[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]
“When life is confusing, when people are in pain, is that the best time for complex art? To me the answer is always yes. Because the truth is, I am complex, we are complex, our situations are complex. And we talk about intersectionality, context, confirmation bias and privilege.>
— 🐭 (A)nticapitalist(A) 🐭 (@pieceoplastic) November 30, 2018
Ginks? I had hoped for a better acronym tbh. pic.twitter.com/BC26MobCKj
— 🐭 (A)nticapitalist(A) 🐭 (@pieceoplastic) November 30, 2018
If this happened to me in FIFA, I’d never play video games again pic.twitter.com/GylbxIc8iz
— Zack Goldman (@ThatDamnYank) November 30, 2018
School strike week 15.#climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #klimatstrejk pic.twitter.com/I1fxbswyO9
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) November 30, 2018
China grew from 2% to 20%, India from 2% to 4%. But the story here is that in the share, US was 32% in 1992…and 32% in 2017. China hasn't eaten into American growth, but growth in every corner and every state elsewhere. #G20Summit2018 https://t.co/NHKBgUVICD
— Kabir Taneja (@KabirTaneja) November 30, 2018
When normal people ask, "What do you do?" pic.twitter.com/FodKw286R5
— Devon Ko (@3dfordesigners) November 28, 2018
Imagine being this proud of furthering the end of human civilization https://t.co/OZxLXkAFaG
— Kate Aronoff (@KateAronoff) November 30, 2018
Liberté, Egalité, Gritté
h/t @wojrants pic.twitter.com/7apKuTA2TJ
— colin horgan (@cfhorgan) November 23, 2018
favorite female mcs who have good politics & engage in social struggle/organizing?
— S O L E (@mcsole) November 27, 2018
Mülltrennung ist in Ulm ein wichtiges Thema. Da wird penibel drauf geachtet. pic.twitter.com/z7Ynwgy87S
— 🌜Anna Morrison🌛 (@Annaleinnnnnnnn) November 24, 2018
"very little is needed to make a happy life it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking"
~Marcus Aurelius~ pic.twitter.com/MRUN8UzcZp— Wina (@wawinaApr) November 17, 2018
White privilege https://t.co/eDEq2nqOSA
— mathieu Kassovitz (@kassovitz1) November 25, 2018
— lundi.am (@lundimat1) November 24, 2018
Teamwork makes the dream work. 😍😍 pic.twitter.com/ttFmtygq0a
— Ffs OMG Vids 📽🔞 (@Ffs_OMG) November 23, 2018
„Wir brauchen eine Politik der Spaltung“ – “Zum einen geht es um die Aufspaltung der progressiv-neoliberalen Allianz. Also darum, die Masse an weniger privilegierten Frauen, Immigranten und People of Color von jenen zu trennen, die ihre Belange vereinnahmt haben: meritokratische Feministen und Antirassisten, die Prediger der Corporate Identity und die Apologeten eines „grünen“ Kapitalismus. Zum Zweiten geht es aber auch darum, den reaktionär-populistischen Block aufzuspalten, Arbeiter und Angestellte von den ökonomischen und sozialen Kräften zu trennen, die Militarismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Ethnonationalismus propagieren, jenen also, die sich als Vertreter des „kleinen Mannes“ ausgeben, aber lediglich kryptoneoliberal sind.” Starkes Interview mit Nancy Fraser. Fraser makes a strong argument for a progressive populism, I still hesitate, because it just is so lame. But hey, the planet is run by idiots, so maybe this is what is needed.
The Alt-Right Playbook – How do they operate?
Demi Adejuyigbe, Screenwriter/Comedian/Podcaster – XOXO Festival (2018) – “By day, Demi Adejuyigbe is a comedy writer, currently for the Late Late Show. By night, he’s a relentlessly creative and prolific creator of great internet, from his absurdist parodies”
Rock the Ribbon – World AIDS Day 2018 – “Show your support for people living with HIV and #RockTheRibbon” Today is world AIDS day.
End of Space – Creating a Prison for Humanity – “Space travel is the most exciting adventure for humanity, but in an irony of history we may stop ourselves from going into space the more we do it. With every rocket launched we are creating a deadly trap for mankind.”
