ruff linkage 2018228 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


Tumblr Image of the Week

This is an old photo, from the G20 in Hamburg, but a good one.



The Coming Collapse – “We must invest our energy in building parallel, popular institutions to protect ourselves and to pit power against power. These parallel institutions, including unions, community development organizations, local currencies, alternative political parties and food cooperatives, will have to be constructed town by town.” The question is not if, but when the collapse will come.


L’Odéon commémore comme un mort, ou L’Esprit de Mairde – “Le vendredi 25 mai au soir, les Intermittents du désordre ont interrompu la représentation de Tristesses à l’Odéon 6e, en réponse à la répression policière du 7 mai. Ce jour-là, Stéphane Braunschweig, directeur du théâtre, avait fait appel aux forces de l’ordre pour réprimer des étudiants contestataires, aux abords de l’Odéon où se tenait une commémoration de mai 68.”

RAMMELLZEE: It’s Not Who But What – “A 9-minute cosmic journey that explores the legendary artist, graffiti writer, hip-hop pioneer, myth-maker, and New York cult icon, RAMMELLZEE.”

Scooters block tech buses on 24th and Valencia – Protesters deal graciously with the confused guy who is not getting it.

Invisible London – “Filmed using an infrared camera, this is London as you’ve never seen it before.” Possibly mute this, because he mansplains this a bit too much.

Rude interruption – French bulldog Walter Geoffrey can sing a mean tune.

AIBO Robot Dogs Given Buddhist Funeral in Japan – “An electronics repair company gives a compassionate farewell to mechanical pets, with a traditional ceremony held in a historic temple.”

Trouble #13: Defend the Block – “Gentrification, like all facets of capitalism, is often presented to its victims as a natural process. Shrouded in the logic of progress and polished up with euphemisms like “neighbourhood revitalization” or “urban renewal”, the violent displacement that it brings in its wake is carefully hidden behind a cover of market forces, zoning changes, public consultations and glitzy marketing campaigns.”

Hommage à la ZAD – Do not click the link under the video though.

How Portugal Is Kicking its Heroin Habit – “Back in the 1990s, Portugal faced a heroin crisis. Most people knew someone affected by the lethal drug. Just two decades later, the country has one of the lowest drug-related death rates in the world. This dramatic turnaround isn’t credited to a hard-line approach, but instead by decriminalizing all drugs.”

when you use the internet in 2018 – “We’ve updated our privacy policy”

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Remembering Pier Paolo Pasolini – “A look at the life and politics of Pier Paolo Pasolini, heterodox communist.” What an amazing, if disturbing artist, what a wild life story.

Philosophy: Jürgen Habermas: “For God’s sake, spare us governing philosophers!” – “Yes,” he says. “I’m still angry about some of the things that are happening in the world. That’s not a bad thing, is it?” Mr. Habermas does not shy away from airing his opinions. Some of a bit confusing.

Fired Deliveroo riders found their own cooperative in Barcelona – “The companies reacted by dismissing many riders for their union activities. Now they are taking matters into their own hands and founding their own cooperative delivery app “Mensakas”.”

Une cagnote pour DOC du réel – “Arrêtée alors qu’elle couvrait l’occupation du lycée Arago, tout son matériel vidéo a été saisi par la police”

The 50 Best Ambient Albums of All Time – “Wallpaper music? None here. These are the albums that have shifted moods and created new worlds” I disagree with most of this list, but here it is anyway.

The Punk-Rock Porn Movie That Lays Waste to the Patriarchy – “Acclaimed queercore filmmaker Bruce LaBruce’s ‘The Misandrists’ centers on the men-overthrowing Female Liberation Army. And it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before.” Hmm. Should I invest in porn?

Sweden approves new law recognising sex without consent as rape – “Sweden has passed a new law saying that sex without consent is rape, even when there are no threats or force involved.”

Everyone Involved in This Samantha Bee Fiasco Is a Feckless C-Word – “A woman comedian calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt” is not a crime—or as bad as Barr’s racist Twitter rants, if we’re playing the comparison game. But Bee should’ve known that it would ignite the exact outrage that it did, and stood by her comment. If you’re going to make offensive jokes, you can’t be surprised when people are offended.”

Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria – “This household-based survey suggests that the number of excess deaths related to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico is more than 70 times the official estimate. (Funded by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and others.)” Trump lies.

As an Oxycontin ‘junkie’ at Yale, I saw how my addiction helped fund the university – “Through attending an Ivy League university as an addict, I learned that while I might be considered ‘deplorable’, elites are not much better.”

Ní Saoirse go Saoirse na mBan. (Also, fuck you, Ireland). | Laurie Penny – “But that’s not even the worst thing. The worst thing is that hope is a practise, not a feeling, and those of us who know how essential it is to the survival of the human species know best how to work at it in the dark, to develop those muscles for when they’re needed. When hope tackles you from behind, when I remember, for once, what it feels like to win, I really don’t know what to do anymore.” Laurie got in trouble for this article, I thought it was a daring, experimental joke, but a good one, that I totally understood.

Citing Blogs – “This sounds an awful lot like how we review each other’s work on blogs. We cite, discuss and share links — the best blog posts getting the most links. In the early days of Google, this would guarantee being on the first page of search results.” Yeah, where. Who decides?

Antibiotics in Meat Could Be Damaging Our Guts – “Mr. Lewis, meanwhile, argues that the continued destruction of the smallest bacteria in our gut biomes risks deadly epidemics of chronic or drug-resistant diseases. That may be hyperbole, but there is wide agreement that antibiotic overuse in both livestock and in people is destroying our ability to fight certain diseases and infections.” It damages us anyway.

How Identity Politics Has Divided the Left: An Interview With Asad Haider – “For a movement to arise, which tackled the fundamental structures of inequality, domination, and exploitation in American society in such a way that identity as a force of division could not exist — that would be a real universal moment.” Some valid points he makes, even if in the current climate one shies away from criticising identity politics.


The Critical Zone of Science and Politics: An Interview with Bruno Latour – “How do you cope with telling your grandchildren that you were born in 1947 and had an enormously good time — that you profited from globalization and the process that has led to the sixth extinction. How do you tell this to your grandchildren? If you say, “Well, I had a good life, too bad for you,” you are a moral wreck. So how do you handle this situation? This is fodder for art.”


Du glaubst es ist cool, Soldat/in zu sein? – “Rechtes Gedankengut findet bei der Bundeswehr Anklang, während kritische Nachfragen mit Diskriminierung beantwortet werden.”

Staatliche Repression in Russland: Gefangen im System – “Russische Beamte leugnen es, aber Aktivisten behaupten, gefoltert worden zu sein. Immer mehr von ihnen fliehen nach Finnland. Eine Begegnung.” Folter und inszenierte Schauprozesse gegen Anarchisten und Antifaschisten.

Debatte Rhetorik der Rechten: Brabbelbrabbel HeimatNation brabbel – “Die Frage „Kann man mit Rechten sprechen?“ ist daher falsch gestellt. Rechts-Sprech ist weder auf Dialog noch auf einen argumentativen „Sieg“ hin ausgerichtet, sondern funktioniert vor allem als semantisches Obstruktionsmittel.”

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