ruff linkage 2018218 min read

[weekly linkdump, somewhat edited from my diigo]


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I was Jordan Peterson’s strongest supporter. Now I think he’s dangerous – “You don’t understand. I am willing to lose everything, my home, my job etc., because I believe in this. Tammy had a dream, and sometimes her dreams are prophetic. She dreamed that it was five minutes to midnight.” The psychology professor who brought Peterson to the university of Toronto describes Peterson as a martyr with religious fervor.

Happy 21st Century! – “Forget barbed wire, concentration camps, gas chambers and gallows, and Hugo Boss uniforms. That’s the 20th century pattern of centralized, industrialized genocide. In the 21st century deep-learning mediated AI era, we have the tools to inflict agile, decentralized genocide as a cloud service on our victims.” This is not even dystopian at all.


Clubbing in the Wild – VLDL (nature documentary parody) – “A first ever look at humans in their natural habitat… the club!”

Ice Cream Sandwiches | How It’s Made – “87% of Americans have ice cream in their freezer at any given time. Chocolate syrup is the world’s most popular ice cream topping.” Watch this and decide if you can still eat one of these things after.

“ROYAL WEDDING” — A Bad Lip Reading – “Royal weddings are so different these days…”

listen and


Opioid Withdrawal – Quinn Norton – “Hello, I’m Quinn, and I’m documenting my experience of opioid withdrawal to help others who are facing the same process. It’s just one person’s experience, but I hope it can help others out there get through withdrawal safely and successfully, and put physical dependency behind them.” An actual how-to.

The Oxygen of Amplification – “As social and digital media are leveraged to reconfigure the information landscape, Phillips argues that this new domain requires journalists to take what they know about abuses of power and media manipulation in traditional information ecosystems; and apply and adapt that knowledge to networked actors, such as white nationalist networks online.” Instructions for journalists in four PDFs on how to deal with right wing trolls and hate speech.

Skateboarding Icon Jason Jessee Is Under Fire for Use of Swastikas and Racist Remarks – “After old interviews featuring racial slurs and hate symbols surfaced online, the skateboard community began to wonder why he’s still being celebrated as a legend.”

Humans just 0.01% of all life but have destroyed 83% of wild mammals – study – “Groundbreaking assessment of all life on Earth reveals humanity’s surprisingly tiny part in it as well as our disproportionate impact” Humans are insignificant and totally destructive at the same time.

Review: 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson | Kate Manne – “Peterson’s 12 Rules For Life is a fast-acting, short-term analgesic that will make many of his readers feel better temporarily, while failing to address their underlying problem. On the contrary, the book often fuels the very sense of entitled need which, when it goes unsatisfied, causes such pain and outrage.” The omissions are shocking.

Jordan Peterson and the rise of the cargo cult intellectual – “When banal life advice comes from your mum, it’s nagging. When it comes from a renegade professor with a Patreon, it’s worth $80,000 a month.” Toma. Pilla.

Massive Attack album stored in DNA – “Massive Attack’s album Mezzanine is 20 years old. To celebrate, the band is working with scientists to store the album on DNA. Once coded, the band’s classic album could last for at least hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years or longer. The technology that allows this was developed at ETH Zurich, and that’s where the band went to get their business done.” Is this relevant?

Ignore the hype over big tech. Its products are mostly useless – “Ignore all those whoops. If we do not want to live in a world in which “assistants” trick us into flimsy conversations, and human contact is a chore left to the bottom of the labour market, we do not have to. There is a basic fact about the future the figureheads of big tech too often forget: that what it will look like is actually up to us, not them.” Don’t believe the hype.

Email Hackers Are Winning – “Email clients don’t have to be this bad,” says Green. Our interview was over the encrypted message application Signal. How does email get better? “If we’re talking about real people, then we’re using it … The path goes through Signal and WhatsApp and Wire and Wickr to someone doing a corporate product with email-like interface features.” Email R.I.P.

Fashion doesn’t normalise fascism – but newspaper coverage does – “The Sunday Times profiled Generation Identity with the headline Heil Hipsters!” This is how ormalisation looks like.


Hallo Mehrheit! – “Vermutlich werden sich GrĂźne, Linke, die SPD, die Journalisten, Feuilletonisten auch dann noch darĂźber streiten, wie man politisch korrekt und aufgeschlossen mit Faschisten reden sollte, wenn Nationalradikale die Mehrheit in der Regierung einnehmen.” “Der Zweck der Revolution ist die Abschaffung der Angst.” (Theodor W. Adorno in einem Brief an Walter Benjamin vom 18. März 1936). Major reset needed in politics.

Nicht die Linken haben die Kunst der politischen Provokation erfunden: Es waren die präfaschistischen Futuristen – “Den Staat provozieren, auf dass er sein wahres intolerantes Antlitz zeige: Was die Neuen Rechten heute zelebrieren, haben sie von den 1968ern gelernt. Diese liessen sich von den Situationisten inspirieren, diese sich von den Dadaisten – und diese bezogen sich auf die aggressiven italienischen Futuristen. Eine Spurensuche.” Wagner keeps elaborating his thesis.

Das Wissen der Menschheit soll ein Backup auf dem Mond bekommen – “Sollte eines Tages die Welt untergehen, wird zumindest Wikipedia Ăźberleben. Ein ambitionierter Unternehmer will jetzt 25 Millionen Seiten der Enzyklopädie ins All schicken.” Is this relevant?

Zwei unterschiedliche Blicke nach rechts – “Sie tun das Gleiche, aber doch nicht dasselbe: Fabian Eberhard recherchiert aus journalistischem Interesse im rechtsextremen Milieu. SĂśren Kohlhuber tut dies aus politischem Antrieb. Ein Gespräch Ăźber die Grauzone zwischen Journalismus und Aktivismus.” Activist versus journalist.

Hate Speech: der Bumerangeffekt – “Wenn die Wirksamkeit von Sprache nicht in der Sprache selbst liegt, sondern in der Art und Weise, wie eine (größere oder kleinere) Gesellschaft Sprache denkt, dann ist dieses Sprachdenken auch veränderbar. Das ist im Übrigen auch eine der zentralen Thesen aus Butlers Buch. Denn in einer Gesellschaft zu sprechen, die davon ausgeht, dass es primär der Absender ist, der sich durch Hate Speech definiert, wäre Hassrede vor allem ein persĂśnliches Risiko fĂźr denjenigen, der sie von sich gibt.”

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