about them, study them, know what they are up to, but do not speak with them, and certainly do not gift them a free platform.


Trouble #16: Conspiracy To Riot (submedia) – “So began one of the most important political trials in recent history. In an effort to set a chilling precedent for anti-Trump resistance, the US Department of Justice charged over 200 people with eight separate felony charges, threatening them with upwards of 80 years in prison. In her crusade to paint the J20 black bloc as one giant conspiracy to riot, federal Prosecutor Jennifer Kerkhoff filed warrants to seize people’s digital data, and entered into an alliance with discredited far-right media outfits peddling doctored evidence. Faced with this repressive array of state power, J20 defendants responded with unflinching solidarity, setting a new standard for political defense in the age of Trump. This is their story.”

We Need To Talk About Anti-Semitism | October 31, 2018 Act 1 | Full Frontal – “This week’s attack on the Jewish community is part of America’s ancient tradition of anti-semitism, which a surprising number of modern Republicans have quietly adopted into their platform.”

RIP – “A spooky halloween extravaganza. Nightmares guaranteed.”

SHE BON : Sensing the Sensual – “This video is an introduction to the SHE BON project- my goals and progress since announcing the concept this Spring!”

listen and

Frittenbude – Die Dunkelheit darf niemals siegen (feat. Jörkk Mechenbier) [Official Video] – “Weil Rudern gar nichts bringt, wenn die Idioten kommen, die Idioten!”

Tutti (edit) – from the album ‘TUTTI’ by Cosey Fanni Tutti – “Title track from the new solo album ‘TUTTI’ by Cosey Fanni Tutti.”

Halloween Special: The Kathy Griffin Interview (Gaslit Nation) – “This week, Andrea and Sarah discuss the horrific extremist threats and violence of the past week as well as the constant encroaching repression of the administration’s extremist policies.”

Brokers with Strictly Kev (Dj Food / Ninja Tune) – “Kalima, Dexter Wansel, Francis Lai, Human Egg, Marti Caine and more.”


How Vilification of George Soros Moved From the Fringes to the Mainstream (the new york times) – “George Soros, a billionaire Democratic fund-raiser, has long been villainized in certain right-wing circles. Now conspiracy theories about him have gone mainstream, to nearly every corner of the Republican Party.Published On” It has arrived in Switzerland as well.

Startling new research finds large buildup of heat in the oceans, suggesting a faster rate of global warming (WaPo) – “The findings mean the world might have less time to curb carbon emissions.” Not gonna say it.

Roger Stone admits he talked Wikileaks and Julian Assange with Trump campaign in 2016, Steve Bannon and Rebekah Mercer oddly connected (boingboing) – “Roger Stone today revealed that in 2016 he was in communication with at least one senior Trump presidential campaign official about forthcoming WikiLeaks leaks that would be damaging to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.” ASSange joined the dark side years ago.

Computational Propaganda, Jewish-Americans and the 2018 Midterms: The Amplification of Anti-Semitic Harassment Online – “This report explores the ways in which online propaganda, harassment and political manipulation are affecting Jewish People in the runup to 2018 U.S. midterm elections. In the course of our research, members of this group have described a marked rise in the number of online attacks their community is experiencing.” Anti-Semitism never left, sadly.

#GoogleWalkout Protests Around the World Take on the Company’s History of Sexual Harassment (vice) – “A slap on the wrist for any credibly accused harasser is totally unacceptable and unjust, no matter how much money they bring in or what amazing products they helped build.” And guess what the asshole masculinists are saying.

Sokal-squared hoax was a put-down of scholars concerned with racial issues – “we have encountered many white nationalists who claim they used to be liberal until they learned about “reverse racism” (or something like that). If they read DiAngelo’s article carefully, they would understand that, in fact, they are feeling the deep disappointment and rage created by their own privilege. When confronted with a complex world where their expected success and accolades never materialize, some of our white peers fail to look to themselves for explanations.” I for one am not surprised.

We Don’t Have Time for Nihilism (jacobin) – “We are angry because the elected leaders of our democracy mewl pathetically about their ability to exist in public without being called to account for their deliberate inaction. Angry because we are being told to be civil, to be respectful, to be quiet, to be calm when people are trying to kill us. When people are killing us.” And sometimes it’s just not a matter of choice.

