ruff linkage 2018239 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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What Does it Mean to Live? Notes from the Zapatistas’ First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle – Viewpoint Magazine – “Convoked by the women of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation (EZLN) and in what turned out to be an event of unexpected and unprecedented size, between 5,000 and 8,000 women, includ­ing trans people, from more than 50 countries traveled to the Zapatista caracol [center of autonomous government] of Morelia, joining some 2,000 Zapatista women for three days of events.” This is simply amazing. I cried tears of joy.

This world cup already sucks, it never didn’t suck

The World Cup Match That Spawned a Decades-Old Conspiracy Theory – “When Argentina thrashed Peru at the knockout stages of the 1978 World Cup, the result led many to mutter darkly about fixes, political interference, and corruption at the highest level.” It does all sound awfully fishy.

World Cup 2018: complete guide to all 736 players | Football – “Biographies of every player in all 32 squads in Russia, including caps, goals, nicknames, hobbies and, once the tournament starts, ratings for every performance” Even this fantastic website can’t get me exited, there’s simply too much wrong with the world cup in Russia.

Argentina Won’t Play Israel in Soccer Because Slaughtering Palestinians Has Consequences – “Whatever the real reasons for the cancellation,” Israeli journalist Anshel Pfeffer observed on Twitter, “the Netanyahu government’s politicization of the match, particularly the ego-trip of vainglorious Sports Minister Regev made it a convenient target and unearned win for the boycotters. BDS is not a real threat to Israel. Hubris is.” Die Karte der Berner Beizen ohne Fussball-Übertragung – “In Ruhe einen Kaffee schlürfen? Sich achtsam betrinken? Mit Freunden ungestört ein Gespräch führen? Morgens keine Kotze vor der Haustüre liegen haben? Im Sommer 2018 wird dies leider nicht mehr möglich sein: Die milliardenschwere Fussballindustrie wird wieder übers Land ziehen und jede hinterletzte Beiz mit PublicViewing aufwarten.”

They think it’s all over: could 2018 spell the beginning of the end for the World Cup? – “The world cup in Russia this summer could be a disaster. Football’s showpiece event may not recover”


EPIC Drone save over water. Close save – Dude jumps into the dirtiest duck pond ever – to save his drone. This again proves, as if proof was really needed, how stupid humans really are.

Spinning a Record to Pieces at 12,500fps – The Slow Mo Guys – “Gav and Dan take 1 piece of vinyl and spin it so fast it becomes about 50,000 pieces of vinyl. The results are obviously captured by a very high speed camera.” Erm. This video is way too long, but the super slow motion splintering is great.

UNBOXING: The REAL Price of SNEAKERS – “This one left me speechless.” See bellow

listen and

LNP256 Main Show: 10.000 Stellen auf 1,3 Stellen – “Logbuch:Netzpolitik 256 im Babylon in Berlin mit Linus Neumann und Tim Pritlove und Gästen: Geraldine de Bastion, Jan Philipp Albrecht, Martina Renner und Arne Semsrott.”

Pieceocast 091 – The commander of cheese.


Donald Trump’s Surveillance of New York Times Reporter Is a True Declaration of War Against the Press – “Unlike his predecessor, Barack Obama, Trump was not known to have spied on journalists or tried to jail them – as Obama did with me – for refusing to reveal their sources. Until now. Now we know that the Justice Department secretly seized the phone and email records of Ali Watkins, a New York Times reporter, in a leak investigation involving a former Senate staffer.” Before he was all bark no bite in this issue.

The best way to save the planet? Drop meat and dairy | George Monbiot – “Farming livestock for food threatens all life on earth, and ‘free-range’ steak is the worst of all” Yes, this is the simple truth. But nothing will change, people are not willing to sacrifice anything.

We Asked MIT Researchers Why They Made a ‘Psychotic AI’ That Only Sees Death – “We wanted to create an extreme AI that responds to things negatively, we chose r/watchpeopledie as the source of our image captions since all the descriptions of the images are giving detailed explanations of how a person or a group of people die. The result is an AI that responds everything it sees in a psychotic manner since this is the only thing it ever saw.” The funny part here, people started to write letters to the bot to try and change him.

Scooters littering US city streets shout at people: ‘Unlock me or I’ll call the police’ – “Built-in alarm sparks anger from city officials amid concerns over racism and policing: ‘This is a threat to people’” Dystopian.

