ruff linkage 20182010 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


Tumblr Image of the Week
[I already did and things look gloomy with you dropping out as well]



Steven Pinker’s Ideas About Progress Are Fatally Flawed. These Eight Graphs Show Why. – “It’s time to reclaim the mantle of “Progress” for progressives. By falsely tethering the concept of progress to free market economics and centrist values, Steven Pinker has tried to appropriate a great idea for which he has no rightful claim.” Very careful argumentation, showing in great detail why Pinker is a total fucking (sorry) douchebag.


You’ve Heard of a Murder of Crows. How About a Crow Funeral? – “Unlike the majority of animals, crows react strongly to seeing a fellow member of their species has died, mobbing together and raising a ruckus.”

Wyatt Cenac’s Problem Areas Episode 1 – “Catch the full series premiere of Wyatt Cenac’s Problem Areas as he talks about space billionaires, cow poop, and policing in America. ” This will be fun.

A Bowl Of Peanut Oil Catches 7 Mice In 1 Night – Motion Camera Footage – “A Bowl Of Peanut Oil Catches 7 Mice In 1 Night – Motion Camera Footage”

Vent d’ouest – Jean-Luc Godard – “Et la mort, pour ne pas avoir trop peur, a substitué à son propre silence non pas un son d’outre-tombe, mais d’outre-vie.”

We Took a Wild and Weird Ride on the Weeble Wobble – “It’s a metaphor for one of the core things of being human. There’s a hope that when you get knocked on your ass, you stand back up.” No embed.

listen and

On bullshit jobs. — This Is Hell! – “Anthropologist David Graeber explores the meaning and meaninglessness of our bullshit jobs. David is author of the new book “Bullshit Jobs: A Theory” No embed.

pieceocast089.mp3 [13:37 | 19.9 MB | 192kbps] Pieceocast 089 – And We Have To Wake Up


Jordan Peterson, Custodian of the Patriarchy – “Mr. Peterson’s office has objects scattered and strewn throughout: There is a hat from a gulag, some steampunk masks he thought were cool, stacks of papers and cords, and a Kermit puppet his sister sent him because his fans joke that his voice, high and hoarse, sounds like the Muppet. Mr. Peterson stresses the importance of cleanliness, but honestly his office is a mess.” WTF Bucko… !?!???

Transnationalisms – Bodies, Borders, and Technology. Part 2. The conference – “Not merely the border between physical zones and between nation states, with their differing legal jurisdictions and requirements for entry and residency, but also the border between the physical and digital, when we apparently – but perhaps misleadingly and certainly temporarily – cross over into a different zone of possibility and expression.” All the great conferences that I miss …

Yes, neoliberalism is a thing. Don’t let economists tell you otherwise – “It may be a terrible cliché, but the old adage “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” seems appropriate here. Neoliberalism successfully hid in plain sight for decades, with highly ideological agendas being implemented amidst claims we lived in a post-ideological world. Now that it is coming under ideological challenge, it is all of a sudden stood naked in the middle of the room, having to explain why it’s there” Of course neoliberalism is a thing. Here are the arguments, if someone tries to claim otherwise.

Hacker Breaches Securus, the Company That Helps Cops Track Phones Across the US – “A hacker has provided Motherboard with the login details for a company that buys phone location data from major telecom companies and then sells it to law enforcement.” Duh.

The revenge against the commons of the ZAD – “Why French police, in its biggest operation since May 68, is prepared to kill for Macron’s neoliberal nightmare — and how the ZAD fought back.” Because a liberated area represents a threat to the enforced neoliberal hypnosis.

Dr. Gabor Maté on Donald Trump, Traumaphobia, and Compassion: An Interview – “As far as what to do about it, however, you cannot help somebody who does not recognize that they have a problem. For example, when I was in my addictive behaviors, nobody could help me because I was in a state of denial. I was enjoying what I was doing too much or thought that I was. You can’t force treatment on anybody.” Deep understanding of addiction.

Uber ends mandatory arbitration in sexual assault, harassment cases – “Uber to publish report to better understand how often such incidents are reported.” A much needed step.

The UK government wants to put a price on nature – but that will destroy it | George Monbiot – “As the cognitive linguist George Lakoff points out, when you use the frames and language of your opponents, you don’t persuade them to adopt your point of view. Instead you adopt theirs, while strengthening their resistance to your objectives. Lakoff argues that the key to political success is to promote your own values, rather than appease the mindset you contest.The natural capital agenda reinforces the notion that nature has no value unless you can extract cash from it.” We must finally stop to allow the rightwing assholes to dominate the discourse.

Ivanka Trump Opens U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem During Israeli Massacre of Palestinians in Gaza – “The death toll on Monday means that Israel has now killed more than 90 Palestinians in the past six weeks for approaching the fence it placed around Gaza, surpassing the total number of East Germans shot and killed for trying to scale the Berlin Wall from 1961 to 1989.” Such blatant provocation.

