Teaser Image 2020 08 Corn Field

This! August 202011 min read

[A monthly link list of recommended articles, videos, podcasts, photos, tweets … you name it]

an image or two from my Tumblr
an image or two from my Tumblr
an image or two from my Tumblr


Foxplained: Who Is Kamala Harris?

Poppy – How to apply a mask

Making Your Zoom Look More Professorial Andrew Ishak

2020: an isolation odyssey


Public Enemy – Fight The Power 2020 Remix

ANTISCHWURBLER – Jack Pott feat.The Aluhut-Verschwörungschor[via logbuch: netzpolitik]

Love Will Tear Us Apart – Remix – Joy Division


Disaster Anarchy w/ scott crow [sole] – “An in depth discussion with scott crow, co-founder of Common Ground Relief Effort in New Orleans. scott is also an author, musician and a spokesperson for the Agency collective. We talk about how anarchist strategies and ideas have evolved in the context of the pandemic. We discuss how dramatically daily life has changed, its near-term and future implications and the multiple overlapping crisis’ we face. We talk about the limitations and promises of mutual aid & self defense practices in the Coronavirus Era, and how these practices have spread from Hurricane Katrina to the present.” Disclaimer: I hate Scotts take on guns with a passion, the podcast contains enough interesting stuff otherwise to be featured anyway.

[Articles English]

‘Queer Eye’, Jordan Peterson and the battle for depressed men [openDemocracy] – “The attraction of these movements shouldn’t be surprising. If you are the sort of person who is accustomed to being given power by social hierarchies – white, male, straight – then those who tell you to wield that power with pride, that doing so will make you feel alive, will always be a source of temptation.” Best read this month.

Prevention and Aftercare for Those Targeted by Doxxing and Political Harassment [crimethinc] – Super helpful how-to.

Ava DuVernay Talks to Angela Davis About Black Lives Matter [vanity fair] – “One of the things that some of us said over and over again is that we’re doing this work. Don’t expect to receive public credit for it. It’s not to be acknowledged that we do this work. We do this work because we want to change the world.”

A dilemma for ‘long-haulers’: Many can’t prove they had Covid-19 [statnews] – “As the coronavirus pandemic rolls on, an unknown number of seemingly recovered patients are experiencing what is being called post-Covid syndrome — weeks or months of profound fatigue, fevers, problems with concentration and memory, dizzy spells, hair loss, and many other troubling symptoms. Among these “long-haulers,” as they have become known, a significant number face a very specific challenge: convincing others they had Covid-19 in the first place.” I am still afraid I might die every day, and at the same time the doubts are eating me up.

How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism, a New Book by Cory Doctorow [onezero] – “Surveillance capitalism is everywhere. But it’s not the result of some wrong turn or a rogue abuse of corporate power — it’s the system working as intended. This is the subject of Cory Doctorow’s new book, which we’re thrilled to publish in whole here on OneZero. This is how to destroy surveillance capitalism.”

A Roadmap for Re-imagining Public Safety in the United States [human rights watch] – “14 Recommendations on Policing, Community Investment, and Accountability”

Banksy funds refugee rescue boat operating in Mediterranean [the guardian] – “Exclusive: UK artist finances bright pink motor yacht that set sail in secrecy to avoid being intercepted by authorities” Banksy <3

COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Need to Adapt [time] – “However, it seems clear that aerosols are more important when it comes to transmitting COVID-19 than we thought six months ago—and certainly more important than public health officials are currently making them out to be. The WHO and CDC, among others, must begin communicating the science suggesting aerosol spread of COVID-19—and the risk reduction strategies necessary as a result. If not, we hamper our ability to counter the growing health consequences and increasing death toll of COVID-19.”

Something remarkable just happened this August: How the pandemic has sped up the passage to postcapitalism [yanis varoufakis] – “In the short term, to avoid the worst, the minimum necessary change that we need is an International Green New Deal that, beginning with a massive restructuring of public and private debts, uses public financial tools to press the oodles of existing liquidity (e.g. funds driving up money markets) into public service (e.g. a green energy revolution).”

Erich Fromm and the Revolution of Hope [jacobin] – “The German socialist thinker Erich Fromm developed a powerful critique of authoritarian culture in response to the rise of Nazism. Today’s Left has much to learn from that critique, and from his defiant political optimism in the face of dark times.”

On Facebook Banning Pages that Support CrimethInc.com [crimethinc] – “And the Digital Censorship to Come” And so it begins.

American Zealots. Inside Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism [wmmna] – “In his comprehensive and comparative study, Arie Perliger attempts to understand the societal and political factors behind the dramatic rise in far right violence, the new characteristics of its ideological framework as well as the type of strategies society should adopt to counter the growing threat.”

