ruff linkage 2018459 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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Tumblr Image of the Week





Pity Jordan Peterson. Can a giant lobster analogy ever replace a sense of humour? (the guardian) – “The leading member of the self-styled intellectual dark web likes to think he is ‘locked out’ of the mainstream media. Which makes his interview in this month’s GQ all the more revealing” Not a deep critique of Peterson, by far not, but it’s a great laugh. And that’s allowed sometimes.


Rubber Johnny by Chris Cunningham & Aphex Twin – “The concept for Rubber Johnny came from Cunningham’s imagining a raver morphing as he danced.”

Iceland’s Banned TV Christmas Advert… Say hello to Rang-tan. #NoPalmOilChristmas – “You won’t see our Christmas advert on TV this year. But we want to share our ‘No Palm Oil’ story with you this Christmas.”

Sassy Trump vs Jim Acosta – “All Trump’s Words”

listen and

Said The Whale – UnAmerican (Official Video) – “NO visual effects or green-screens were used in the making of this video. Everything you see was created by hand using 2,250 separate pieces of paper, each printed with a frame of a previously filmed performance video.”


The Age of Extinction (the guardian) – “The Guardian’s ongoing series looking at what threatens our planet’s biodiversity” A handy collection on this relevant topic.

A Jewish Anarchist Response to the Jewish Nurse who Treated Robert Bowers (it’s going down) – “I wouldn’t be an anarchist if I didn’t love fiercely and intimately. But I hate just as fiercely and intimately as I love. I hate the people that hurt us, that poison us, that make this world toxic and unsafe. I hate the police that imprison us, the men that assault us, the racists that shoot black teenagers in their own neighborhoods and then join the army to murder children of color in other countries. I hate the people who shoot up synagogues and I hate the people who tell us not to revolt afterwards. I hate Robert Bowers. I hate that he continues to live after murdering eleven people. I don’t hate Ari Mahler, the Jewish nurse who saved his life, but I hate that we live in a country where Jews are applauded for remaining obedient to our assimilated role in white supremacy.” The conclusion of this article is a harsh stance, but there are some very relevant thoughts along the way.

Iceland’s Christmas TV advert banned for being too political (the guardian) – “Supermarket’s Greenpeace film on palm oil’s impact on orangutan deemed rule breach” Shooting the messenger. Video above.

The making of an opioid epidemic (the guardian) – “When high doses of painkillers led to widespread addiction, it was called one of the biggest mistakes in modern medicine. But this was no accident.” The “war on drugs” revealed as the farce that it always was.

Post-Truth and Alethic Populism – “Ever since its nomination as the word of the year 2016, the concept of “post-truth” continues to agitate public opinion. It also poses a significant challenge for the theory of democracy. The most common response to this challenge, both public and theoretical, is a moralistic appeal for the restoration of truth in politics. Instead of solving the problem, however, such an attitude seems certain to aggravate it even more.” The expression “alethic populism” was new to me, might be useful.

The Creative Commons Avoid a Tragedy on Flickr (vice) – “SmugMug, the current owners of the photo-sharing platform Flickr, are changing the platform’s model, but says it will maintain its support for Creative Commons. Not every company that has relied on the license in the past can say that.” Absurd policies, this will so tank. At least CC seems safe.

The Border Crossing Us (viewpoint magazine) – “The key insight of the “autonomy of migration” theoretical perspective, […] is to see migrants themselves as active subjects whose mobility has definite political implications. The point is not to romanticize migration – migration, we know, is often anything but beautiful – or to impute immediate revolutionary motives to all who take on such journeys. Instead, it’s to take some distance from a detached sociology which would make migrants mere objects of market forces being passively “pushed” from one country, the so-called sending country, and “pulled” to another, the so-called receiving country.” Interesting take on the topic.

Australian students plan school strikes to protest against climate inaction (the guardian) – “Hundreds say they will skip school, urging politicians to treat climate change as an emergency” Thanks Greta!

How Fascism Went Digital: A Historian’s Perspective on Bolsonaro’s Victory in Brazil (geschichte der gegenwart) – “Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in the Brazilian presidential election marks the triumph of a new, digital form of totalitarian movement in which masses are the driver of their own manipulation. But this doesn’t make it less harmful than traditional fascist models.” Digital fascism. Let that sink in.

David Attenborough has betrayed the living world he loves | George Monbiot (the guardian) – “By downplaying our environmental crisis, the presenter’s BBC films have generated complacency, confusion and ignorance” Very upsetting.

U.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism. Now They Don’t Know How to Stop It. (nyt) – “For two decades, domestic counterterrorism strategy has ignored the rising danger of far-right extremism. In the atmosphere of willful indifference, a virulent movement has grown and metastasized.” Look at Lennards piece pointing out that one huge chunk of the story has been missed, the racist and whitesupremacist police force. In fact, you might even just skip this and read the other article.

New York Times Missed Story on Police and White Supremacists (the intercept) – “The Times tells a story about law enforcement failing and struggling to deal with white supremacy. The elephant in the room, unmentioned by Reitman or any of the sources she chose to cite, is that U.S. law enforcement doesn’t do enough about violent racists because as an institution, U.S. law enforcement is violently racist and contains explicit white supremacists in its ranks.” Read this instead.


American Horror Story (laurie penny) – “I went backstage at the biggest political show on earth- and found America telling stories about itself.” After the mid-terms, good time to re-read this.

On Incels and Courtly Love – “They aren’t seeing women’s increasing ability to dictate their own lives as a reflection of women’s agency. Women aren’t people, they are objects that men squabble over. The answer then, is to create this new aggrieved form of hegemonic masculinity and get VERY ANGRY. Threaten these objects that have for some reason refused to obey you!”


Dieser Mann sucht Prügel (woz) – “Wie schon die britische Autorin Laurie Penny bilanziert hat: Eigentlich müsste man Peterson wie einen verrückten Wanderprediger einfach am Wegrand stehen lassen. Wer sich auf seine Logik einlässt, hat bereits verloren.”

Warum es keinen Sexismus gegen Männer oder Rassismus gegen Weiße gibt (der spiegel) – “Männer und Weiße können ungefähr alles auf der Welt haben, aber Diskriminierung können sie nicht haben. Es gibt keinen Rassismus gegen Weiße und keinen Sexismus gegen Männer. Das heißt nicht, dass es sie prinzipiell nicht geben kann. Es kann sie nur in dieser Welt nicht geben.” Reverse sexism and racism do not exist.

Welcome to Switzerland, Mr Soros! (republik) – “Der Kampf um nationale Souveränität, die Selbstbestimmungsinitiative, ist prädestiniert dafür, das Bild der jüdischen Weltverschwörung zu aktivieren. […] Wenn Soros als Code benutzt wird, weil die Bewirtschaftung des Nationalen einen äusseren Feind braucht, wird es heikel. Man kann diesen Knopf drücken. Oder nicht. Wer ihn drückt, ist entweder überzeugter Antisemit, irrer Verschwörungstheoretiker, berechnender Zyniker oder ahnungslos.” Moser can still write!

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