Nothing to celebrate really.
The cheap image and the toned down enthusiasm should convey as much.
But it does surprise me that 20 years have passed, since i started this blog (as my calendar just reminded me).
My actual writing and thinking is currently happening all over the place, after leaving the bird side, because that horrible dude bought it. #Muskodus
Cohost, Discord are good candidates, but I think i will settle on Mastodon, another micro-blogging site similar to Twatter. I quite enjoy it there. Even though it twatters up fast.
I also published two recent pieces of writing not here on this blog (for some reason), but on my Medium:
I’m only 19 years and 4 months in, so no birthday yet. A *lot* changed since then, but I still like it when things pop up in my feed reader. Looking forward to the next 20 years 🙂
Yeh, you’re still a blog-teenager. He he. Same same, always enjoy it when i get to read something on your blog.