Global Climate Report – July 2020 [ndcd.noaa.gov] – “The July 2020 global land and ocean surface temperature of 0.92°C (1.66°F) above the 20th century average tied with 2016 as the second highest July global temperature since records began in 1880. This value was only 0.01°C (0.02°F) shy of tying the record warm July of 2019. July 2020 was the 44th consecutive July and the 427th consecutive month with temperatures, at least nominally, above the 20th century average. Nine of the 10 warmest Julys on record have occurred since 2010.” Hot damn.

Benevolent sexism: a feminist comic explains how it holds women back [the guardian] – “The French artist Emma, famous for her comic on the ‘mental load’, illustrates how certain ‘friendly’ remarks can belittle women in the workplace”

Beyond Guilt and Privilege: Abolishing the White Race [viewpoint magazine] – “Now is not the time to focus on whiteness. And yet, if our movement hopes to abolish white domination, we must at least ask what whiteness means. We should be clear on its history and effects on our social existence. Neither endless introspection among white people, nor corporate handbooks on diversity, nor a purely moral recognition of white supremacy’s evils can provide such clarity. We need to examine whiteness as a political problem.”

Cultures of Violence. Visual Arts and Political Violence [wmmna] – “The artistic and intellectual practices investigated in the various essays not only decry forms of violence that might not always be visible but also respond to them with strategies that range from poetical hijacking of public space to backing of wider grassroots movements, from playful collaborations with migrant workers to utterly bonkers performance that stunned passersby. By engaging head-on with the work of activists, with the struggles of fragilized communities and more generally with a broader culture of violence, the initiatives explored in Cultures of Violence have the potential to re-shape social dynamics.”

Brain fog, phantom smells and tinnitus: my 4 months (and counting) of Covid-19 [the guardian] – “I fell sick on 25 March. Four months later, I’m still dealing with fever, cognitive dysfunction, memory issues and much more”

How Capitalism Changed Football for the Worse [jacobin] – “Across England, the most successful businesses in world football grow ever richer — while long-established community clubs from Bury to Bolton and Wigan slowly die in their shadows. Big capitalists are transforming the sport we love for the worse.” And it all started in earnest with Chelsea and Abramovich. Sad face smiley.

I Finally Fully Recovered From Long-Haul Covid-19. Here’s How. – “I did not get well by chance. Doctors weren’t helping. To save my own life, I had to become an expert in the disease, using research skills honed as a reporter. I had to connect the dots on my own. I had to figure out what was going wrong, and how to fix it using only those things that could be purchased over the counter.” Some good info here, but do not ever push your body physically to exhaustion. That is pure poison.

[Articles German/French]

Rechtsextremismus: Wenn es doch nur Chaoten wären [zeit] – “Die Demo von Berlin lief bestens für die Rechtsextremen. Niemand grenzte sie aus, es entstanden sogar neue Allianzen. Und trotzdem wird das Problem kleingeredet.”

Im Netz der Corona-Gegner [correctiv] – “Ungültige Atteste gegen die Maskenpflicht und ein vertrauliches Treffen mit Sachsens Ministerpräsident Kretschmer: Eine Recherche von CORRECTIV zeigt, wie ein bundesweites Netzwerk von Wissenschaftlern, Meinungsmachern und Anwälten versucht, die Corona-Maßnahmen zu untergraben.”

Sascha Lobo zu den Kommunikationsmustern der #CoronaDemo [twitter] – “Sascha Lobo hat sich die sechs wichtigsten Kommunikationsmuster angeschaut,mit denen die -Demo am 29.August in Berlin vorbereitet wird.” Yes, I dislike Lobo of course, and especially his colour coded bookshelf, but he makes some very good point here.

„Tsch-Tsch“: Toxische Grillade auf Kosten des Klimas [das lamm] – “Jedes Jahr aufs Neue bombardieren uns Detailhändler*innen mit fleischlastiger Grillwerbung. Diese schreibt den Geschlechtern verstaubte Ernährungsmuster zu und negiert, dass der Fleischkonsum gravierende soziale und umweltschädliche Konsequenzen mit sich bringt. Wir haben Coop gefragt, weshalb sie so vehement an dieser vorsintflutlichen Stereotypisierung festhalten.”

Pensée, parole, lutte. Un souvenir de Nanni Balestrini [lundi.am] – “Figure de proue de l’avant-guarde artistique des années 60, Balestrini s’est engagé corps et âme dans les mouvements insurrectionnels des années 70 et a écrit plusieurs ouvrages précieux sur cette période (La Horde d’or avec Primo Moroni, Nous voulons tout, Les invisibles).” Nanni, we miss you.

