[A monthly link list of recommended articles, videos, podcasts, photos, tweets … you name it]
Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Coin Toss
Aphex Twin – Slo Bird Whistle
Thom Yorke – Last I Heard
[Articles English]
Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against [nature] – “The growing threat of abrupt and irreversible climate changes must compel political and economic action on emissions.”
The Nobel Prize, a Rape Camp in Bosnia, and Peter Handke [intercept] – “The terrible questions of atrocity and guilt in Bosnia were settled long ago in trials and other investigations; there is a mass of evidence. But thanks to the Swedish Academy, these long-settled questions have been reopened because the work of a genocide denialist has been authenticated with a Nobel Prize.”
On Hope (in a Time of Hopelessness) [wired] – “In times like these, surviving—making the basic statement that your own life matters as much as anyone else’s—is a political act. When the world consistently tells you that you are unworthy of kindness because of who or what you are, being kind to yourself is an act of rebellion.” Laurie Penny
Lessons From The Bolivian Coup [current affairs] – “We need to learn to see through lies and recognize right-wing power grabs.” Nathan J. Robinson
The WeWork Con [jacobin] – “The $47 billion WeWork implosion is proof that the rich are the biggest suckers of all.”
Antifa – The game [itch] – “Help Antifa break out of Prison, traverse the dangers of the Sewers, Countryside, City and eventually into the belly of Dumpel Tower where you can finally defeat his silly regime.”
Why We Confronted Joe Biden on Deportations [jacobin] – “Last night, immigrant rights activists asked Joe Biden to repudiate Obama’s immigration record. Biden said no and then told them to “vote for Trump.” Carlos Rojas, one of the activists, talks to Jacobin about why he spoke out — and why we need an immediate moratorium on deportations.”
BF Tiny Hand – “My art director at BuzzFeed News Ben King asked me to make a handwriting typeface based on the distinctive scrawl of Donald Trump for this satire piece. I cranked it out in about two days.”
Porn, drugs, rock & roll: France’s greatest pop group, Les Rita Mitsouko [dangerous minds] – “Well, years later I found out from a French friend that Ringer, who was apparently a junkie in her youth (and perhaps beyond, when I met her in ‘86 or ‘87 she seemed somewhat disheveled and that’s putting it kindly), had made a number of rather specialist porn films in the late 1970s, early 80s. The types of films for a certain subset of porn connoisseur, if you know what I mean, and chances are, that unless you’re thinking of something really dirty, you don’t…”
Postmodernism, explained and explained and explained again [the outline] – “You don’t need a whole school of philosophy to figure out Trump.”
‘World of Warcraft’ Changed Video Games and Wrecked Lives [vice] – “I now view World of Warcraft more as a vehicle for the coping behaviours I’d developed during childhood, a host-body for the parasitic nature of my own anxieties. It simply became a convenient excuse for the isolation my mind sought, rather than the root cause of it all.”
Unmixer – “An interface for extracting and remixing loops”
The Color of Women: An Interview with YPJ Commanders Dilovan Kobani, Nirvana, Ruken, and Zerin [e-flux] – “We share more or less the same ideas: establishing equality in the world until everyone is free and equal. When we say freeing people, we mean that men aren’t free either because of their mentality. Removing this patriarchal mentality is freeing all of humanity, and this is our main purpose for the future. And we will pursue this until the end.”
A Giant Bumptious Litter – Donna Haraway on Truth, Technology, and Resisting Extinction [logicmag] – “The Cyborg Manifesto was written within the context of the hard-right turn of the 1980s. But the hard-right turn was one thing; the hard-fascist turn of the late 2010s is another.”
Parsing Trump’s Latest Photo Op (aka the Killing of al-Baghdadi) [hyperallergic] – “Donald Trump tries to reinvent another seminal Obama moment in his own image. But did it work?”
[Articles German/French]
Internationaler Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen: Männer, reißt euch zusammen [spiegel] – “Probleme, die im Patriarchat begründet sind, sollen meist von Frauen selbst gelöst werden – indem sie ihr Verhalten ändern. Weil Männer sich eh nicht ändern würden?” Margarete Stokowski
20 Jahre Indymedia – Ein anderes Internet schien möglich [rls] – “Viele der europäischen Gruppen wollten antidemokratischen Stimmen keine Plattform bieten und zogen eine Moderationsgrenze ein: So erklärte das deutsche «Mission Statement», de.indymedia.org solle «keine Plattform für menschenverachtende, sexistische, rassistische, rechtsradikale u./o. totalitäre Beiträge jeder Art» sein. Erst nach monatelangen Diskussionen wurde entschieden, dass die deutsche Gruppe trotz dieser klaren und beabsichtigten Einschränkung des Open-Publishing-Grundsatzes Teil des Netzwerks werden durfte.” Anne Roth
Teresa Bücker: Ist Ehrlichkeit radikal? [sz magazin] – “Ehrlichkeit hat viel mehr damit zu tun, sich selbst verletzlich zu zeigen, als andere zu verletzen. Sie hat nichts mit Schreien zu tun, sondern mit Reflexion darüber, was wir gerade fühlen, warum wir etwas denken und wie wir das anderen verständlich machen können. Wer darum bemüht ist, immer offen und ehrlich zu sein, hält vermutlich zunächst viel öfter die Klappe und grübelt stattdessen. ”
Wie ein rechter Shitstorm funktioniert [moment.at] – “Rechte Shitstorms sind mühsam, Kosten Zeit und Nerven (und Geld). Es geht nicht darum, ob man die betroffene Person zu hundert Prozent super findet, sondern dass es eine inakzeptable Vorgehensweise ist, gegen die man sich gemeinsam stellt.” Natascha Strobl
Politische Korrektheit an Universitäten in den USA [faz] – “Die ach so sensiblen „Schneeflocken“, die dem Ernst des Lebens nicht gewachsen sind, sind derzeit medial überpräsent. Doch dominiert an amerikanischen Universitäten wirklich die politische Korrektheit?” Adrian Daub
Nichts gelernt aus MeToo [faz] – “Reyhan Şahin alias Lady Bitch Ray nimmt den Deutschrap ins Visier ”
Ja, Morrissey ist ein Idiot. Hört ihm zu! [spex] – “Morrissey ist mal wieder mit rechten Symbolen aufgetreten und verbreitet weiterhin groben Unsinn. Danke dafür! Denn das entlarvt, wie selbstgerecht die vermeintliche Rebellion der Rechten ist.”
[Older articles, still great]
Amanda Palmer: visionary or egotist? [the guardian] – “She gets her fans to play in her band for free, retweets praise and wrote a terrible poem about the Boston bomber. Is singer Amanda Palmer a free-spirited visionary – or a deluded egotist? ” This!
How To Find Silence in a Noisy World
Daniel Eisner
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Header Photo: Axolotl