SWISS MISHAP – “My first time Hang Gliding turned into a near death experience as my safety harness was never hooked to the Glider. For 2 Min. 14 seconds I had to hang on for my life!”
listen and
«Und dann sind es plötzlich drei Häschen» – “Der Philosoph Roy Wagner untersucht die Mathematik als historische und soziale Praxis. Ihre Formeln seien nicht so realitätsgetreu und wertfrei wie oft angenommen – sogar Geschlechterstereotype hätten einen Einfluss darauf.” Inspiring podcast.
Whitney Phillips explains how Trump controls the media – “Whitney Phillips did exactly that. She was one of the earliest scholars of online trolling (yes, that’s a job). She was studying trolling when it was a tiny sideshow. And she was there, studying it, as online trolling got amplified by algorithmic platforms and a click-hungry media. As Gamergate made it a political movement. Then, most importantly, she was there, watching, as the media manipulation tactics that she had seen perfected by the trolls became the playbook for how Trump controls the media’s agenda, and the national conversation.” Phillips as precise as alwways.
The Game-Changing Promise of a Green New Deal – “Pulling that off, the report’s summary states in its first sentence, is not possible with singular policies like carbon taxes. Rather, what is needed is “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.” By giving the committee a mandate that connects the dots between energy, transportation, housing and construction, as well as health care, living wages, a jobs guarantee, and the urgent imperative to battle racial and gender injustice, the Green New Deal plan would be mapping precisely that kind of far-reaching change.” Look, this is fine, but also quite centrist.
Bowel movement: the push to change the way you poo (the guardian) – “Are you sitting comfortably? Many people are not – and they insist that the way we’ve been going to the toilet is all wrong” We’ve been doing it wrong, apparently. At least they can sell us more plastic.
Log Off – “Twitter is thus not just a medium of expression for the “psychic pathologies” of what Mark Fisher described so well as the “Vampire Castle.” It is the Vampire Castle, doing capitalism’s work by further atomizing and distancing people from the kinds of conversations required for real political engagement.” One fundamental issue of course is, that logging off of social media does not make it go away, and if only the left logs off hegemonic problems ensue.
8,000 Barrels of Oil Spill Into the Amazon After Locals Attack Pipeline (vice) – “There have been 15 attacks on the major Peruvian pipeline in the last two years as indigenous communities faceoff against oil companies.” Own goal.
The EU Copyright Directive (reddit) – “The problem with the Directive lies in Articles 11 (link licensing fees) and 13 (copyright filter requirements), which set sweeping, vague requirements that create enormous liability for platforms like ours. These requirements eliminate the previous safe harbors that allowed us the leeway to give users the benefit of the doubt when they shared content. But under the new Directive, activity that is core to Reddit, like sharing links to news articles, or the use of existing content for creative new purposes (r/photoshopbattles, anyone?) would suddenly become questionable under the law” Reddit taking a stance, almost unironically.
Lisa Yaszek: We get the history of women in science fiction “thoroughly wrong” (library of america) – “One of the most common stories you hear about gender and science fiction is that while Mary Shelley is a founding figure in science fiction, other women didn’t really participate in the genre until the revival of feminism and the advent of a distinctly feminist science fiction in the 1960s and ’70s. But as my own and other authors’ research shows, that story just isn’t true! Women have been part of the modern science fiction community since the first magazines were published in the 1920s, comprising about 15% of all authors” The rich history of science fiction written by women.
Liberté, Egalité, Gritté: how an NHL mascot became an antifa hero (the guardian) – “When he first appeared the Philadelphia Flyers mascot was merely an oddity. But he quickly became a part of the internet’s culture wars” The left found the meme that can beat Pepe.
Border Tear Gas Photos Stoke Outrage — but Play into Trump’s Manufactured Crisis – “Even well-meaning outrage at Sunday’s violent spectacle risks feeding a narrative of a border crisis where there is none. The only crises are those faced by the migrants stuck in Tijuana seeking American asylum, which this country can well afford to provide. A violent spectacle is not a turning point unless we make it one.” Natascha Lennard on the tear gas used against migrants.
The Yellow Vest Movement in France : Between “Ecological” Neoliberalism and “Apolitical” Movements – “The past weeks have seen a massive confrontational movement arise in France opposing President Emmanuel Macron’s “ecological” tax increase on gas. This movement combines many contradictory elements: horizontally organized direct action, a narrative of being “apolitical,” the participation of far-right organizers, and the genuine anger of the exploited. Clearly, neoliberal capitalism offers no solutions to climate change except to place even more pressure on the poor; but when the anger of the poor is translated into reactionary consumer outrage, that opens ominous opportunities for the far right.” Confusing times lead to confused protests.