This Is How We Radicalized The World (buzzfeed) – “The social media Fordlândias happening all over the world right now probably won’t last. The damage they cause probably will. The democracies they destabilize, the people they radicalize, and the violence they inspire will most likely have a long tail.” In some way this article blames the wrong actors. The “we” in the title is a bit heavy in self-blame. But he makes some great points in regards to limitations to media access as a result to paywalls.

The The Logo – “I like things that are distressed, off-centre, unbalanced. “I wanted the logo to be flawed and unique. I based it on Folio Bold and started by using Letraset, which I tried to scratch up. But it wasn’t right.” Nice blog researching the history of band logos.

Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970, report finds (the guardian) – “The huge loss is a tragedy in itself but also threatens the survival of civilisation, say the world’s leading scientists” Terracide.

How three French students used borrowed code to put the first AI portrait in Christie’s (the verge) – “Three 25-year-olds wanted to do something entrepreneurial and startup-y. They saw that AI was getting a lot of attention” and grabbed some code. “None of those things make someone a bad person per se. They didn’t know it was going to blow up to the point that it would be at Christie’s.”” Raises some relevant questions regarding appropriation, art and AI.

Engenderings – Study Your Grievances – “In this vein, maybe Pluckrose et al. could spend the next year actually doing the research that they faked. This could, perhaps, contribute towards understanding the dynamics of dominance that they so gleefully — and with apparent ease — spent their time narrating.” And who paid for all this? Still not revealed.

The Claws of Empire, the Rise of Fascism: Brazilian Anarchist Statement on Bolsonaro – “The Strength of the People Can Stop Fascism! Against the Neoliberal Barbarism, Struggle and Organize!” Stay strong, brothers and sisters.

The Message of Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s New President-Elect (the intercept) – “Here is Brazil’s next president in his own words over the years. In the coming months, Brazil and the world will discover if Bolsonaro will make good on these drastic promises when he takes office on January 1, 2019” Some of the things this fascist has sais in the past.

Bernie Sanders Is Partnering With A Greek Progressive To Build A New Leftist Movement (buzzfeed) – “Yanis Varoufakis, famous for his motorcycle-riding style and clashes with the EU while serving as Greece’s finance minister, is teaming up with the Vermont senator to reboot progressivism.” Too little too late?


Inhabit: Instructions for Autonomy – “There is no future emergency for which we must prepare.”


Rechtsextremismus: Der kurze Weg vom Zweifler zum Neonazi (die zeit) – “So wird aus Verschwörungsglauben Vernichtungswahn: Einst war Alfred S. ein Linker. Dann verfiel er kruden Theorien. Heute macht der Holocaustleugner vom Starnberger See bei München Nazipropaganda, sogar vor Gericht.” Am Anfang stellte er nur Fragen…

Wie der Faschismus in den USA Fuss fasst (republik) – “Sie bezeichnen sich als Separatisten, als Chauvinisten, keinesfalls als Faschisten. Alles halb so wild? Die extreme amerikanische Rechte erlebt einen Höhenflug. Was heisst das für die Midterm-Wahlen am 6. November?” Fascism taking over the USA.

Eine Lüge zu viel (jungle world) – “Tatsächlich hat Kubitschek einmal mehr einer großen Redaktion seine Agenda unterjubeln können. Diesen instrumentellen Umgang mit den Medien propagiert er seit Jahren und sie ­haben ihm dennoch stets gläubig die Mikrophone hingehalten. Vielleicht ist damit nun endlich Schluss?” Pinocchio effect.

Feminismus: Wir brauchen neue Vordenkerinnen (der spiegel) – “Das Chaos ist feminin, die Ordnung maskulin – solche wirren Thesen sind gerade wieder schwer en vogue. Dabei sollte es eigentlich doch gar nicht schwer sein, gerechte Bedingungen für alle zu schaffen.” Ich geb’s hier zu, ich liebe Sibylle Berg.

Undercover: Was passiert auf Nazi-Konzerten? – “Diese Szenen sind erschütternd: Neonazis unter sich auf Konzerten, mit brutalen Liedern und gnadenlosen Ansagen. Seit vielen Jahren dokumentiert der Journalist Thomas Kuban das Treiben der rechten Szene. Er deckt auf, wie normal Hitlergrüße und Lieder mit verbotenen Inhalten auf diesen Konzerten sind und zeigt, wie sich die Szene offenbar immer stärker an sich selbst berauscht.”

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