Here are the links2 min read

Last week I announced, that I would stop doing my weekly posts, the link lists, that I had embarrassingly called ruff linkage 13 years ago. I had been doing these link collections every week since November 2004 and it was time for a change, I also wondered, if people were even reading them. I also had a few ideas for a new project.

In case anyone should be interested to keep receiving my link recommendations, there are several ways to keep in touch:

Diigo: This is where I keep all my links, raw, unedited, might contain quite a few typos and mistakes.
– Twitter: On both my twitter-accounts I often post links to interesting articles, pieceoplastic / antiall3s, but there is also much chatter and banter, so it might not be ideal.
Tumblr: I will keep posting interesting images, photos, graphics and art here (until a better service comes along).
Pinterest: This is where I post recipes, how-tos, and thematic collections.


I started a new blog called Zettelkasten, where I will post the best links from all the sources above. Links to articles, music, video, images, art, design, recipes… Not sure what else yet, but there will be more. It is intended to work as a sort of personal Tumblr or Pinterest.

The blog consists only of a jump page, the single posts are not important. The front page redirects directly to the links, in that way I wanted it to act a bit like the fantastic waxy/links, but with some more context given, an image (mostly because I have a visual memory), quotes, tags.

One of the things that frustrated me personally about ruff linkage, it turned out to be not very searchable as a resource, which has to do with wordpress search being a bit clunky, navigation through search results slow. I am hoping the Zettelkasten will be easier to navigate, the visual clues will help me remember and the tags assist in finding things.

But this is an experiment, and I might well return to doing the usual link lists in a few weeks, just like before. We shall see.

This blog here will henceforth mostly be used for my own content, words, podcasts, dj mixes (and of course, like every year, the resolution is to post more of all that, but then, life usually happens). Occasionally, I might post link collections to special topics. I am also considering to do a monthly recommended reading list, much like habi has been doing them.

One thing I am still thinking about is how to publish a weekly collection of tweets, I found that to be a helpful way to go through the events of the past week. But I have no ideas yet.

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