A hot PlayStation mic captures sounds of apparent rape, leads to arrest (ars technica) – “Defendant allegedly stepped away from GTA Online; chat mic captured alleged assault.” The dude who reported it has a conscience.
Using information security to explain why disinformation makes autocracies stronger and democracies weaker (boing boing) – “In a new Harvard Berkman Center paper, Common -Knowledge Attacks on Democracy, political scientist Henry Farrell (previously and security expert Bruce Schneier (previously) team up to explore this subject by using information security techniques, and come to a very plausible-seeming explanation and a set of policy recommendations to address the issue.” Cory Doctorow sums up the paper nicely, so we don’t have to read it. The report seems to be spot on in its analysis, but a bit underwhelming in it’s conclusion (campaign transparency yadda yadda).
Liberals, learn the politics of emotion to beat right-wing populists | Paul Mason (the guardian) – “Attachment to place and identity can be part of a radical democratic project that speaks to people’s hearts” In a way I prefer if we on the left call it a politics of emotion instead of populism, but maybe that’s just lipstick.
How Mark Fisher Turned Punk Writing on Pop Culture Into an Infectious Critique of Capitalism (frieze) – “[Fisher] premised meaningful social change upon the left’s recovery of a cultural hegemony it lost, in Britain at least, to the dominance of neoliberal capitalism in the 1980s.” That book is so thick btw.
New wearable tech lets users listen to live music through their skin – “It’s inspired by deaf fans of live concerts to help them “feel” the music.” Why not.
The Trump Administration Just Buried Its Own Devastating Climate Report (mother jones) – “That the White House opted to release the long-awaited update on climate change― which Congress mandates the administration provide every four years―on Black Friday, a popular shopping holiday the day after the Thanksgiving holiday, indicates it wanted fewer people to see the news about the findings.” They tried to burry it, didn’t work.
Because that New world order dude just died. Oh and because this is great hip hop.
Henry Cartier-Bresson: Learn to See – Photographer breaks down if it is possible to learn how to see/watch.
Funny Video – So Funny Cute Little Girl – My hero
„Wir müssen den Reichtum abschaffen!“ (der freitag) – “wir müssen mit Kontingenzen leben. Aber es spricht viel dafür, mit dem Begriff der Würde zu arbeiten. Er löst das sozialliberale Dilemma unserer postmodernen Zeit auf: Wir sind einerseits autonome Wesen, die ihre individuellen Vorstellungen vom guten Leben verfolgen wollen und auch einen Anspruch darauf haben.” Interview mit Christian Neuhäuser. Eat the rich!
Digitaler Kapitalismus – Wer es knapp macht, verdient mehr – “Der Wertschöpfungsprozess hat sich verlagert. Der analoge Kapitalismus belohnte diejenigen, die Knappheit verringerten. Der digitale Kapitalismus belohnt diejenigen, die Knappheit noch herstellen können.” Erklärbär Michael Seemann.
Steven Pinker kämpft für die Aufklärung. Das ist verdienstvoll. Nur macht er es sich etwas zu einfach (nzz0 – “Gegen Vernunft kann niemand etwas einzuwenden haben, und Aufklärung ist sowieso immer gut. Der amerikanische Starintellektuelle Steven Pinker schreibt sich beides auf die Fahne und erklärt: Eigentlich ist alles bestens. Noch nie war die Welt so in Ordnung wie heute. Das klingt gut. Aber hält die Behauptung dem Blick der Vernunft stand?” Finally some (albeit mild) criticism.
The Trouble With Talking – “Es geht bei Diskussionen nicht nur um den Erkenntnisgewinn. Manchmal – wie bei Podiumsdiskussionen – geht es auf offensichtliche Weise überhaupt nicht um Erkenntnisgewinn. Diskussionen mit körperlich anwesenden Teilnehmern leisten etwas, das das Netz nicht leisten kann: Sie demonstrieren, dass es den Veranstaltern gelungen ist, angesehene Personen auf die Bühne zu locken. Sie verhindern, dass irgendjemand außer diesen Personen wesentliche Wortbeiträge leistet. Sie schaffen Anlässe für Fotos und journalistische Berichterstattung, die wiederum die Bedeutung der einladenden Institution unterstreichen.” Is written communication really inferior to spoken one?
[diigo.com/user/pieceoplastic or subscribe to this RSS feed – with all the typos]