ruff linkage 2018479 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


Tumblr Image of the Week
Tumblr Image of the Week



The End of Trust | Electronic Frontier Foundation – “EFF and McSweeney’s have teamed up to bring you The End of Trust (McSweeney’s 54). The first all-nonfiction McSweeney’s issue is a collection of essays and interviews focusing on issues related to technology, privacy, and surveillance.” Free. Huge. Wow.


Natalie Wynn, ContraPoints – “With reason, dark humor, and fabulous costumes, ex-academic turned video essayist Natalie Wynn makes ContraPoints, her YouTube channel tackling social justice issues with an eye towards reaching wider audiences than progressives alone, last month surpassing 4,000 supporters on Patreon and over 8 million views on YouTube.” xo. <3

Claire L. Evans, Writer/Musician – “Claire L. Evans performed at XOXO in 2014 as half of electropop duo YACHT, and returns to the XOXO stage as the author of Broad Band, her book telling the untold stories of visionary women in technology who helped create the internet as we know it.” xo. <3

Matt Furie, Artist/Illustrator – “Matt Furie is the illustrator and cartoonist best known as the creator of Pepe the Frog, a joyful character he was horrified to see co-opted by white nationalists and the alt-right as a mascot during the 2016 election.” xo. <3


FUTURESTATES | Plastic Bag – “This short film by American director Ramin Bahrani (Goodbye Solo) traces the epic, existential journey of a plastic bag (voiced by Werner Herzog) searching for its lost maker, the woman who took it home from the store and eventually discarded it.” Pure kitsch, but well done.

World Music: octobre 2018 – Love it

Bradaframanadamada: Légalité – So fucking funny.

@cibo.oooo fights neo-nazies with food Via @boredpanda . Follow @ARTFIDO

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The First 100 Songs | Anal Trump – “Nasty music about a nasty man!”

Episode 264 – The Golden Ones feat. Natalie Wynn a.k.a. ContraPoints (11/18/18) by Chapo Trap House – “Natalie Wynn a.k.a. ContraPoints stops by the Trap to discuss deprogramming incels, Swedish Muscle Nazis, small king Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson’s messiah complex, and of course, the Immutable Law of Bone.”


Psilocybin Could Soon Be a Legal Treatment for Depression (openculture) – “Psychotropic drugs like psilocybin, LSD, and MDMA (which is not classified as a psychedelic), have been shown for a long time to work for many people suffering from severe mental illness and addictions.” Looking for shroomz, anyone got some to spare?

I Joined the Poole’s Landing Anarchist Commune Expecting to Hate It, But Coming Home Sucked (vice) – “Somewhere between confronting my fear of shit and planting shrooms on Poole’s Land, my cynicism melted.” A bit light on theory, but in telling the story of her experience the author shows how prejudices towards an anarchistic, simple lifestyle can be conquered.

Fifth of 17 to 19-year-old girls self-harm or attempt suicide (the guardian) – “It’s not enough to blame body image and social media. The sexualisation of girls, the pressures they face around sex, and particularly the alarming levels of sexual and other forms of violence they experience, must be a key part of the conversation.” These are awful numbers.

Sackler family members face mass litigation and criminal investigations over opioids crisis (the guardian) – “The American art photographer Nan Goldin almost died from an addiction to OxyContin and is now in recovery. She leads a campaign to persuade cultural institutions to reject Sackler donations, and to shame the Sacklers into paying for treatment facilities for opioid dependency instead, not “reputation laundering” as she and other critics dub their philanthropy.” Sue the fuck out of these cynical bastards.

Faked Out – “If the feeling that you don’t know what is real and true isn’t so new, but rather a running commentary throughout all of modernity, why is this meme so viral now? What the genre is ultimately selling is truth as an identity, facts as an aesthetic. Most literally, the New York Times sells a “Truth” T-shirt on its website.” Yes yes, truth.

The Stylish Socialist Who Is Trying to Save YouTube from Alt-Right Domination (the new yorker) – “It could be said that ContraPoints videos debunk pernicious ideologies the way that Snopes articles debunk false rumors, but that comparison sells Natalie Wynn short.” Natalie is all over the news. And so deserved.

Letter from America (1969) (viewpoint magazine) – “We are excited to offer one of these transmissions, “Letter from America,” in English for the first time.” A letter from Dan Georkas focusing mostly on the black power resistance in the late 60s.

5 New Nonlethal Weapons the Defense Department Is Developing (wired) – “The US Department of Defense’s Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, along with a host of private arms companies, has spent decades testing everything from long-range wireless Taser bullets to sonic guns that can disable a car engine from 150 feet away. The one requirement: These weapons must emit less than 10,000 joules, the amount of energy it takes to kill a person.” Who are the engineers who work on this?

Poverty exists. Shooting the UN messenger won’t erase that fact | Nesrine Malik (the guardian) – “The UK is in a spiral where an irreversible, indisputable calamity has to happen – a Windrush or a Grenfell – before any tragically belated reforms are introduced. Shooting the UN messenger may afford this government temporary relief, but it comes at the expense of the country’s future.” It all has to go to shit again.

Why We’re Investigating Extreme Politics in Underground Music (the quietus) – “The times have changed. Playing into the myth of harmless artistic provocation in the name of cultural libertarianism is simply feeding a beast that would remove many of our own personal, social and cultural freedoms. As music fans and supporters of underground cultures in all their raging complexity and beautiful diversity, we have a duty, and an imperative, to question, reappraise and, where necessary, hold to account, the artists who we listen to and support.” Times have changed, and this is a bold, much needed statement.

What Infowars’ Alex Jones and Voldemort Have in Common (wired) – “Jones has been spreading his rage-fueled disinformation for a while, but I have rarely written about him publicly. With the exception of three tweets among tens of thousands I’ve posted, I haven’t referred to Jones by name on Twitter. He was “you know who” to me. This was a deliberate decision; I knew that he counted on his critics to amplify his message. I didn’t want to broaden the reach of his curse. So why am I naming him now? He’d been deplatformed.” Bye Alex.

The Alt-Right’s Favorite Meme Is 100 Years Old (the new york times) – “That “cultural Marxism” is a crude slander, referring to something that does not exist, unfortunately does not mean actual people are not being set up to pay the price, as scapegoats to appease a rising sense of anger and anxiety. And for that reason, “cultural Marxism” is not only a sad diversion from framing legitimate grievances but also a dangerous lure in an increasingly unhinged moment.” Not even new. Not even.


The frequently cited St Paul Principles had their time and place: ST PAUL – “The St. Paul Principles:

1. Our solidarity will be based on respect for a diversity of tactics and the plans of other groups.
2. The actions and tactics used will be organized to maintain a separation of time or space.
3. Any debates or criticisms will stay internal to the movement, avoiding any public or media denunciations of fellow activists and events.
4. We oppose any state repression of dissent, including surveillance, infiltration, disruption and violence. We agree not to assist law enforcement actions against activists and others.”

Requiem For a Scream – Laurie Penny – “Edvard Munch turned his mental struggles into spectacular work. But do artists need to be tortured to achieve greatness?”


Spur führt zu Milliardär von Finck – “Recherchen der WOZ und des «Spiegels» zeigen: Die deutsche Rechtspartei AfD wurde mutmasslich von August von Finck gefördert, dessen Firmenimperium in die Schweiz reicht.”

Verrat in der Moschee (republik) – “Eine verdeckte Recherche in Winterthurs Islamistenszene fliegt auf. Der Informant fürchtet um sein Leben, die jungen Muslime wittern eine Verschwörung. Was geschah an einem Novemberabend vor zwei Jahren in der An’Nur-Moschee?”

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