Populismus in der Pandemie: Die tödlichen Folgen der Realitätsverweigerung [tagesspiegel – “Inwiefern es gelingen kann, demgegenüber einen solidarischen Umgang mit der Krise durchzusetzen, der alle vorhandenen Möglichkeiten nutzt, um Menschenleben zu schützen, hängt nicht nur von medizinischer Aufklärung ab – wie sie in Deutschland vor allem mit der Person Christian Drostens verbunden ist –, sondern auch davon, ob Gewerkschaften und zivilgesellschaftliche Initiativen in der Krise erfolgreich soziale Lösungen für alle statt marktradikaler Strategien auf Kosten marginalisierter Gruppen durchsetzen können.
Ein entsprechender Umgang wäre nicht allein eine medizinische Frage, sondern schließt auch die Notwendigkeit ein, über Vermögensumverteilung, Arbeitszeitverkürzung und ungleich verteilte Belastung durch Fürsorgeverpflichtungen zu sprechen.” Smart analysis of right wing populism.

«Wir haben die Wahl zwischen einem neofaschistischen Gangster und einem neoliberalen Desaster» [republik] – “Cornel West, Professor für Afroamerikanische Geschichte und Philosophie, Theologe, Aktivist, Christ und Sozialist, gilt als einer der führenden schwarzen Intellektuellen in den USA. Die lange Geschichte von Rassismus und Gier hole das Land nun ein, sagt er im Hinblick auf die US-Präsidentschafts­wahlen. Ein Gespräch über Lynchmorde im 21. Jahrhundert, Black Lives Matter, Big Money, Disneyland, Präsident Donald Trump und warum Kandidat Joe Biden mit seiner rassistischen Vergangenheit und seiner neoliberalen Politik keine Alternative ist, das zerfallende und gewalttätige Land zu reformieren.” It’s not much of a choice. Vote Biden, because he is the lesser evil.

Bührle wird beschönigt [woz] – “Stadt und Kanton Zürich wollten die Geschichte von Naziwaffenhändler und Kunstsammler Emil Georg Bührle unabhängig aufarbeiten lassen. Dann entdeckte ein Forscher Verharmlosungen im Text. Ein Geschichtskrimi um Antisemitismus, Standortmarketing und die Wissenschaftsfreiheit.”

Allmächtige Cancel Culture: Lisa Eckhart, J.K. Rowling, Weinstein [watson] – “Trotzdem findet jene Rechte, die in Amerika die Abtreibung abschaffen will, die allgemein bereits Greta Thunberg das Recht auf Öffentlichkeit abgesprochen hat und mitten in Europa der türkischstämmigen Kabarettistin Idil Baydar, den Linken-Politikerinnen Martina Renner, Anne Helm und Janine Wissler und der Wiener Autorin Stefanie Sargnagel Vergewaltigungs- und Todesdrohungen schickt oder den CDU-Politiker Walter Lübcke erschossen hat, dass sich die linke Cancel-Culture-Jugend auf einem Feldzug gegen die Freiheit an sich befinde.”

Kunstfreiheit – Ebay löscht „Kantholz“ vom Peng-Kollektiv aus dem Sortiment [netzpolitik] – “Der Online-Marktplatz Ebay löscht die Versteigerung eines symbolischen Kantholzes wegen angeblicher Gewaltverherrlichung. Das Kunstkollektiv Peng sieht hierin einen Eingriff in die Kunstfreiheit – und fordert, dass die Auktion wieder online geht.”

«Ein Impfstoff wäre nicht die Erlösung» [woz] – “Der Bund hat bei der US-Biotechfirma Moderna einige Millionen Dosen Coronaimpfstoff vorbestellt. Würde sich der ehemalige Hausarzt und Impfexperte Peter Klein selber damit impfen lassen?”

Das Netzwerk der Antifeministen: Wenn fragile Männlichkeit gefährlich wird [tagesspiegel] – “Sie halten Feminismus für „die größte Bedrohung seit Bestehen der Bundesrepublik“, wollen Gesetze beeinflussen. Auf diese Ideen berufen sich auch Terroristen.”

[Older articles, still great]

Wild Fugazi Cover by Highschool Band.


Chadwick Boseman
Staurt Christie

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Header Photo: Descriptive

2 Replies to “This! August 202011 min read

  1. Das Antischwurbler-Video ist grossartig, dankesehr. Und die Fugazi-Kids habe ich – weil fast ebenso cool – grad in meine Kids machen geile Mucke-Playlist auf Youtube aufgenommen.

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