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A Color Picker for Designers and Illustrators

Color Picker

Just a great tool, does exactly what it says on the tin.

/ color, Design, tool
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Another Wave of Arrests and Torture against Russian Anarchists

Arrests and Torture of Russian Anarchists
[link > crimethinc]

“On February 1, 2019, officers of the FSB, the Russian state security apparatus descended from the KGB, arrested a dozen people in the latest wave of their campaign of repression against accused anarchists throughout the country.”

This keeps happening, solidarity to our russian comrades.

/ anarchism, russia, Text, torture
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Week 06.2019

Weekly Graphic

Et ça recommence.

/ 2019, date, Meta, week
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Quadra T Monthly Mix 2019 – Retrorave January

Quadra T Monthly Mix
[link > mixcloud]

“If I enjoy the retro rave revival, does that make me an old man?”

Dunno where this is going.

/ dj mix, mix, Music, Audio, rave, retro
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Nous attendons La Fin De Leur Monde

Nous Attendons La Fin De Leur Monde
[link > youtube]

“2019. Aidés par un système économique devenu civilisation folle et par tout ce que la planète compte d’arrivistes et d’aspirants oligarques, 26 humains détiennent plus de richesses que la moitié de l’humanité. Nous attendons la fin de leur monde.”

Fast montage illustrating the frustrating wait for the end of the neoliberal world.

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Dejot – Holowez

Dejot - Holowez
[link > bandcamp]

“Memory is a creative act, not counting the input as catalyst it’s almost entirely based on the faculties of the imagination. That’s how Holowez, the latest release from Bern-based producer Dejot (aka Daniel Jakob) should be understood: as a creative negotiation between a sonic document of actual events and its human memory analog.”

Haunting, mesmerizing sound collage, that at times veers into clubby beats.

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The Hidden Victims Of Alcoholism

The Smell Of Booze
[link > guardian]

“Many children of alcoholics now have a dead parent, whether or not alcoholism is explicitly referenced on the death certificate. Alcoholism has long been recognised as a deadly disease, but there is far less awareness of its hidden victims: the children of alcoholics.”

Rossalyn Warren offers a personal and very powerful account.

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The Backlash Against “Gender Ideology” Must Stop

The Backlash Against Gender Studies Must Stop
[link > new statesman]

“The world of gender diversity and sexual complexity is not going away. It will only demand greater recognition for all those who seek to live out their gender or sexuality without stigma or the threat of violence. Those who fall outside the norm deserve to live in this world without fear, to love and to exist, and to seek to create a world more equitable and free of violence.”

Judith Butler dismantles some if not most of the strawmen floating around.

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The Classroom Origins Of Toxic Masculinity

Classroom Origins Toxic Masculinity
[link > longread]

““Masculinity is not a fixed entity embedded in the body or personality traits of individuals,” writes Connell. “Masculinities are configurations of practice that are accomplished in social action…” To paraphrase Kupers, they’re not bad kids, but it’s up to their parents, their role models, society as a whole, to ensure that they don’t grow up to be worse.”

Have been thinking about my own experience with the mythopoetic men’s movement in 90s. A pro-feminist stance is possible.

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Week 05.2019

Weekly Graphic

Et ça recommence.

/ 2019, Meta, week
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Butternut and sage galette with orange caramel

Butternut Sage Galette with Orange caramel
[link > guardian]


You must think I am really boring and only ever cook Ottolenghi recipes. The truth is, this is true. But hey.

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Die Gilets jaunes und das Unglück der Zersiedelung

Die Gilets Jaunes und das Unglück der Zersiedelung
[link > woz]

“Das Gegenprogramm zur Globalisierung ist der Umbau unserer zerrissenen Gesellschaften in ökonomisch und sozial funktionierende Gemeinschaften. Keine Regierung kann diesen Umbau verordnen, doch es gibt überall Initiativen und Bewegungen, die daran sind, ihn zu bewerkstelligen.”

Hans Widmer aka p.m. (bolo’bolo etc.) über die Gilets Jaunes und mögliche Bezüge zur Zersiedlungsinitiative.

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Some Notes On Mass Refusal #generalstrike

Same Notes On Mass Refusal
[link > igd]

“To this day, the idea of a mass or general strike remains both an ideal and a tactic that can be picked up by everyday people if and when they discover the power to do so. And as American history has shown, this tactic is one that has been used by the working class as a whole, across lines of color, gender, trade, and geography.”

History and relevance of the general strike as a political tactic.

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Kraftwerk Live Rockpalast

Kraftwerk Live Rockpalast 1970
[link > youtube]

“Rockpalast zeigt zum ersten Mal das Soester Konzert aus dem Jahr 1970 in voller Länge, bei dem Kraftwerk als Trio auftraten und erstaunte Gesichter zurückließen. Eine absolute Rarität und ein Leckerbissen für Musikfans.”

Kraftwerk played Techno, even all the way back in the early 70s.

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Trump und der Staatsstreich der Konzerne

Trump und der Staatsstreich der Konzerne
[link > arte]

“Laut Definition herrscht in einer Demokratie das Volk. Doch was passiert, wenn Politiker sich nicht dem Volkswillen, sondern viel eher dem Finanzdiktat von Lobbyisten unterwerfen, die mit Milliarden die Gesetzgebung zu ihren Gunsten beeinflussen?”

Quite a bit of the interviews are with John Ralston Saul and Cornell West, the documentary at times strays into pathos, but on the whole it’s very clear. Available online until 20.1.2019.

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What Was New Atheism?

What Was New Atheism
[link > pointmag]

“As garden-variety Democrats have rediscovered mass protest—against climate change, migrant family separations or the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court—activists to their left now feel emboldened to confront politicians at their homes and occupy public highways.”

Draws the connection between new atheism and the circles that are now commonly referred to as the Intellectual Dark Web, but of course “intellectual” remains debatable.

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The Largest Vocabulary In Hip Hop

Rappers ranked by words used

“Rappers, ranked by the number of unique words used in their lyrics”

Nice visualization, plus a not at all surprising leader.
Would love to see this with German and even Swiss German rappers.

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Week 04.2019

Weekly Graphic

Et ça re-commence.

/ 2019, Meta, week
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Unpresidented – The Yes Men WaPo

The Yes Men WaPo

“Celebrations break out worldwide as Trump era ends – Worldwide, impromptu street parties popped up in major cities and small towns as people realized the American president had fled.”

The Yes Men have been criticized for this project, because apparently in times of fake news this is wrong somehow. But hey, they make us dream. I would so dance in the streets. For days.

/ activism, Art, politics, satire
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Contrapoints – Are Traps Gay?

Contrapoints - Are Traps Gay?
[link > youtube]

“A psychosexual journey to the heart of a bad meme. (This is an educational video I made for scientific and artistic purposes and is very advertiser friendly.)”

It’s almost unbelievable, how much I have been looking forward to this new Contrapoints video. I think I am in love. <3

/ meme, Video, transsexual, Video