ruff linkage 2018066 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]

Special Feature <3

frenZINE issue #25 – Totem|Trees|Talking – And yet another amazing issue of frenZINE. Yo internet, why don’t you notice?


Tumblr Image of the Week



I Spent Two Years Trying to Fix the Gender Imbalance in My Stories – “A related criticism is that it would be insulting for a woman to be interviewed simply because she is a woman. This is a straw man. I’m not asking people for their opinions because of their gender; I’m asking because of their expertise.” Exemplary journalist.


A declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace – “Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.”

John Perry Barlow, Internet Pioneer, 1947-2018 – “With a broken heart I have to announce that EFF’s founder, visionary, and our ongoing inspiration, John Perry Barlow, passed away quietly in his sleep this morning. We will miss Barlow and his wisdom for decades to come, and he will always be an integral part of EFF.”


Franziska Schutzbach: Wut ist visionär – “#MeToo zeigt derzeit die seltene Bereitschaft von Frauen, es sich zu verscherzen. Als böse Hexen beschimpft zu werden. In der Wut zeigt sich ein tiefes Wissen über gesellschaftliche Ungerechtigkeit.”

Black History Spotlight: John Robinson – “John Robinson is one of about a bazillion black heroes you’ve never heard of, but we’re here to correct that with the power of Ashley Nicole Black and a cartoon!”

The blue marble – “After 3 months of work and probably more than 500 fails, I’m happy to present you my best video ever.”

listen and

Watch how Patti tells the crowd to stay cool later in the video.


California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue ‘anti-racist’ activists, documents show – “Officers expressed sympathy with white supremacists and sought their help to target counter-protesters after a violent 2016 rally, according to court documents” This is soooo not a suprise.

U.S. Secretly Negotiated With Russians to Buy Stolen NSA Documents — and the Russians Offered Trump-Related Material, Too – “Over the past year, American intelligence officials have opened a secret communications channel with the Russian operatives, who have been seeking to sell both Trump-related materials and documents stolen from the National Security Agency and obtained by Russian intelligence, according to people involved with the matter and other documentary evidence. ” Aha, the pee tape exists.

These Australian Bees Have Upped Their Architecture Game and Build Spiral Hives – “Beehives are typically comprised of parallel layers of honeycombs, like an office building filled with cubicles. But in Australia, a bee species known as Tetragonula carbonaria, a/k/a sugarbag bees, build their hives in a single-layer spiral” In the article they speculate if this was built this way because the queen was lazy. Lol.

Chew Fascism! T-Shirt – “Like Chewie would!” Next: Munch on racism like munchkin would?

Google Won’t Take Down ‘Pirate’ VLC With Five Million Downloads – “VideoLAN, the team behind the VLC media player, recently revealed that they turned down several tens of millions of euros to bundle their software with advertising. The same cannot be said of third-party developers cloning VLC for profit, however. An ad-supported clone discovered on Google Play has a staggering five to ten million downloads and breaches VLC’s GPL license, yet Google refuses to take it down.” Fuck Google episode 230099*23

Climate Change Could Unleash Huge Amounts of Mercury From Permafrost – “Turns out permafrost soil contains nearly twice as much mercury as all other soils, the ocean, and the atmosphere combined.”

How James Franco Exploits Queerness to Cover His Tracks – “James Franco’s persistent entitlement to queer space should have served as a red flag.”

I Have a Confession to Make | Rob Sheridan – “I wasn’t the person who created The Dancing Baby. I wasn’t the person who first posted it online. I wasn’t the person who put it on TV. And yet, without me, it would have never become a sensation. At that time there wasn’t a precedent for such a role in popular culture: the meme-makers, the content curators, the people and sites who now fuel the social internet by creating viral sensations from re-contextualizations of other peoples’ content. But looking back on it now 20 years later I can see exactly what my role in it was, and I realize I might just be accidentally responsible for the first true internet phenomenon. And that’s an incredibly weird thought.” One of the first memes.

Why I barely read SF these days – Charlie Stross – “if I was to choose a candidate for the great clomping foot of nerdism afflicting fiction today, I’d pick late-period capitalism, the piss-polluted sea we fish are doomed to swim in. It seems inevitable but it’s a relatively recent development in historic terms, and it’s clearly not sustainable in the long term. However, trying to visualize a world without it is surprisingly difficult. Take a random grab-bag of concepts and try to imagine the following without capitalism: “advertising”, “trophy wife”, “health insurance”, “jaywalking”, “passport”, “police”, “teen-ager”, “television”. Get to work lads, it’s not actually that different.” Hold my beer.

Citing U.S. Prison Conditions, British Appeals Court Refuses to Extradite Accused Hacker Lauri Love to the U.S. – “A British appeals court on Monday rejected demands from the U.S. government for the extradition of an accused British hacker, Lauri Love, citing the inability of U.S. prisons to humanely and adequately treat his medical and mental health ailments. Extradition to the U.S., the court ruled, would be “oppressive by reason of his physical and mental condition.” Pheew.

The Disconnect – Issue One – “Please Disconnect from the Internet. This is an offline-only magazine of commentary, fiction, and poetry.” Fight your offline panic to read this magazine (while your smartphone is still online).

‘Fiction is outperforming reality’: how YouTube’s algorithm distorts truth – “An ex-YouTube insider reveals how its recommendation algorithm promotes divisive clips and conspiracy videos. Did they harm Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency?”


The Complete Guide to Understanding and Dealing With Online Trolls – “In case you have any doubt, it’s absolutely reasonable to be scared, and it’s absolutely reasonable to take whatever precautions make you feel safe.”


Wir haben mit Frauen über sexuelle Belästigung in der Hacker-Szene gesprochen – “Die -Debatte ist in der Hackerszene angekommen. Belästigungsvorwürfe kursieren immer wieder in der Community. Der Chaos Computer Club wird kritisiert und will das Thema jetzt aufarbeiten.” The idea for this article is commendable, the result pretty lame.

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