Teaser Image This! July 2020

This! July 20206 min read

[A monthly link list of recommended articles, videos, podcasts, photos, tweets … you name it]

an image or two from my Tumblr
an image or two from my Tumblr
an image or two from my Tumblr


Banksy hit the tube

Bill Nye on why you should wear a mask



ZSK – Ich habe Besseres zu tun Drosten


[Articles English]

Loss of bees causes shortage of key food crops, study finds [the guardian] – “Apple and cherry production hampered by lack of wild bees. Bees affected by loss of habitat, pesticides and climate crisis”

Trump has helped the US to see its dark side. It will still be there when he goes | Nesrine Malik [the guardian] – “It would be tempting to regard this president as an anomaly, but he has shown that white supremacy is always waiting in the wings”

Narrative Is Crumbling [caitlin johnstone] – “It’s all crumbling to the ground. This cannot be a bad thing. It could end up being very, very good.”

J.K. Rowling and the Limits of Imagination [current affairs] – “Let us establish very clearly: J.K. Rowling is transphobic. This is beyond serious dispute.”

So Many of Us: Recognizing Abuses of Power – “We are a collective of people who have been targeted and manipulated by Warren Ellis, author.”

Climate Emergency Europe! FridaysForFuture letter to EU-Leaders – “In order to limit global heating to 1,5 degrees, the upcoming months and years are crucial. The clock is ticking. Doing your best is no longer good enough. You must now do the seemingly impossible.”

Free Speech Defenders Don’t Understand the Critique Against Them [arc digital] – “On cancel culture, the Harper’s letter, the counter letter, Thomas Chatterton Williams, Bari Weiss, hypocrisy, and more”

Misconduct allegations push psychology hero off his pedestal [sciencemag] – “The renewed scrutiny comes in the wake of an inquiry by King’s College London (KCL), where Eysenck was a psychology professor from 1955 to 1983 at what was then the Institute of Psychiatry. But Pelosi and others argue KCL failed to include many of Eysenck’s other papers that also deserve a more thorough investigation in light of his lasting influence on the literature.”

Global Climate Report – June 2020 [ncdc.noaa] – “Overall, June 2020 had 6.74% of the world’s land and ocean surfaces with a record high June temperature. This was the fifth highest percentage for June record warm temperatures since records began in 1951, behind 2019 (8.55%), 2016 (8.49%), 2010 (7.74%), and 2015 (7.68%).”

Two months after infection, COVID-19 symptoms persist [ars technica] – “Almost 90 percent still have at least one symptom long after the virus has gone.”

The Right-Wing Myth of the Left-Wing Mob [current affairs] – “It is frustrating when people who are not right-wing lunatics echo the language used by Donald Trump about the left. Donald Trump has risen to power by spinning tales about an America that doesn’t exist, one plagued by marauding hordes of immigrants, vandals, and Stalinists. He promises the public that he will restore a better America, one that also never existed. It is our job to expose these fictions for what they are, and provide a better vision of what could be. Having liberals and leftists endorse the right-wing myth about Totalitarian Leftist Mobs feeds into Trump’s culture war reelection strategy.”

Why Are Some Journalists Afraid of “Moral Clarity”? | Masha Gessen [the new yorker] – “For future historians of June, 2020, here is my hypothesis: the reason we seem to be witnessing the emergence of a new political consensus is that the old consensus had already withered. The new story, being shaped right now, is neither dogmatic nor simplistic. It is, however, based on a different set of assumptions than the old story—and this is a good thing, and a necessary thing, as is moral clarity.”

It’s Official — Steven Pinker Is Full of Shit [jacobin] – “The world isn’t getting better. But it could. And the ideas of the Left are increasingly viewed as commonsense solutions to make it so.”

Spreading rock dust on fields could remove vast amounts of CO2 from air [the guardian] – “It may be best near-term way to remove CO2, say scientists, but cutting fossil fuel use remains critical”

Everything You Need to Know About Antifa and How to Talk About It [vice] – “If people in your life seem more concerned with “violent” anti-fascist protesters than racism, here’s how to clarify the situation.” Pretty good – for vice.

[Articles German/French]

« Il n’y a pas de nouvelle antipsychiatrie ! » [lundi.am] – “Les rares personnes ayant encore un intérêt pour l’histoire des luttes autonomes ne doivent pas vraiment comprendre pourquoi le mot antipsychiatrie, qui s’inscrivait dans un champ contre-culturel plus large, se range tout à coup du côté des gestionnaires et autres mainteneurs d’ordre.”

Erschöpfungsfeuilleton – Über journalistische Ohrwürmer [54books] – “Der Begriff Ressentiment als Lehnwort aus dem Französischen ist ein Anhaltspunkt, um einem weiteren Zweck dieser Meinungsäußerungen auf den Grund zu gehen. Das Ressentiment, das wörtlich übersetzte Gegengefühl, steht für eine ablehnende Haltung, die vorrangig auf einer emotionalen Ebene stattfindet und zunächst einmal keine belegbare Basis hat. Es ist das diffuse Gefühl, dass einem etwas nicht geheuer ist und man der Sache ablehnend gegenübersteht, ohne, dass man argumentativ sicher begründen könnte warum.”

Der Rüstungsreport [woz] – “Die Profiteure im Geschäft mit dem Krieg: Die WOZ veröffentlicht exklusiv die Namen der Schweizer Rüstungs­produzenten.”

Apartheid, Aggression und Arbeitskonflikte. Zur politischen Geschichte von Mobbing [gdg] – “Dass „Mobbing“ ursprünglich im Zusammenhang mit Rassismus thematisiert wurde, weiß heute niemand mehr. Vergessen ist ebenso, dass die Warnung vor „Bullying“ mit einem Plädoyer für Disziplin und Körperstrafen einhergehen konnte. Ein Blick in die Geschichte zwingt zum Nachdenken.”

Black Lives Matter – Twitter und Dataminr überwachen Proteste für die Polizei [netzpolitik] – “In den USA liefert das Twitter-Partnerunternehmen Dataminr Fotos, Tweets, Orte und Zeitpunkte von Protesten an die Polizei. Die Firmen sprechen von Nachrichten, NGOs halten es für Überwachung.”

Soziale Medien – Warum Polizeibehörden nicht beliebig twittern dürfen [netzpolitik] – “Fotos von niedlichen Tierbabys zu posten, gehört nicht zu den Kernaufgaben der Polizei und hat grundsätzlich auch nichts auf deren Twitter-Accounts zu suchen. Der Jurist Friedrich Schmitt erklärt, wo die rechtlichen Grenzen für polizeiliche Social-Media-Arbeit verlaufen.”

[Older articles, still great]

How US billionaires are fuelling the hard-right cause in Britain | George Monbiot [the guardian] – “That Spiked magazine’s US funding arm received $300,000 from the Charles Koch Foundation suggests a hidden agenda”


John Lewis
Lucio Urtubio
Ennio Morricone

Zum Todestag von Erich Mühsam – Sich fügen heisst lügen

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