Teaser Image August 2019

This! August 20196 min read

[A monthly link list of recommended articles, videos, podcasts, photos, tweets … you name it]

an image or two from my Tumblr
an image or two from my Tumblr
an image or two from my Tumblr
an image or two from my Tumblr


Religious Rhapsody by Freddie Mercury

ContraPoints – Men – By far my least favorite ContraPoints video so far, too centrist, too much both sides rethoric.

Non-fiction from Shani Aviram

Triple Chaser from Forensic Architecture


Deichkind – Keine Party – Music so so, Video just wow.

Master Of Pain [error] by Ho99o9

Amanda Palmer – Drowning In Sound

Tool – Fear Inoculum


The Electric Brain Storms [.soundcloud.] – “A Future Sound of London ART RADIO Production” Beautiful, deep ambient DJ Mix.

Repairing Justice: How to Fix the Internet [wnyc studios] – “Harassment and bullying are plaguing our online lives, but social media companies seem fresh out of solutions. This week, On the Media experiments with a radical approach for detoxifying the web. Can theories of criminal justice reform rehabilitate trolls and fix the internet? ”

[Articles English]

On alienation, the Situationists and everyday revolution [roar magazine] – “it was about nothing less than to found a self-managed society where the assemblies of direct democracy would put an end to the State, the protector of the exploiters and the oppressor of the exploited.”

The Amazon is on fire — indigenous rights can help put it out – “Because colonialism is setting the world on fire. Taking leadership from the people who have been resisting its violence for centuries, while protecting non-extractive ways of life, is our best hope of putting out the flames.” Naomi Klein.

Why Libertarianism Will Kill Us All [current affairs] – “if we think a little harder, we can see that this conception of freedom is incoherent, that it boils down to letting people destroy things that aren’t theirs to begin with, and to hurt everyone else in order to enrich themselves. The libertarian idea of property and freedom is intolerable and must be resisted.”

Why the DNC Must Hold a Climate Debate [intercept] – “Having a habitable Earth is not a “single issue”; it is the single precondition for every other issue’s existence. Humbling as it may be, our shared climate is the frame inside which all of our lives, causes, and struggles unfold. […] The climate crisis “encompasses economic, health, ecological, racial, labor, energy, GENERATIONAL, and many more issues.” It’s only “single issue” if you allow it to be.” Naomi Klein

‘Bees, not refugees’: the environmentalist roots of anti-immigrant bigotry [the guardian] – “Recent mass shootings have been linked to ‘eco-xenophobia’ – part of a tradition that dates to America’s first conservationists”

emojitracker: realtime emoji use on twitter – “this is an experiment in realtime tracking of all emoji used on twitter.”

Ishkur Guide to Electronic Music [ishkur] – The interactive map and time line of electronic music has been updated with newer developments.

Chased From Home By Internet [nyt] – “When Gamergate happened five years ago, it all seemed so outrageous that many people did not believe it was real.” And some still don’t.

Andrea Fraser Puts Male Feminism on the Line [hyperallergic] – “In her performance, Fraser plays the role of male feminists, both empathizing with them and exposing their failure to empathize with the goals of the Women’s Movement.”

Toni Morrison remembered by Édouard Louis: ‘Her laugh was her revenge against the world’ [the guardian] – “The French author of The End of Eddy on the day he sipped neat vodka with the revered late author”

Surrogate Angels of Death [the cut] – “What to make of the First Lady holding the motherless child and youngest survivor of the El Paso massacre.”

The El Paso Shooting and the Gamification of Terror [bellingcat] – “The most important takeaways from the El Paso shooting are twofold: 1. 8chan’s /pol board continues to deliberately radicalize mass shooters. 2. The act of massacring innocents has been gamified.”

[Articles German/French]

Das eigene umweltfreundliche Verhalten ist für unser Umfeld ein wichtiger Anker [das lamm] – “Einer der Gründe, warum Menschen lieber den Klimawandel kleinreden statt ihr Verhalten zu ändern oder auf die Strasse zu gehen, ist der fehlende Glaube daran, dass sie etwas bewirken können. Deshalb liegt ein Schlüssel zu umweltschützendem Handeln in der Selbstwirksamkeit. Konkret heisst dies: Statt immer mehr Probleme müssen wir an Menschen Lösungen herantragen, die ihnen machbar scheinen. Auch das Handeln in einer Gruppe – wie etwa in einem Demonstrationszug, in der Schule oder mit der Familie – kann die Annahme stärken, etwas bewegen zu können.”

Wer spaltet hier? [der freitag] – “Identitätspolitik“ ist auch in linken Kreisen zum Schimpfwort geworden. Die Kritik geht völlig fehl ”

Wer Hat Angst Vorm Zuhören? [republik] – “Wer diese Komplexität nicht sehen will, hat womöglich mehr nervige identity politics verdient, als ihm oder ihr lieb ist.”

Das Netzwerk der «kreativen Zerstörer» [woz] – “Lange haben neoliberale Denkfabriken wie das Liberale Institut in Zürich die menschengemachte Klimaerhitzung geleugnet. Plötzlich gibt es nun eine zweite Position: Weiterhin Skepsis zeigen – und zugleich auf die kapitalistische Anpassungsfähigkeit setzen.”

“Nicht über jedes Stöckchen springen” [der freitag] – “Was ist rechte Rhetorik – und wie soll man mit ihr umgehen? Ein Streitgespräch mit der Soziologin Franziska Schutzbach”

Von Plastikembryos, Islamophobie und Luxusschokolade: der „Marsch fürs Läbe“ [das lamm] – “Am 14. September möchten fundamentalistische ChristInnen am „Marsch fürs Läbe“ mitten in Zürich gegen Abtreibungen und für christliche Familienpolitik demonstrieren. Doch für wessen „Läbe“ stehen die selbsternannten LebensschützerInnen eigentlich ein? Und was hat der Luxusschokoladegigant Läderach mit dem Ganzen zu tun? Einblicke in eine krude Welt von vor-vorgestern.”

Identitätspolitik im US-Wahlkampf: Immer anders, immer gleich [tagesspiegel] – “Die selbstdeklarierten Feinde der Identitätspolitik fordern, die Minderheiten sollten sich doch bitte auf das Verbindende, und nicht das Trennende, konzentrieren. Das schließt von vornherein aus, dass die Idee, Rechte müssten immer wieder neu ausgehandelt werden, das Verbindende sein könnte, anstatt, wie bei den Rechtspopulisten, das Verbindende ein für alle Mal an bestimmten Lebensformen („unsere Art zu leben“) fest zu machen.”

[Older articles, still great]

Aftermath: Sixteen Writers on Trump’s America [the new yorker] – “On Election Day, how eagerly so many white voters—both the poorly educated and the well educated—embraced the shame and fear sowed by Donald Trump. The candidate whose company has been sued by the Justice Department for not renting apartments to black people. The candidate who questioned whether Barack Obama was born in the United States, and who seemed to condone the beating of a Black Lives Matter protester at a campaign rally. The candidate who kept black workers off the floors of his casinos. The candidate who is beloved by David Duke and endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan.” By Toni Morrison

The Malign Incompetence of the British Ruling Class [nyt] – “With Brexit, the chumocrats who drew borders from India to Ireland are getting a taste of their own medicine.” Pankaj Mishra keeps gaining relevance.


Toni Morrison
Peter Fonda
Pedro Bell

[If you care to receive more regular updates, please follow my diigo (via rss), for all of my saved links, or my zettelkasten (rss), twitter for an edited choice of them]

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