Embed Bud! – “Use this tool to create a more private wrapper around YouTube’s player. You can use the generated code on either your blog or your website.” Not sure if I can trust this, the idea seems great.

A growing wolf population presents German politicians with a conundrum – “New guidelines on hunting regulations are to be released and local authorities are encouraged to adopt non-lethal methods: installing electric fences; hiring “wolf commissioners” to monitor numbers, support farmers and educate citizens; and even, under one proposal, giving the wolves contraception.” #TeamWolf.

Thousands of people in Sweden get microchip implants for a new way of life – “Small implants were first used in 2015 in Sweden and since then people have become active in microchipping” The Swedes are chip-happy.

Johan Cruyff’s leftwing legacy lives on as rich are barred from renting childhood home – “Footballer’s flat in Amsterdam available as social housing for low earners only despite calls to turn property into a museum” My all time favorite player.

Service Meant to Monitor Inmates’ Calls Could Track You, Too – “Privacy concerns about Securus and location services were raised to the F.C.C. last year before the company’s sale to Platinum Equity, a private equity firm, for about $1.5 billion.” Oh.

Is Capitalism a Threat to Democracy? – “The idea that authoritarianism attracts workers harmed by the free market, which emerged when the Nazis were in power, has been making a comeback.” You think?!


After Authenticity – “his constructivist view is incompatible with popular forms of postmodern critique but it also opens up new critical opportunities. We live in a time where brands are expected to not just reflect our values but act on them. Trust in business can no longer be based on visual signals of authenticity, only on proof of work.” Bit of the usual and lame identity politics bashing in the middle there, but some good thoughts anyway.


G20: Polizisten marschierten bei Demo im “Schwarzen Block” mit – “Bei der G20-Demo “Welcome to Hell” tarnten sich mehrere Zivilbeamte als gewaltbereite Protestler. Eine gängige Taktik, sagt die Polizei. Ein Beitrag zur Eskalation, sagen Kritiker.” There are 1312 reasons to not trust the popos.

Über Sinn und Unsinn des vollen Geldes – “Die Vollgeldinitiative, über die Mitte Juni abgestimmt wird, behauptet, den heutigen Casinokapitalismus in die Knie zwingen zu können. Kann sie das wirklich?” This is what we get to vote about? Oh take a hike.

Reconquista Internet – “Wir sind #ReconquistaInternet, eine digitale Bürgerrechtsbewegung für Liebe und Vernunft im Internet und eine Zivilisierung des gesellschaftlichen Diskurses in den sozialen Netzwerken.” The website.

Kroatien: Die Ustascha im Herzen – “Jahr für Jahr wird die alte Allianz zwischen kroatischem Nationalismus und kroatischem Katholizismus im österreichischen Bleiburg aufs Neue beschworen.” Great reporting.

#metoo – wieso es sich die Medien zu einfach machen – “Über Sexismus in Beruf und Alltag berichten Medien gern und viel, gerade wenn Prominenz am Pranger steht. Geht es aber um die eigene Branche, wird es schnell ruhig. Auch und besonders in der Schweiz.” Not a surprise here, about time this changes.

Das FBI hat Hunderte deutsche Tor-Nutzer gehackt – “Mit einer gigantischen Hacking-Operation hat das FBI die Anonymität von zahlreichen Pädophilen geknackt – darunter auch Christian L. aus Staufen, der sich im Darknet “GeilerDaddy” genannt haben soll. Die Methode ist rechtlich umstritten.” Of course these guys deserve to get caught, but the implications for the safety of Tor are huge.

Der Traum vom Tech-Staat – “Eine sozialistische Utopie in Chile wollte lange vor dem Silicon Valley das Regieren endlich schwerelos und Freiheit programmierbar machen: das Projekt Cybersyn.” Bit hyperbolic, but what else do you expect from this magazine?

Neue Rechte: Bis in den letzten, rechten Winkel – “Mit dem Erstarken der AfD ist ein gewaltiges Netzwerk aus Medien, Thinktanks, Financiers und Veranstaltungen entstanden, die sich alle um ein zentrales Thema drehen: die Einwanderung von Muslimen. Die Rechten zeichnen sie in Zeitschriften und Blogs wahlweise als Bedrohung für die europäische Kultur oder als feindliche Invasoren.” A good overview of the growing rightwing network in Germany.

Von Hummern und Menschen. Jordan Petersons fehlgeleiteter Liberalismus – “Der Psychologe Jordan Peterson gehört im Internet zu den populärsten Vertretern des „Klassischen Liberalismus“, der sich die Verteidigung der Meinungsfreiheit auf die Fahne geschrieben hat. Doch seine hunderttausendfach geklickten Vorlesungen und Interviews zeigen ein fragwürdiges Verständnis des politischen Debattierens.” Quite a decent article, even if to my taste too many assumptions of Peterson go unchallenged.

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