Honey Bees Are the First Insect Known to Grasp the Concept of Zero – “Our findings show that honey bees can learn and apply the concepts of greater than and less than to interpret a blank stimulus as representing the conceptual number of zero and place zero in relation to other numerical values. Bees thus perform at a level consistent with that of nonhuman primates by understanding that zero is lower than one” Many small brains add up to the hive mind.

Interactive Cancer Risk Matrix – “This tool gives information on how different aspects of diet, as well as body weight and physical activity, might be linked to cancer risk.”

Bruno Latour on the contrast between May 68 & the present conservative revolution – The relevant political struggle is now to deflect the conservative “revolution”. Yeah, it’s not a revolution at all. They are posers.

Police Broke Into Chelsea Manning’s Home with Guns Drawn — in a “Wellness Check” – “Shortly after Chelsea Manning posted what appeared to be two suicidal tweets on May 27, police broke into her home with their weapons drawn as if conducting a raid, in what is known as a “wellness” or “welfare check” on a person experiencing a mental health crisis. Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst turned whistleblower and U.S. Senate candidate, was not at home, but video obtained by The Intercept shows officers pointing their guns as they searched her empty apartment.” This is what a police state looks like.

Unboxing the Truth | Thomson Reuters Foundation – “It’s time to unbox the truth about modern slavery and to look at the human price of the products that we buy. To do so, we’ve created a custom-made pair of shoes with hidden facts about modern slavery to symbolise forced labor in fashion supply chains.” The video is worth watching as well.

The Tories haven’t just popularised Islamophobia – they’ve gentrified it | Nesrine Malik – “The lack of pressure on Theresa May to act is an alarming indication of where rightwing politics is taking Britain”

The shining moment when Russian revolutionary women reinvented sex – “For one shining moment, being a Russian woman meant sexual freedom and radical equality. Never seen before – or since” Fuck Stalin! What a dickhead.

With his band The The, Matt Johnson lit up the 80s. Now pop’s bright light is shining again – “As The The tour for the first time in 18 years, its frontman explains how his brother’s death motivated him to write again ”


Don’t Eat Before Reading This – “Gastronomy is the science of pain. Professional cooks belong to a secret society whose ancient rituals derive from the principles of stoicism in the face of humiliation, injury, fatigue, and the threat of illness. The members of a tight, well-greased kitchen staff are a lot like a submarine crew. Confined for most of their waking hours in hot, airless spaces, and ruled by despotic leaders, they often acquire the characteristics of the poor saps who were press-ganged into the royal navies of Napoleonic times—superstition, a contempt for outsiders, and a loyalty to no flag but their own.” The Anthony Bourdain essay that started it all.


Bruno Latour: le conseiller sans Prince. Ou l’homme qui avait peur de ne plus être gouverné… – “Peut-être que Bruno Latour est devenu la victime de ses simulations académiques. Conseiller d’un Prince définitivement absent, aurai-t-il peur de ne plus être gouverné ? Ses coups d’éclat seraient-ils des appels poignants conjurant le vide de la gouvernementalité ? Est-on témoins d’une tentative désespérée d’instituer un nouvel état du monde, avec sa constitution universelle, s’exprimant par l’oxymore d’un Gouvernement de la Multiplicité ?”

Hetzjagd statt Journalismus – “Der «Blick» stellte einen 27-Jährigen sowie dessen Vater mit Namen an den Pranger. Der Mann soll laut Staatsanwaltschaft während des Hamburger G20-Gipfels randaliert haben. Ein weiteres krasses Beispiel dafür, wie Medien im Zusammenspiel mit einer hyperventilierenden Justiz den Rechtsstaat aushebeln.””

Verschwörungstheorien: Wir müssen reden… – Beobachter – “Flugzeuge versprühen Chemie, Deutschland gibt es nicht, bald leben in Europa nur noch Muslime: Wie kommt man dazu, solche Dinge zu behaupten?” How a whistle blower turned into a conspiracy theorist.

Im Darknet der Seele – “Wie entsteht Hass? Die Wissenschaftlerin Julia Ebner loggt sich bei Islamisten und Rechtsextremen ein. Wer ihr Buch liest, sieht die Welt mit anderen Augen.” More on this topic in this re:publica panel with Julia Ebner.

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