ruff linkage 201852 [final]8 min read

[Announcement: This will be the last weekly link list (in this form). It is quite a bit of work to make these lists, but there’s just no demand for them. I recently made the mistake to look at my stats (which is something, I usually avoid, because it’s too depressing), and it confirmed what I had feared, very view people actually look at these posts (and some of these few might even be bots, see below). I have been doing these linkdumps since november 2004 (just over 13 years), and I hardly (if ever) missed a week. So it is now time to move on. Thanks to those (few) people who did appreciate these posts. And let’s see what I can come up with next.]

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


Tumblr Image of the Week



How Much of the Internet Is Fake? – “How much of the internet is fake? Studies generally suggest that, year after year, less than 60 percent of web traffic is human; some years, according to some researchers, a healthy majority of it is bot.” A lot!

Tactical Embodiment 35c3 | Angela Washko – “Activism and Performance In Hostile Spaces Online”

The good, the strange and the ugly in 2018 art &tech | Régine Debatty – “On art, AI, hormones hacking and other prospects of a post-human world”

Frontex: Der europäische Grenzgeheimdienst | Matthias Monroy – “Das Grenzüberwachungssystem EUROSUR führt Aufklärungsdaten von Satelliten, Flugzeugen, Drohnen und bald auch Fesselballons zusammen”

Updates von der europäischen Außengrenze | Nico and Nina Gassmann – “Als Organisation für Menschenrechtsbeobachtungen geben wir Euch einen Überblick der aktuellen Entwicklungen an der EU-Außengrenze auf dem Mittelmeer.”

Freude ist nur ein Mangel an Information – Nico Semsrott – “Ein Demotivationsworkshop zur politischen Lage.”


All Creatures Welcome – official version (SUBs:dt/engl) from Sandra Trostel

Emilie Brooklyn on Instagram: “MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM HARLEM TO COPENHAGEN – Wait for it…

listen and

Apparently we like early 90s rave now, here’s some more [via DJ Food]:

Bullseye With Jesse Thorn: End of Year 2018 Comedy Special – “It’s that time of year again! The Bullseye team listened to hours of comedy from the past year and picked the absolute best for you to enjoy in one convenient episode. There was a lot of great stuff this year.” I discovered so many comedians thanks to this podcast. Thank you.


The 25 Worst Headlines of 2018 (current affairs) – “In a year of evil clickbait, it’s hard to choose the wickedest. Is open contempt for the poor worse than endorsement of a brutal dictator, and is either sentiment worse than a sunny declaration of “Everything Is Fine, Actually?” It’s hard to say.” These headlines are terrible. My personal headlines for the year are also pretty bad. So it was crap year, move over 2018, yeah.

Insightful Interaction – “The arms sales of the world’s top 100 arms-producing companies in the OECD and developing countries (except China) in 2013” The usual suspects are high up. Switzerland, for a small country, is very high.

Subpixel Text Encoding – “Each pixel on your monitor is actually composed of three sub-pixels: one red, one green, and one blue. On an LCD monitor, subpixels are usually three thin strips in a row (though on some monitors, they may be three bars arranged vertically).” Another geeky font.

some images i saved to my laptop in 2018 – Some images are disgusting, but this is a pretty interesting format, it paints quite the picture of the year.

Ten Lessons from the Yellow Vests (it’s going down) – “The Radical Education Department presents 10 lessons from the Yellow Vest movement which has exploded out of France in the last month.” We really should stop reading things into this “movement””. One last time, mkay?

The Guardian’s fake scoop (le monde diplomatique) – “WikiLeaks initiated legal proceedings against the Guardian, and Manafort published a categorical denial. There is no trace of his name in the Ecuadorian embassy’s visitors’ book and there are no pictures of him entering or leaving one of the most surveilled and filmed buildings on the planet.” Thankfully it is rare enough with the guardian.

As anti-plastic movements sweep the globe, change doesn’t always come easy – “Angry shoppers prompted outbursts in checkout lines in several Coles stores and the supermarket giant backflipped just weeks after implementing its ban amid vehement complaints. Coles stores quickly said they would provide heavier-duty, reusable bags for free for the foreseeable future, after some media outlets dubbed the phenomenon “bag rage.”” We are doomed.

Remove Background from Image –
“100% automatically – in 5 seconds – without a single click ” Does exactly what it says on the tin. And I guess this can be a pretty helpful tool at times.


Heartbreak – “Written & Performed by Emmet Kirwan”

In Defence of Hate – “We have forgotten how to hate. This may seem like a counterintuitive—or even gallingly stupid—assertion in a world rocked by partisan political infighting, by global-scale ideological conflict, and by a renewed activity in formalized hate groups. […] So let me clarify: we have forgotten how to hate well.”

Facts about our ecological crisis are incontrovertible. We must take action (the guardian) – “We are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction, with about 200 species becoming extinct each day. Humans cannot continue to violate the fundamental laws of nature or of science with impunity. If we continue on our current path, the future for our species is bleak.” Humans suck.

Why Talk Feminism in World of Warcraft? – “Artist Angela Washko creates spaces for unfiltered conversations about gender to emerge in one of the decade’s most popular multiplayer games.” Angela mentioned this article during her excellent talk at (see above).

Bootsflüchtlinge – Auch im Mittelmeer gilt das Recht (sueddeutsche) – “Die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention ist keine Frage der Moral – die Konvention ist bindend. Warum es ein klarer Rechtsverstoß ist, wenn Italien die libysche Küstenwache aktiviert, um Flüchtlingsschiffe nach Libyen zu bringen.”


Frauen zu Weihnachten: Stahlträger und Zuckerguss (der spiegel) – “Geschenke besorgt, Essen gekocht, Schwiegereltern angerufen. An Weihnachten zeigt sich: Die Welt glaubt immer noch, dass Frauen anderen das Leben schöner machen sollen. Wie wäre es an dieser Stelle mal mit Streik?” This is a fantastic suggestion, womens strike for Xmas 2019!

«Ja, ich bin eine Feministin. Punkt.» (der bund) – “«Hey, du bist ja mega gut – für eine Frau.» Die Berner Rapperin Steff la Cheffe spricht über zweifelhafte Komplimente und Feminismus allgemein im Hip-Hop.” Hip hop tends to be a bastion of sexist stuff.

Grosse Geschichten aus der Wundertüte (woz) – “Was hat die «Republik» nicht alles versprochen: Expeditionen in die Wirklichkeit, viele schreibende Frauen, gar die Rettung der Demokratie. Das Onlinemagazin hat oft beeindruckt, aber ein bisschen mehr Leichtigkeit würde ihm guttun.” This critique after one year Republik could easily have been so much meaner.

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