Teaser March

This! March 20195 min read

[A monthly link list of recommended articles, videos, podcasts, photos, tweets … you name it]

an image or two from my Tumblr
an image or two from my Tumblr
an image or two from my Tumblr


ContraPoints | Gender Critical

Contrapoints interviewed.

De Lagasnerie on violence.


Deichkind – Richtig Gutes Zeug

Sculpture – Meeting Our Associates

Amanda Palmer – Voicemail for Jill

Tami T – So Afraid


LNP293 Versteckt hintenrum (logbuch: netzpolitik) – “Direkt nach der Abstimmung des EU-Parlaments für Uploadfilter sprechen wir mit Julia Reda über das Ergebnis.”

Team Human Ep. 122 Naomi Klein (teamhuman) – “Naomi Klein on confronting the triple threat of climate crisis, inequality, and white supremacy. Recorded Live at WNYC’s the Greene Space.”

[Articles English]

All About Pete (current affairs) – “If we are lucky, Buttigieg Fever will dissipate quickly when people realize this guy is the same rancid wine in a new wifi-enabled bottle. “Hah, remember when Pete Buttigieg became a thing for a hot second?” It will be remembered as neoliberalism’s last gasp, a pitiful attempt at co-optation that was met with a unanimous reply of “Nice try.” Let’s hope to God that’s how this goes.” This is a must read. Simple as that.

Jordan Peterson Is a Poor Researcher Whose Own Sources Contradict His Claims (medium) – “It is not chaos, but our fear and visceral disgust toward the idea of chaos undermining civilization — often stemming from a lack of familiarity with what we fear — that drives us to build prisons, wage wars, and develop weapons which are the embodiment of all-consuming fire.” Peterson is a phoney.

What’s changed in the art world since 1985 (vice) – “The [wealthy] art world pretends that it’s liberal and progressive. They’re kind of hypocritical when they complain about Donald Trump the politician and don’t look at the system that they participate in.” I’m a huge fan.

How The Right is Hijacking Christchurch Tragedy (current affairs) – “Instead, the right is employing the Panicked Squid Defense: Spewing a vast number of obfuscatory storylines onto the internet is an attempt to confuse and distract the public until we all throw up our hands, say that it’s complicated, and go back to feeling hopeless and annoyed.” One to remember, the panicked squid defense.

The Male Feminist Movement Time Forgot (vice) – “Nowadays, the Men’s Rights movement runs the gamut from incels to red pillers, but in the 1970s, men’s libbers looked something like… feminists?”

Kill All Normies – a problem of fascination (eve massacre) – “Generalization of the particular, alarmistic exaggeration, the effects of standardization, invisible power and ignored capacity to act, misunderstood criticism of privilege, suppressed criticism of racism, pathologization of the others.”

The New War On Gender Studies (gdg) – “This new war on gender studies is not solely targeted at univer­si­ties and rese­arch insti­tutes in fledgling demo­cra­cies. Its reach is more compre­hen­sive and broader still. It is part of a new kind of culture war targe­ting all areas where critical rese­arch in gender and sexua­lity has brought about visi­bi­lity to vulnerable popu­la­tions, along­side important legal protec­tions and gains. It is flexible enough to appeal to the educated and the disen­fran­chised. It unites the popu­list with the conser­va­tive right.” Jennifer Evans debunks much of the anti-pc rethoric.

The Making Of The Fox News White House (the new yorker) – “In a hypothetical world without Fox News, if President Trump were to be hit hard by the Mueller report, it would be the end of him. But, with Fox News covering his back with the Republican base, he has a fighting chance, because he has something no other President in American history has ever had at his disposal—a servile propaganda operation.” Epic.

[Articles German/French]

Eine Welt, in der er noch machen kann, was er will (woz) – “Immer wieder sorgen Fälle von krassem Sexismus in der Gamingszene für Aufsehen. Woher kommt dieser Hass? Bericht aus einer Welt, die längst nicht mehr nur von männlichen Techniknerds dominiert wird.” Gamergate sauber zusammengefasst.

Verschwörungstheoretisches Denken: Die Angst vor einer Einschränkung der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit (medium) – “Zudem ist es sinnvoll, von den Anekdoten und teilweise auch tragischen Geschichten zu abstrahieren, eine größere Entwicklung in den Blick zu nehmen. Dann würde zum Beispiel deutlich, dass die Geisteswissenschaft nicht Universitäten dominieren, sondern gerade im englischsprachigen Raum einen gefährlichen Einbruch erleben.” Philip Wampfler bringt es auf den Punkt.

Männlichkeit ǀ Leben statt sterben lernen (der freitag) – “Mut hingegen, so könnte man mit der Schwarzen Feministin Frances M. Beal sagen, bestünde wiederum gerade nicht im Sterben, sondern vielmehr im Leben für die Revolution, also nicht im quasi-sakralen Opfer, sondern vielmehr im vitalen Versuch, die Verhältnisse tagtäglich zu ändern.” Ein antikapitlistischer Feminismus muss es sein.

Der Panzer des Mannes ist brüchig (der freitag) – “Männer sollten aufhören, über Frauen zu reden! Ganz egal, in welcher Weise. Auch nicht lobpreisend. Sie sollen die Klappe halten! Und hinhören.” Ich bin ja Fan.

Franziska Schutzbach Jetzt die Utopie (republik) – “Utopie wird nicht in die noch kommende Zukunft vertagt. Vielmehr wird die Gegenwart zu dem Ort, an dem Frauen* und ihre Verbündeten handeln und emanzipatorische Sprünge machen. Auch unperfekte. Oder um es mit Valentine, der unbekümmerten Anarchistin, zu sagen: «Wir erobern uns Momente der Freiheit. Was zählt, ist nicht, die anarchistische Utopie zu verwirklichen, sondern Anarchistin zu sein.” Wunderbar und inspirierend. (A).

[Older articles, today videos, but still great]

Leadbelly – Mr. Belly

FASCIA SLAPSTIC from Ana Prvacki


Carolee Schneemann, Protean Artist Who Helped Define Contemporary Avant-Garde, Has Died at 79 (artnews) – “Her parents did not approve of her going into art. “I was so lucky that Bard gave me a scholarship,” she told Rist. “It was a miracle.” College, however, was not a panacea. “It was before the era of women’s self-determination had taken off,” she said. “My teachers always said, ‘You’re very talented, but don’t set your heart on art. You’re only a girl.’”

Agnes Varda.

Keith Flint.

[If you care to receive more regular updates, please follow my diigo (via rss), for all of my saved links, or my zettelkasten (rss), twitter for an edited choice of them]

Header Photo: Guerilla Girls

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